Are they proud of being good in scaring the bejesus out of everyone in each election cycle?

To judge it from their latest ads and talks, the War on Terror is won by terror.

Are Republicans proud of hurting Democrat politicians more effectively than Al Qaeda terrorists?

Are Republicans proud of giving nice promises to their libertarian or Christian base, but never delivering to them?

Are Republicans proud of achieving new corruption standards? Are they proud of accusing the opponents of ethical failures, while doing things far worse?

Are Republicans proud of George W. Bush? Who is proud of George W. Bush? That guy did his worst in following security briefings prior to the 9/11. He did his absolutely worst with Katrina. He is continuing to do his worst in Iraq.

[Sorry, it’s just a few scattered one-liners. I have no time or flow to connect them into a beefy diary.]
[Crossposted at Daily Kos.]