Month: October 2006

2002 Warnings Ignored

   Break it, you buy it.  The Fall of 2002 was a critical one for decisions about Iraq. What did Republicans and fiscal conservatives do? You know, the guys who like to pose as reliable stewards of the economy....

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Dia De Los Muertos

Liberal Street Fighter Though the subject matter may be considered morbid from the Anglo Saxon perspective, Mexicans celebrate the Day of the Dead joyfully, and though it occurs at the same time as Halloween, All Saints’...

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What is Higher Broderism?

What is Higher Broderism and why does it hate left-wing bloggers? Higher Broderism is a school of thought, best exemplified by Washington Post reporter David Broder, that Washington DC elites should provide the common wisdom to...

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Open Thread

John Kerry makes ill-advised joke. John Kerry gets criticized. John Kerry gets shrill and vituperative: But if anyone should apologize, Mr. Kerry said, it is President Bush and his administration officials who started the...

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