fOtofair2006 boran2-Bryce Canyon, Utah
I’ve included only 3 photos here, the first 2 of which are both from Bryce Canyon in Utah. They were both taken last August when I and the boran2 boy descended to the canyon bottom. (Madame boran waited at the top.) It was a spectacular climb down. The weather was perfect and made for nice images. The third image is a closeup of an interesting plant, also taken in Utah. I was using a very basic Samsung digital camera at the time that I took these photos. That unit has since expired and gone to camera heaven after only some 13 months of use. I now use a Nikon L4. Interestingly enough, the boran2 boy is using my ancient Polaroid digital which he continues to drop from time to time. It still works perfectly. Go figure. |
This looks like the old rock men having a confab. Great picture.
That’s so cool! It does look like a group of very stern looking old men.
Old stern Republican men no doubt. (If that isn’t redundant.)
Lord of the Ringish.
Wonderful photos, boran2! Is that a very tiny Madam boran in the center at the edge of the shadow?
You’ve got good eyes! But no, that’s another climber.
Wow! I’m going to run out of superlatives very quickly here in these photo diaries. This is just such a cool shot.
Lamb’s wool clouds, fading almost into horses’s tails. I like the way this looks like you are in the middle of the rock circle, looking up as the clouds come over. Very beautiful.
There is something appealing about the perspective in this. I’ve taken a similar shot with Sequoias instead of rocks.
What kind of plant is this? Some kind of Kalanchoe? The leaves look very thin for that, but the shape of the plant fits. Great plant in any case.
I was calling this my cabbage photo.
It sure does look like cabbage, but if it’s a succulent type (my guess, given Utah), I’d hazard a guess that it’s some kind of echeverria species. Great pic here (and elsewhere in the diary!)
Fabulous. I’ve got to get to Utah. No excuse for me not to now that I’m living about 200 miles away.
Thanks for these views.
It must be hard to leave beautiful Santa Fe for any length of time.
It is great, but I love to travel. It’s nice to have a wonderful place to come back to, though.
Bryce Canyone is simply spectacular. Zion too. Utah is an amazing state.
Red status notwithstanding.
We like to hang out in Moab with the heathens. 🙂
We do the same in Kanab. 😉
Nice pics. I love the first one best. Are you going to paint a version of that?
Hmmm, I’ll have to give that some thought.
Please paint this one … 🙂
I love when clouds look like these … Little puffs.
I love bryce and these are great photos but I WANT MORE!
Thanks, I’ll see if there was anything else worthy of being posted.