True ‘Honor for the Fallen’, of All Nations:

Would be policies that do not support those who Oppress their, or other, peoples, nor help to install them into leadership positions!

Nations taking the Leadership in talking Peace and Tolerance, not just empty rethoric and actions that are the opposite of!

Ridding the World of the most dangerous Weapons systems, Nuclear, and Outlawing others, such as Landmines and Cluster Bombs!

And a Strong ‘World Court’ to prosecute All those who wage Illegal Invasions on others, and their own, that are not Threats to themselves!

There are so many ways to attain a ‘Peaceful World’, yet Man Shuns instead of Seeks, only giving Lip Service to the Word!

I have put together a Video Presentation of a recent one day Project of the Caring to ‘Honor The Fallen’, Oct. 14 2006, at Arlington East on Cape Cod National Seashore.
You can leave a Message at above link if you visit to read about the project and view the photo’s posted.

You can download it directly,  Real ‘Honor’ for the Fallen – ‘Peace In The World’, it’s in Windows Media Player.

Or you can view the video here at YouTube, or at Google Video

I have included photo’s of an exhibit at Arlington Midwest – Kent State University campus as part of the 36th Commemoration of the May 4th shootings.

There are also photo’s of the Arlington West Chapter 54 Santa Barbara CA Crosses Project, of Veterans For Peace, put up to ‘Honor’ the fallen of ‘Another Conflict that should Never Have Happened’, and is already approaching a size that will outgrow the beach it is Lovingly, in Sadness, Honor, Brotherhood/Sisterhood by Veterans and Friends, constructed on each weekend and visited by hundreds/thousands.

There are a few other photo’s, as well as a couple of editorial cartoons, in the presentation, and at the end a Stunning Statement that is posted on the Arlington East site.

There are more Arlington’s as well as other projects giving ‘Honor’ and ‘Sad Reminders’ of those Killed in these present destructive actions of man, such as:

The Peace Ribbon Project

Walk In Their Shoes

Eyes Wide Open

Visions of Peace Garden at Camp Casey 3

There are many Memorial’s to ‘Honor’ and for ‘Peace’, many led by Veteran’s of previous conflicts in coalition with many others, as well as individual Memorials of ‘Honor’ and ‘Peace’, those who sent them into these conflicts Hide the ‘Fallen’s’ Return, leaving an already Apathedic Society even More So!

There are also many groups, of caring individuals, who have come together, under various banners and actions, trying to bring about a Peaceful, Understading, Tolerant World:

CIVIC the campaign for innocent victims in conflicts. RIP Marla

More Than Warmth

Land Mine Survivors Network

Plenty International

Bridges Across Borders

Womens International League for Peace and Freedom

Mothers Speak


I have a number of other links, if anyone feels like commenting and has links to other groups, or are a part of, feel free to post them.

If you have the time you might want to view this short documentary of how this Government, YOU, treat the returning Veterans of these recent conflicts:

“When I Come Home” – a powerful 13 min documentary on homeless vets!


“When I Came Home” is a documentary which follows the lives and struggles of several homeless veterans who have recently returned home from the war in Iraq. Director Lohaus is a graduate of The School of Visual Arts in New York City. He has worked with documentary filmmakers Les and Harrod Blank and was the assistant editor on the film On The Ropes, which was nominated for Best Documentary at the 2000 Academy Awards.”

This coming election is Not only about Changing the Destructive Direction, those in Washington, have been leading this Nation on, by changing Political Party Control. It’s about the American People, no matter what party or non affiliation they may be, Finally Waking Up and Demanding that those ‘We Hire’ do the jobs they are supposed to do and that’s ‘Represent’ those who Hired Them as well as those who Voted Against that Hiring! It’s about ‘America’ the People, not ‘America’ the Corporation, on Domestic and Foreign Policies of what this Country ‘Really’ Stands for, Not just what we Say we are about!!