These images were all taken within 50 ft of where I write this now. A special event is to happen tomorrow for me, so even though I promise to reply to any questions regarding these images, please bear with me as I`ll be glad to do so. My brother who spent his adult working life, first in Africa, then for the last three years, in New Caledonia, in the South Pacific, will be arriving here tomorrow, after a one month journey from Que. Canada, to Malibu. I`ve not seen him in probably 15/17 years, so we do have some catching up to do.These images are presented in a random format, rather than by subject matter, as I thought since some of them may have a dark pall over them, I decided to not bum you out all at once. I just spread it around to create a more “Twilight Zone” atmosphere. |
This traveler on the “Silk Road” plied his trade on the trade routes between ANAU & GONUR, two ancient cities that bustled with activity back 4,000 years ago, at the time when the first great societies along the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow rivers were flourishing.This man traded in information passed along from one wandering trader to the next merchant to the camel driver, back and forth along the tubes of this ancient internet. With knowledge gained through his sources, who came through periodically, he could then “predict” the probable course of the future, and became highly sought out for his wealth of vision into the “future”. Thus the internet was born.
Click image for larger version.
“It`s not the destination, it`s the journey”
So, are you the source for Sen. “Tubes” Stevens view of the internet?
I sold him a set of four hamster tubes & told him to hold them till the price went up. I sort of alluded that they were related to ham radio tubes, but he seemed to be in a vacuum.
Blenny, a lifelong comic, who tested the limits of “Free Speech” in his stage routines used words such as “SPERM whale”, “TIT mouse”, “PUSSY willow”, “bruce COCKburn”, “DICK cheney”, “laura BUSH”, ect.. When asked, in the third grade, to make a sentence with the word “duck”, he formulated this sentence. “As the duck crossed the street, a car hit it in the ass”. The teacher said,”Don`t say ‘ass’, say ‘rectum’.
“Wrecked um, it near killed um!!”, he replied.
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MIND THE GAP: Removing the occasional floorboard from your home will help generate in you, and in those who visit you, a heightened sense of awareness of your surroundings. From the book of WRONG SHUI.
On any day, merely walking out the door is the perfect way to begin an adventure or end one. The sound of the ocean waves, the sight of the hills in bloom, the occasional fire or earthquake are soon part of daily life in Malibu. Yet for the many years I`ve been here, each day is still a pleasant surprise.This view from my house is uninterrupted visually & the ocean waves compliment the view with their crashing soothing.
Click image for larger version.
“Don`t look back, someone might be gaining on you”
You can check out any time you like…
but you can never leave…
Looks like red ribbons or scarves …
A relatively unsung beauty, this fish, flaring now, after a thrust forward, gently glides effortlessly against a backdrop of green. The green beauty, reminiscent of Martian fingerprints is a bubble coral at full expansion. The bubbles are actually inflated tentacles that capture food , ingested into a single large oral cavity. This particular coral is at it`s peak size in the wild deep. It is approximately 12″ across and one of the most beautiful specimens of this coral I`ve seen, including photos of this species from the world community of aquarists.
Click image for larger version.
“They are ill discoverers that think there is no land when they see nothing but sea.
One of life`s little surprises is coming in from an evening`s work in my detached office at home & finding an unexpected little snack, left there by my “Don`t take any pictures of me” wife.
Click image for larger version.
“Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.”
Going to change your name to Rembrandt? Wonderful use of light and dark to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Thank you for the praises but I already have a few AKA`s .
I know what you mean by “ordinary into the extraordinary”,
but it wasn`t ordinary that I had this nice surprise that night, that`s really what made it extraordinary.
BTW, I always look forward to your photos.
