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Welcome to fOtofair2006!
The Second Annual Booman Tribune fOtofair is now open. Below you will find links to all participants’ fOtodiaries. This list will be updated throughout the week-end, so check in often for new entries. Please recommend this Master Diary instead of the individual diaries; 4’s and comments are encouraged in lieu of recommends.
Thanks to all and ENJOY! |
keres (Birds) |
keres (Wildflowers) |
| NorthDakotaDemocrat
| Knucklehead |
fabooj |
dada (Portraits in Blue) |
AndiF (Winter/Spring) |
AndiF (Summer/Fall) |
Kahli (New Mexico) |
JimF (Indiana) |
JimF (Utah) |
boran2 (Utah) |
Second Nature (Lumberton) |
| Kahli (Travels) |
vieravisionary (Loire/Animals) |
vieravisionary (Paris/Giverny) |
In Wales at ET (Abstract) |
CabinGirl (flowers) |
Knucklehead II |
ejmw (beaches) |
| CabinGirl (Chihuly) |
aarrgghh |
IndyLib |
tzt |
In Wales at ET (Architecture) |
| Second Nature (Flowers) |
ejmw (misc) |
Indianadem (Balloons, etc.) |
Colman at ET |
| Teacher Toni |
ThatBritGuy at ET |
its simple IF you ignore the complexity |
Olivia (misc) |
Knucklehead III |
Man Eegee (Frontera Lands) |
| MLK II |
Second Nature (Random) |
AndiF (The Pack) |
| vieravisionary (Rochelle/Chartes |
In Wales at ET (Macro) |
In Wales at ET (Landscape) |
| refinish69 (Diva Dogs) |
Indianadem (landscapes/streets) |
Olivia (inner bits) |
| Indianadem (flowers) |
borkitekt at ET |
Sassafras at ET |
fabooj (socal) |
| Iowa Victory Gardener |
keres (landscapes) |
Knucklehead IV |
The fOtofair2006 team would like to thank everyone for making this year’s fair such a success. We are so excited to see such wonderful fOtodiaries, and it’s obvious how many talented photographers frequent the pond. We’d also like to thank the participants over at European Tribune for making the fair a global event. If you haven’t visited all the diaries, please take some time over the next few days (and weeks) to do so.
I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the members of the fotofair2006 team: dada, AndiF, Nag, and Family Man. All contributed in different ways to get this event off the ground and running, and their involvment made the fOtofair a truly cooperative effort. It was a pleasure to work with them all! I’d also like to thank Boo for fostering such a rich community, and for supporting events such as the these. And last but not least, I’d like to thank katiebird, who came up with the photo fair idea in the first place, who coordinated the first ever froggy bottom photo fair, and who provided invaluable input which got us started off on the right foot this year.
Thanks again everyone!
— olivia
Thanks to keres and Indianadem for kicking off fOtofair2006 in fine style!
And thanks for all your hard work in setting this up and guiding us novice html’ers through the process step by step. I have an early obligation this morning, but will be back to check in later on.
So excited to see everyone creating their diaries and mastering the html! You have no idea Indianadem! Woo hoo … 😀
I posted mine.
How are we going to keep up with all the horrible news of the day while we are luxuriating in the beauty, humanity and humor of these photos?
I have to work today, but I’m already anticipating the treat I’ll have when I get home.
Here’s mine.
I did mine.
Well, thanks to your assistance and directions, I was able to provide two dairies today. I will have one more diary tomorrow.
Thanks for your assistance in bring some wonderful photos to the Pond!!
I’ll cycle this back up to the top of the front page later today. Great work all.
I just put one up here. I am going to try to put another up later today.
Also, I’m at work right now, so all the photo hosting sites are blocked for me. I promise I’ll check out everyone’s work when I get home tonight!
That’s what the Master Diary is for … a handy link to find all the diaries … Now off to catch up … look at all those wonderful diaries! Woo hoo!
Yep, I went home for lunch and caught up on a few of them. Can’t wait to get to the rest, we’ve got some really talented photographers!
I just put my second one for the day up here.
Mine’s up, too. 🙂
Woo hoo … good to see ya Indy!
(this is o btw)
In Wales is participating in the fOtofair from European Tribune!
European Tribune. In Wales’ fotodiary is awesome, but I can’t comment because I don’t have a login!
