Charlie Cook paints a heartening picture:
With the election just eight days away, there are no signs that this wave is abating. Barring a dramatic event, we are looking at the prospect of GOP losses in the House of at least 20 to 35 seats, possibly more, and at least four in the Senate, with five or six most likely.
If independents vote in fairly low numbers, as is customary in midterm elections, losses in the House will be on the lower end of that range. But if they turn out at a higher than normal level, their strong preference for Democrats in most races would likely push the GOP House losses to or above the upper levels.
The key is getting those independent voters to the polls. We do that and we could be looking at 6 new Democratic Senators and more than 35 new Democratic Congresspeople. Cook has upgraded some of the house races. You can see the netroots’ influence by looking at the amount of ActBlue money we contributed. We helped make these races competitive.
AZ-05 Hayworth (Mitchell) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $18,845.38
CA-11 Pombo (McNerney) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $190,677.12
CO-04 Musgrave (Paccione) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $65,929.54
CO-05 (Lamborn/Fawcett) Open Likely Republican to Lean Republican- ActBlue: $62,398.98
IA-01 Open (Whalen/Braley) Toss Up to Lean Democratic- ActBlue: $74,169.08
KS-02 Ryun (Boyda) Likely Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $3,163.16
MN-01 Gutknecht (Walz) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $52,386.86
NE-03 Open (Smith/Kleeb) Likely Republican to Lean Republican- ActBlue: $26,709.78
NH-02 Bass (Hodes) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $71,739.52
OH-02 Schmidt (Wulsin) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $119,299.38
WY-AL Cubin (Trauner) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $257,632.28
CA-50 Bilbray Likely Republican to Lean Republican- ActBlue: $123,719.67
Meanwhile, things are breaking our way in Virginia. I guess they were shocked to find out the Vice-President’s wife is into lesbian porn:
- CNN, 10/29: Webb (D) 50%–46% Allen (R)
- Rasmussen, 10/29: Webb 51%–46% Allen
- Zogby Internet, 10/29: Webb 51%–47.2% Allen
- DSCC internal, 10/29: Webb 47%–43% Allen
According to the polls, we are up in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, and Montana. Missouri is dead even and we are trailing in Tennessee. Based on that, control over the Senate turns on the outcome of Missouri. So, help Claire McCaskill out if you can. Arizona and Tennessee are still in play, too.
What’s the news in your neck of the woods?
Opinion Research poll for CNN (telephone interviews 10/26-10/29):
McCaskill and Talent are tied EXACTLY 49-49 among likely voters. MoE 4%
McCaskill leads Talent 51-43 among registered voters. MoE3%
that’s why voter suppression is so key to the GOP.
True. It’s a big topic here.
They already did the voter list purge in 2000 — that resulted in a department of justice investigation that found that many of people were prohibited from voting who should have been able to vote. So now we have a system of poll watchers to inform people of their rights.
This year they tried to institutionalize voter suppression by passing the voter ID law. The Missouri Supreme Court struck it down.
The GOP legislature also passed a bill prohibiting straight party voting — so lines at the polls would theoretically be longer. I’m not sure how many people used straight party voting so I don’t know what the effect will be.
Now there is an effort to suppress a large number of voter registrations that were gathered by ACORN.
And then there are all the usual things — telling people the wrong polling places, etc.
And, yeah, electronic voting and everything that goes with that. We have paper trail machines and in the bluest part of the state, the City of St. Louis, there is a choice of a paper optical scan ballot. And everybody’s aware of pre-election day calibration problems on the machines.
But … we’re doing what we can do. Which is GOTV. I subscribe to the General Grant theory — stop worrying so much about what the other guy is doing and worry about what YOU are doing.
I’m not looking forward to a recount though … 🙁
Bernie Sanders – Dems left the coast clear. Bernie is in my neck of the woods and pulling strong in Repub enclaves statewide – running against that multimillionaire, his name starts with T wrote his own check in the millions to get name recognition ahead of Bernie. But Bernie is all set.
Have you? noticed Bush is reminding audiences about those polls in 2004, even on election day!
We’ll see how fair a vote count we get. Here’s hoping the audience noted that Bush can’t get anything straight..
Molly Ivins recommends we practice for victory – it’s been so long…
Worth a read – “GOP ineptitude and some advice for Dems.”
latest internal d polling [from a firm outside co] has co. 04, paccione v musgrave at a dead heat…gotv is going to win this one…it’s gonna be close.
Too close and getting physical.
Blogger Mike Stark attached by Allen’s guys in VA. Sen. George Allen didn’t like Mike’s query. (H/T: Thinkprogess)
From Sufi at My Left Nutmeg:
This is a nightmare scenario for every Republican candidate in Connecticut. They are in for a rude awakening when the votes are all counted IMHO.
Look, great minds think alike, or something like that…