Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
while working on the apartment, working on the book, letting the Hallowe’en madness happen elsewhere…like on State Street.
Jerome a Paris has a big article on the Orange Zone that reads real good, because it certainly addresses some concerns I have had about its direction. Haven’t perused all the comments, but he deserves some love…
Somehow I cannot wait until this election is over. I’m concerned over Ford in TN and Lamont in CT. I’m more concerned with Lamont than Ford, though.
I’ve got a deadline with the book in January, so I might do one more N.O. diary, this time about my stepfather, who went back there to save his mother’s house.
He said the stench of dead bodies still permeates the city. And that the air quality is so bad, they had to end their trip early so that the toddler grandchildren would not suffer respiratory problems.
Hope you’ll have time for the diary, blksista. But then again, I wouldn’t want it to interfere with the book deadline. Your writing is so interesting, and the stuff important to know more about. Most of us wouldn’t know about NO up close save for writing of yours and a few others.
Something’s whack about the “comments” since I’ve switched to IE7 . . . I’ve lost the left side of them. The left side ad column (or something) seems to be masking the left side of the comments. Doesn’t happen on Eurotrib, and I haven’t seen anything like it on other web sites (so far).
Just upgraded to 2.0 — been getting some odd crashes on the Intel iMac, seems to be a little more stable on the PowerPC iBook though. And the “Restore Session” feature when it crashes is freakin’ awesome…
Not me. I was at the World Series victory parade. I haven’t seen that many people in Downtown St. Louis for a parade in … well probably in my life. It was a beautiful day. Sunny, not a cloud in the sky and warm enough not to need a jacket.
About 1/2 way through I realized I should have brought my camera 🙁
Thanks, I felt bad for the Tigers. There were 3 Tiger fans a couple of rows in front of us on Friday night. They were nice and we tried to treat them well. They stayed through all the ceremonies. I don’t know if I could have done that.
Yeah, your in-laws should blend right in with all the rest of us 😉
My theory proven correct; the baseball team with a KC Royals cast-off will win the World Series. this year winner: Jeff Suppan..another Royal castaway with a world series ring.
There’s an interesting discussion floating around the web of posse comitatus as modified by a bill recently signed in to law by your President and mine (sigh). The topic is interesting to me as it is part of a consistent effort of Bush and his crew to build power in the Executive. The strengthening of Federal power, especially Federal Executive power, runs against the traditional conservative grain of shifting power to the States.
NB: I am talking about the 1876 Act which codified the role of the military for use inside the United States, not about the right-wing, Christian Identity extremist group named Posse Comitatus.
I am working on a diary to lay out the arguments, but I am worried about time. I’m finding it hard to write diaries during the school year.
For now, this post is all I can offer. I hope a diary, with links to further information will follow soon. If you are interested, google “posse comitatus” and jump in.
On another note: This makes the race for the Republican nominee in 2008 an interesting one. Bushco has worked so hard to weaken the Courts and Congress and strengthen the executive. They aren’t going to just step aside and let Hillary Clinton or some other Democrat assume that power. Bush is a lame duck, but the movement isn’t. Who is Bushco’s choice to take the reins? How will the deck be shuffled to remove the unpopular faces (Rove, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, for example) from high profile offices while keeping them in the fold?
[…] We urge you to drop this provision that would usurp governor’s authority over the National Guard during emergencies from the conference agreement on the National Defense Authorization.
Feel free to use my email below, if there’s anyway I can help, Teach313
Thanks for posting the links. I will not be able to work further on this until Wed night. I’m working on the history of posse comitatus and what the changes mean. I think it would be a useful addition to the blog to add reports on some of the deeper structural changes to the governing of the country being pushed by this administration. The habeus corpus debate generated a lot of responses. I think this issue is as important.
Whatever happens in two weeks, Bushco is still in power for two years. They will continue to act as if they have a mandate, no matter the election results are. They have a plan and they’re sticking to it.
My oral environment is apparently so unfriendly that my teeth are attempting to extract themselves. They’re literally falling apart in my jaw & seeking the escape of least resistance. It’s tons o’ fun!
Thank you, o my country, for denying me basic, affordable health care.
Got an election integrity diary at Kos that could use some love.
Humor me–I’ve had a rough week. 😉
while working on the apartment, working on the book, letting the Hallowe’en madness happen elsewhere…like on State Street.
Jerome a Paris has a big article on the Orange Zone that reads real good, because it certainly addresses some concerns I have had about its direction. Haven’t perused all the comments, but he deserves some love…
Somehow I cannot wait until this election is over. I’m concerned over Ford in TN and Lamont in CT. I’m more concerned with Lamont than Ford, though.
I’ve got a deadline with the book in January, so I might do one more N.O. diary, this time about my stepfather, who went back there to save his mother’s house.