It’s really easy to create a login … similar to BT.
And now I have a login!
Thanks very much to those of you who have come over to take a look at my diaries! It’s been lots of fun and I’ve been really impressed with all of the diaries on here too. Great idea to do this.
Welcome to this side of the big frog pond, In Wales.
Always fun to share common interests, I wish I could visit some of the scenery I’ve seen in some of these diaries! I’d be in photgraphy heaven.
Mine in blue.
We’ve got you on the list! 🙂
Welcome to you, too Colman. I enjoyed your photos.
I reccommended this diary now…
But I will be back to check out the photo diaries Sunday afternoon (When I can open the pages with DSL… Too slow on the dial up I am using at the moment! lol)
I added another diary this morning. You all inspired me to get out and take more pictures.
I think ET may have photo fatigue now…
My final two are here and here
Although this wasn’t submitted for fOtofair, I think you will enjoy this diary by DoDo.
Thanks for a great weekend of photos everyone 🙂
Quick question: can I still submit those photos here in a re-post? If yes, until when (e.g. 24h in which timezone), and should I upload the original-sized versions or are the 590px wide ones I have on picsplace.to okay?
590px works … you don’t need to upload the originals.
Why don’t you just go ahead and post it here as you’ve done at ET … so don’t worry about the templates or comments. 🙂
Unfortunately, it’s the 30th here now…
I posted it anyway.
i put up an orange promotional diary.
Last time I checked your lead photograph was a copyrighted image. I assume you didn’t get permission to use it.
The web has made people very casual about use of other people’s material. Leading blogs like this one need to uphold standards of fairness.
I suggest you substitute a picture of your own instead.
Almost my whole site is photographs, and I resent when someone “borrows” one without permission. If the practice becomes too widespread people will stop posting their work and/or draconian intellectual property controls will become the norm.
To see some of my (copyrighted) photos:
I liked one of your pictures so I just “borrowed” it.
Apparently you think respecting copyright is not an issue.
Glad you have good taste.
You are the master of restraint.
copyright information – helpful
confrontational tone – not helpful
especially in a diary that is promoting community
I posted on more diary.
Thanks for posting more.
deciding which one of these beautiful photos to set as my wallpaper (background on my computer screen). Each one was more beautiful than the next. I am overwhelmed. Thanks.
I just want to take a moment to thank each ans every one of you. These diaries were as spectacular as they were varied. I love photography, but never had a good camera or the eye for it. Thank you for sharing yours!
After a weekend of enjoying all the beautiful photgraphy, my conclusion is that Lake Wobegon has NOTHING on the Frong Pond: Where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the photographers are above average.
Of course, you’d think after all this time I’d be able to at least spell F*R*O*G!!
Thanks to all for the spectacular photos and especially to Olivia!
Being very late, and very blitzed, I could not see: When will the fotofair diaries be taken down? Not for a few days, I hope! It was impossible to see them all this weekend, given many other things to do. Please leave them up this week, to allow for proper appreciation!
My hat’s off to all who posted diaries, and to the busy behind-the-scenes folk to put it all together. Bravissima!
The diaries are just like all other diaries — they’ll stay around as long as their owners leave them so you’ve go plenty of time.
Easiest thing to do is to hotlist this diary and then you’ll have easy access to all the individual ones.
Glad you enjoyed it. BTW, in case you didn’t know, Olivia was the mover, shaker, and main doer for fOtofair2006.
Very impressive! This definately calls for a book!
A book would be just awesome.
no matter who you are, I so enjoy your photos. You all did such a fine job. I am so very proud of each of you. You all have given to me the great pleasure of happiness. Hugs to all…….
Olivia, dada, Andi, Nag, FamilyMan, for putting on the wonderful fotofair. Our thanks also to all the great BT and ET folks who showed us so many interesting and beautiful things. We had such fun visiting the fair, (and nearly as much fun almost making an entry, so say several lively 3rd and 4th graders).
And no matter what you said, we think you all started on your left feet, not your right ones! Well done.
Kidspeak, Teach313, & associated Detroit kids.
I wanted to add my thanks to all who organized and participated in this year’s fair.
I am seeing the world differently after looking at all the photos. The past few days I have looked more closely at the world around me – sunlight on leaves, shadows on buildings, taking some time to get close to berries…pausing to look and pay attention.
And all those photos! A soul food banquet.
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