I read the opinion editoral written by Dick Armey on October 29th, 2006.  I decided to sent Mr. Armey a response. You may not believe anyting I wrote, but I felt that I needed to say something, in a manner that expressed my opinion.

Good Afternoon Mr. Armey,

My name is Thomas DeLaine and I want to write you regarding the opinion piece you wrote in the Washington Post on October 29th, 2006.  I am not a Republican or Democrat since I personally believe these two political parties are just different shades of the same form of governance.  I figure that you may have received positive and negative emails regarding your opinions, but I would like to provide you my feedback as food for thought as you and your think tank move forward into the future.

Your statement that “The answer is simple: Republican lawmakers forgot the party’s principles, became enamored with power and position, and began putting politics over policy. Now, the Democrats are reaping the rewards of our neglect — and we have no one to blame but ourselves” is extremely correct and insightful.  However, I think it goes much deeper than that.
I truly believe both the Republican and Democratic Parties have created a vast divide within the fabric of our American society.  Part of this has been precipitated on the idea that you can reduce the “income” (i.e. taxes) into the Federal government and still support the many needs of this nation.  There is no family that reduces their monthly income and still spends at their previous income level.   To believe that social organizations, outside the Federal Government, would fairly pick up the “slack” in a meaningful and long-term way is not dealing in the current reality we live in today.

Add to this, the belief that the United States has treated every country, throughout history, fairly (treaties, business agreements, etc.) is not even realistic.  Our dealings in the Mideast are at best biased, with no country in the area believing that outside of Israel, we truly care about their ability to grow and become part of the global community.  From my perspective, the blinders our government seems to use with regards to international affairs do not reflect global leadership, but global domination.  There is no question that the United States is a superpower, but our government has moved from being showing forethought and wisdom to short-term gratification.  This short-sightedness has ripped through the Republican and Democratic Parties like a plague.

Having others’ moral beliefs forced upon individuals does nothing to advance or enhance the betterment of society as a whole.  We see this in other countries and condemn these nations based on human rights abuses; however, in the United States, there are amendments, laws, and other political instruments being used to “cram” a particular belief or moral standard upon the population as a whole.  It comes across as two-faced to the rest of the world and it is art why our nation’s moral standing is taking a beating around the world.

I view most of the individuals in the Republican and Democratic Parties as politicians, not leaders.  A true leader accepts complete responsibility when a situation goes wrong, not try to find ways to point the finger at others.  This has not happened in recent years and we, the people, live with the lack of action and resolve.  The inability to understand why something occurs has driven our current political leaders to do things which will impact this nation for years to come.   You might why I have not thought of public service and here are my reasons:

*    Money – You have to “sell” your beliefs to raise the funds to win against an incumbent.  This is causing many potential leaders who could truly make a difference to run away.
*    Old-Boy Network – Why would I even want to insert myself into a group of individuals who perceptions are based on back scratching and closed room deals not public and straightforward negotiations.
*    Character Assassinations – Every mistake in your life is portrayed as the “biggest mistake ever” even though we are not perfect.

These reasons may not seem important to you, but I believe they establish a core foundation for eroding the pool of talents leaders this nation needs.   In my mind, the negative aspects far outweigh the primary concerns that I need to focus on mainly: spouse, family and close friends.  Doing business the way it is currently done will only erode the pool until no one wants to be a part of government, regardless of party affiliation.

I believe that our nation will continue to be divided until there is a real and honest change of direction.  We can not continue to use the homeless, elderly, single parents, gay and lesbians, and minority groups as cannon fodder for political objectives.  There has to be a real and earnest drive to bring compassion and care to our citizens and understand that medical costs are truly causing many United States citizens to choose between health care or paying the rent, or buying food.  Here in Florida, home owners’ insurance is having the same effect but I only see rhetoric and no clear and viable solution being offered in return.

In conclusion, I believe that the Republican and Democratic Parties have “majored in minors and minored in majors!”  Party platforms and political speeches are meaningless to me if the situation domestically and international is not improved.  Your disappointment in the social and political conservatives in the Republican Party is understandable, but until you and the rest of the political leadership can see that our issues is more than liberal and conservative, but as human beings, your efforts, however noble, will only drive us far away from the true and long-lasting solution.

Thank you for your time and I hope that you would find the time to respond so we might be able to start a true and meaningful dialogue to meeting the real and pressing issues that we, in the United States face.

Thank for your time.
Vary Respectfully,

Melbourne, FL