He said the stench of dead bodies still permeates the city. And that the air quality is so bad, they had to end their trip early so that the toddler grandchildren would not suffer respiratory problems.
Hope you’ll have time for the diary, blksista. But then again, I wouldn’t want it to interfere with the book deadline. Your writing is so interesting, and the stuff important to know more about. Most of us wouldn’t know about NO up close save for writing of yours and a few others.
Something’s whack about the “comments” since I’ve switched to IE7 . . . I’ve lost the left side of them. The left side ad column (or something) seems to be masking the left side of the comments. Doesn’t happen on Eurotrib, and I haven’t seen anything like it on other web sites (so far).
I recommend never using IE unless it is a requirement for what you need to do.
But IE7 does not render correctly for us. It’s on our to-do list.
Just upgraded to 2.0 — been getting some odd crashes on the Intel iMac, seems to be a little more stable on the PowerPC iBook though. And the “Restore Session” feature when it crashes is freakin’ awesome…
Boo, have you checked the site traffic this weekend? Looks rather interesting, no?
I see three possibilities.
It’s a great place … 😉
So I’ve heard :o) If her sons and daughters are any indication :o)
Not me. I was at the World Series victory parade. I haven’t seen that many people in Downtown St. Louis for a parade in … well probably in my life. It was a beautiful day. Sunny, not a cloud in the sky and warm enough not to need a jacket.
About 1/2 way through I realized I should have brought my camera 🙁
I’m happy for Cardinals fans :o) I really am…really ;o)
Please. Don’t feel you have to fake it for me 😉
I couldn’t fake it if I tried :o)
Back to baseball though….
Congratulations to you and the Cards, MB. My in-laws will be unsufferable for the next year. That should make them easy to recognize ;-).
Thanks, I felt bad for the Tigers. There were 3 Tiger fans a couple of rows in front of us on Friday night. They were nice and we tried to treat them well. They stayed through all the ceremonies. I don’t know if I could have done that.
Yeah, your in-laws should blend right in with all the rest of us 😉
My theory proven correct; the baseball team with a KC Royals cast-off will win the World Series. this year winner: Jeff Suppan..another Royal castaway with a world series ring.
Actually, if anyone wants their team to win they should hire John Rooney as their announcer.
That’s strange, I could swear I saw a big spike there earlier for this weekend.
Niners look even more pathetic than USC did yesterday (though I was happy to see USC lose) — it’s going to be a looooong freakin’ day…
There’s an interesting discussion floating around the web of posse comitatus as modified by a bill recently signed in to law by your President and mine (sigh). The topic is interesting to me as it is part of a consistent effort of Bush and his crew to build power in the Executive. The strengthening of Federal power, especially Federal Executive power, runs against the traditional conservative grain of shifting power to the States.
NB: I am talking about the 1876 Act which codified the role of the military for use inside the United States, not about the right-wing, Christian Identity extremist group named Posse Comitatus.
I am working on a diary to lay out the arguments, but I am worried about time. I’m finding it hard to write diaries during the school year.
For now, this post is all I can offer. I hope a diary, with links to further information will follow soon. If you are interested, google “posse comitatus” and jump in.
On another note: This makes the race for the Republican nominee in 2008 an interesting one. Bushco has worked so hard to weaken the Courts and Congress and strengthen the executive. They aren’t going to just step aside and let Hillary Clinton or some other Democrat assume that power. Bush is a lame duck, but the movement isn’t. Who is Bushco’s choice to take the reins? How will the deck be shuffled to remove the unpopular faces (Rove, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, for example) from high profile offices while keeping them in the fold?
I agree that this is an issue worthy of discussion.
Our democracy will have received another life threatening blow if the President is allowed total control of our state national guards.
Major Danby at dKos had a recent diary on this issue here
See also; Sept 19th Press release from Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) here
Feel free to use my email below, if there’s anyway I can help, Teach313
Thanks for posting the links. I will not be able to work further on this until Wed night. I’m working on the history of posse comitatus and what the changes mean. I think it would be a useful addition to the blog to add reports on some of the deeper structural changes to the governing of the country being pushed by this administration. The habeus corpus debate generated a lot of responses. I think this issue is as important.
Whatever happens in two weeks, Bushco is still in power for two years. They will continue to act as if they have a mandate, no matter the election results are. They have a plan and they’re sticking to it.
Vote The Bums Out!!!
To answer the heretofore unanswered question, the photos are great.
and I invited everybody at Orange over to see them too.
My oral environment is apparently so unfriendly that my teeth are attempting to extract themselves. They’re literally falling apart in my jaw & seeking the escape of least resistance. It’s tons o’ fun!
Thank you, o my country, for denying me basic, affordable health care.