Brown County Indiana: Winter-Spring
Having enjoyed following the “story” of Olivia’s garden for several months, I decided that I would like to do something similar; I wanted to document the days and seasons of the forest that surrounds my home. So I got a good, easy to carry P&S (Canon SD550) and took it with me on my walks with the dogs. Here are the results starting in winter 2005 and going on through spring of 2006. |
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This braided creek has a lot of trouble staying “between the lines” which the snow shows really well.
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A wet snow and an unfrozen lake make for shot that looks like something that Ansel Adams might have wanted to photograph.
Thanks for the tour of your world. Now ya got me longing for trees, forest, and water… again!
I thought this was beautiful when you first took it and I love it just as much the second time around.
This is an amazing photo Andi.
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The main hollow that runs through our property down to the camp. It’s my favorite place on our property.
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The woods are pretty static in the winter but freezing and thawing do offer up some nice patterns.
Cool, in more ways than one.
So many of your photos, like this one, seem to have an elusive extra ingredient. Are you certain there aren’t Naiads living in your streams?
if you use the alternate spelling of ‘dogs’, then I’m sure there are.
I love this. There’s a place where we go hiking regularly, and every winter, we see the frozen water in these kinds of patterns, risen up on the reeds and equisetum as the water level falls away. You picture of that is quite beautiful.
You are a great photographer of nature, Andi.
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You’ve got a great eye for this.
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As in winter, the creeks in early spring offer a diversion while waiting for the woods to get “busy”.
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I took this picture because I liked the sharp edges of the dead tree against the light background but the suggestion of the green to come made me ridiculously happy.
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The intensity of the green in spring often seems unreal to me. It’s good to have photographs that prove it isn’t.
Hard to pick a favorite, but after much consideration and repeated viewings, this one is it. Tied in a very close second were Winter Lake and Canopy Up Close.
I like it a lot too — it may not be purple and wet but it sure as hell is green and wet.
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In spring, the canopy is so heavy you can be down in the hollow during rain and not get wet.
Beautiful …
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It’s just so damned pretty.
Didn’t think you could top your summer and fall collection – but these are magnificent.
You have an amaxing eye and an extraordinary ability to capture what you see. Brava.
There is nothing like that brilliant, audacious green of spring.
I bow to the master!!!!!
Great composition
my heart remembered innocence
Wow…almost makes me want to leave SoCal for someplace with seasons besides cool, nice, hot and fire. Almost. I think my fave is the winter lake one. It’s like a Christmas card painting.
Great pictures Andi!
Wonderful photos Andi.
You capture the essence of the outdoors so well, I now think of your area as Andi’s Enchanted Forest;-)
These are really beautiful, Andi.
Great shots, andi.
Andi, these are truly enchanted and enchanting pictures. No words of mine could match the superlativeness(is that a word?)of these small pieces of art.
are truly magical…thanks Andi…beautiful work…and give your furry compatriots some props …AKA: treats…on me
for looking at my pics and sharing your thoughts about them.
Thank you AndiF for your photos and your contribution toward making the fair possible.
I really like winter and appreciate your photos – subtleties, almost patterns, hints of color, lines, sparkle, fluff, and reflections – gorgeous.