These two sisters have been at odds since childhood. Born in a village where beauty is the mark of royalty, one is extremely jealous of the other, a vice encouraged by other young ladies in their tribe, who could only hope to be as beautiful, who instigate conflict with rumor & innuendo. The other sister, true to her royal destiny, takes the abuse, as if it`s required of her, almost like a rite of passage. This only aggravates the situation with her sister, who thinks it is an effrontery, to hope she will eventually be queen. The way one perceives beauty is sometimes confusing. Is the scarred burn victim who comforts her younger brother who scraped his knee, less beautiful, than the young lady vying for the “ROSE PARADE Queen” title.
You choose: Who is the jealous one & who is at peace with herself.
The fate of the sisters rest in your hands.
Click image for larger version.
“Curtains should never be drawn.
It is much better if they are lightly sketched.”
This Tang, with a thin front profile & a large lateral profile can nonetheless navigate through random & alternating currents in a nice line & with beautiful form with the exqusite balance of a dancer. By trimming it`s sail, setting the tiller & with it`s fins as a balance pole, it seems to be signaling that all is well, as it exits a cave onto the forereef.
Click image for larger version.
Always do right: It will gratify some & astonish others.
“CURRENT MOTION” is what you see at a point in time. When you see many points you`re looking at movement. No matter how many points you see of an object that the current in the water can`t move you`ll see no motion. Currently, this image shows stationary movement & static motion & will always only do so.I like to enter these dreamscapes & explore the possibilities.
Click image for larger version.
“Spirit of place! It is for this we travel,to surprise it`s subtlety; and where it is a strong & dominant angel, that place, seen once, abides entire in the memory with all it`s own accidents, it`s habits, it`s breath, it`s name.”
Throughout the geographical & geological history of this “Blue Planet” violence has been a subjective reality. As a result of avarice backed by big guns, the strong, deluded by arrogance have plundered from the perceived weak. While fueling their weapons with oil, a geological byproduct, man has ignored the “Blue” in Blue Planet. While this liquid death is being depleted the next weapons are being assembled to make water the next control medium. We may be killing for oil now, but we`ll be dying without water. The violence the future promises, will be a direct result of the rape of mother earth by it`s supposedly highest order of life form. This image is about wasting water while subjugating one to take theirs. The sweating rapist. sad
Click image for larger version.
“Purity doesn`t always mean innocence
I love your photos. I was just looking at some of the fish photos I printed out for my kid last year.
I remember your sharing young one. Thank you. How is the little one doing?
She’s great. She loved the pics of the fish today and I’m printing a few for her photo album. I’m also printing her some of keres’ birds.
This is the Hulk, in your face Teach 313.
HA! A “crutch” you called it. I was born in LOVE CANAL, & the only thing that keeps my superior development at bay, is the spinach I pillage from POPEYE`S stash. “It`s not a tumor”
Click image for larger version.
I’m so glad you mastered the HTML. Your photography and your poetry are both amazing!
Thank you Kahli. I had help getting the HTML. The things I write about the images, are somtimes why I created the image & sometimes a result of creating the image, but are almost always spontaneous.
Wonderful work Head! Thank you, and congratulations on your reunion with your brother!
Hey dada,
I`m waiting for him now & have a full schedule planned, but I love tangents, so whatever happens, it`s all good. I`ve been following his progress across the US & relating to him, events that I experienced 35 yrs. ago, on parts of the same route, during one of my motorcycle runs
from Nothern Quebec to Malibu. I`ll introduce him in a new fOtofair diary tomorrow.
Artistry. These are all great.
Weird and wonderful. Thanks for the look around your world. As Woody Allen once said to James Woods, “Excuse me, I due back on Planet Earth now.” 🙂
I forgot to say have a great time catching up with your brother.
Absolutely amazing photographs – all
of them (although the “hulk” made me
a bit squeemish). You really don’t have
far to go for incredible inspiration!
Hope we get to see more really soon.
Thank you Curly.

One never should have to travel to be inspired. The “dark” image in my comment “Violent Conception” is a close-up of an area between the folds of this beautiful fungus on the side of a tree.
WOW!!! Just WOW!!! The photos – the stories -the quotes – WOW!!! Just WOW!!!
Thank you for your encouragement by the compliments.