A new Rasmussen poll came out today which shows independent Joe Lieberman with an 8% lead over Ned Lamont, while Alan Schlesinger is still in single digits with 9%
Lieberman has 48% of the vote, to Lamont’s 40%. The biggest change here seems to be that Schlesinger has slightly taken some votes away from Lieberman, but not that much to make a difference. Still, after 3 debates, Lamont still can’t seem to break the 40% mark. In the last several polls, Lieberman hovers around 50% while Schlesinger has moved upwards slightly on the strength of his showing in those debates.
Results are in the premium service.
Good to see Ned’s closing the gap.
I hope Lamont pulls out a victory on the 7th!!! Loserman needs to go!!!!!
Lieberman’s (POO CT) goin’ down….THIS is going to move some votes into the Lamont column
Yes darn good that ad. Love it.
As always, it’s who GOTV. I read where Lieberman4Lieberman lacks the one essential (among other things) – the organization on the ground to GOTV this time around.
Yeah, and you’ve got to think that Schlesinger isn’t going to stay at 8% or 9% through the election. I can’t see any of his votes coming from Lamont’s camp, either.
The more Republicans see him, the more they like him. He’ll rise in the polls.
Very good point re: the GOTV…paying frat boys and college kids to canvas doesn’t replace involved and concerned citizens.
Also, my experience with Ct Yankee’s is that they keep their true feelings, in this case voting preferences, vis-à-vis the polling, very close to their vests.
This could end up being a blow-out.
What happened to that 20% lead Joementum had 3 weeks ago?
Care to respond ecm?
I never believed it was 20%. It was always the outlier of the bunch, but Lieberman still has the lead, and unless Lamont can get over the hump, and receive more than 40% of the vote, he’s doomed!!!
all the gloating must have been a misunderstanding, eh?
Still waiting…. . . . .< cue crickets>
Keep on waiting!!!!
you’re not earning your money, troll…be gone