Michael Barone Shrugs Off Big Losses

I don’t know Michael Barone but my brother used to work with him at U.S. News & World Report. He liked him personally but described him as “extremely conservative.” I had a laugh at that because Michael Barone is a borderline wing-nut. So, it is with some relish that I see he has dropped telling us that GOP will hold the house and, instead, decided to tell us that a Democratic Congress won’t really matter. He does this by analyzing the other big wave elections in American history and noting that most of them didn’t change things a whole lot.

His interpretation of history is badly warped, but that is not what interested me. What interested me was his interpretation of the 1974 ‘Watergate Baby’ election.

Similarly, the big Democratic gains in the Nixon-Ford year of 1974 did not produce policy gains or lasting partisan gains for the out party. The new 2-to-1 Democratic majority in the House did stifle attempts to come to the relief of Saigon. But under Gerald Ford and his successor Jimmy Carter domestic policy did not move far left. Deregulation of transportation and communications proceeded, and a 2-to-1 Democratic House passed a tax bill that cut the capital gains tax and included the great generator of individual investment accounts, Section 401(k).

Barone conveniently ignores that the Congress, between 1975 and 1979, enacted FISA, the first campaign finance laws, re-opened the JFK investigation and concluded it was a conspiracy, investigated the MLK and RFK assassinations, exposed the ‘family jewels’ of the CIA, and much more. The equivalent today would be to refuse to continue the occupation of Iraq, to pass FISA (again), to do election reforms, to expose the wrongdoing of the executive branch and intelligence agencies, and to re-open the 9/11 investigation.

If Barone thinks that is nothing, good for him. I call it a start. But first we have to have a wave election, and this could be a ripple or a tsunami. The polls are close in dozens of races. So do some GOTV, talk to your family, friends, and neighbors. Send them links to good articles. Help prove Michael Barone wrong.

The Bush-aholics discover reality bites back

An excerpt from a Ron Suskind, October 17, 2005, New York Times Magazine article:

    “In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn’t like about Bush’s former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House’s displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn’t fully comprehend — but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

    The aide said that guys like me were ”in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who ”believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ”That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'”

Hubris defined. Arrogance to the nth degree. A statement that could have easily been uttered by any one of the powers heading the Roman Empire.

But in a sense. what was spoken above, WAS true.
In addition to occupying the presidency and exploiting its accompanying bully pulpit, the GOP ironfisted Congress. 9/11, the crowning segment of this perfect storm, cowed the vast majority of the nation’s media and just about every Democrat. George Tenet sold out his fellow CIA-ers. The Secret Service, known for dishing dirt on the previous White House inhabitants, were willing go-fers and do-ers for whatever was asked of them, including detaining anyone venturing even close to fitting an anti-Bush or anti-Cheney profile at public events. A number of newspaper columnists profited from being on the Bush Administration payroll. The antiquities fronting the mainstream media, especially in D.C. and New York, were simply unwilling to consider the vacuousness of the White House inhabitant and the mounting evidence of his sophistry and chicanery, simplistically and inaccurately labeling those raising concern as Bush-haters. If everything else failed, there was Karl Rove and his assorted brownshirts ready and waiting to unleash whatever was necessary to herd anyone back into compliancy and quietude (see Christie Whitman, John Diuilio and others, Alberto Fernandez most recently).

The Bush Administration created a separate reality–call it a bizarro world–but one that was lapped up by the uber-gullible but, more importantly and sadly, those who should have known better. Also, those whose profession it was to know better, prominent figures in the media, couldn’t bring themselves to such a sensibility. After all, how could one of their own gentility, one coming from a well-known and respected political hierarchy, be the President of the United States and yet superficial, cunning and mean-spirited. The most egregious of examples–the Bush Administration terrorizing the U.S. citizenry via the politicization of faux terror alerts. Such was incomprehensible to these elitists. To them, it simply couldn’t be–so it wasn’t.

But then came Katrina, followed by the inability to disguise the reality of Iraq. Strike one, then strike two.

Now the litany of books, Tyler Drumheller’s “On the Brink,” “Fiasco” by Tom Ricks, “Hubris” by David Corn and Michael Isikoff, “Cobra II” by Bernard Trainor and Michael Gordon, “Imperial Life in the Emerald City” by Rajiv Chandrasekaran and “State of Denial” by Bob Woodward have quantified and compounded, front and center, the indisputable evidence of fraud, incompetence, denial, vindicativeness, willful ignorance, misplaced priorities, hollowness and the personal incompatibility and inadequateness for holding the positions of greatest power in this country. Strike three.

The Bush Administration has struck out and yes, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men cannot put the George Bush Experience back together again. Oz’s curtain has been shredded and the ugly, naked truth revealed. History’s so-called actors have lost their script and their created reality has been triumphed by the real thing–which they, of course, never saw coming. They were too busy conjuring up and then believing in their own fantasies and omnipotence to ever notice.

It happens to the best and, thankfully, to the worst.

BREAKING: ABC Memo – Air America Blacklisted by Advertisers?

This is huge.  I wanted to make sure people saw this memo.  If you feel others should see the ABC “Blackout” Memo, be sure to recommend this diary.


Karl @ Media Matters

Air America Blacklisted by Advertisers?
ABC Memo Reveals Air America Advertiser “Blackout”

Washington, DC — An internal ABC Radio Networks memo obtained by Media Matters for America, originally from a listener to The Peter B. Collins Show, indicates that nearly 100 ABC advertisers insist that their commercials be blacked out on Air America Radio affiliates. According to the memo, the advertisers insist that “NONE of their commercials air during AIR AMERICA programming.” Among the advertisers listed are Bank of America, Exxon Mobil, Federal Express, General Electric, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, and the U.S. Navy.

To View the Memo, CLICK HERE.

To read more, CLICK HERE.

Wave is Building

Charlie Cook paints a heartening picture:

With the election just eight days away, there are no signs that this wave is abating. Barring a dramatic event, we are looking at the prospect of GOP losses in the House of at least 20 to 35 seats, possibly more, and at least four in the Senate, with five or six most likely.

If independents vote in fairly low numbers, as is customary in midterm elections, losses in the House will be on the lower end of that range. But if they turn out at a higher than normal level, their strong preference for Democrats in most races would likely push the GOP House losses to or above the upper levels.

The key is getting those independent voters to the polls. We do that and we could be looking at 6 new Democratic Senators and more than 35 new Democratic Congresspeople. Cook has upgraded some of the house races. You can see the netroots’ influence by looking at the amount of ActBlue money we contributed. We helped make these races competitive.

AZ-05 Hayworth (Mitchell) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $18,845.38
CA-11 Pombo (McNerney) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $190,677.12
CO-04 Musgrave (Paccione) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $65,929.54
CO-05 (Lamborn/Fawcett) Open Likely Republican to Lean Republican- ActBlue: $62,398.98
IA-01 Open (Whalen/Braley) Toss Up to Lean Democratic- ActBlue: $74,169.08
KS-02 Ryun (Boyda) Likely Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $3,163.16
MN-01 Gutknecht (Walz) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $52,386.86
NE-03 Open (Smith/Kleeb) Likely Republican to Lean Republican- ActBlue: $26,709.78
NH-02 Bass (Hodes) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $71,739.52
OH-02 Schmidt (Wulsin) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $119,299.38
WY-AL Cubin (Trauner) Lean Republican to Toss Up- ActBlue: $257,632.28
CA-50 Bilbray Likely Republican to Lean Republican- ActBlue: $123,719.67

Meanwhile, things are breaking our way in Virginia. I guess they were shocked to find out the Vice-President’s wife is into lesbian porn:

According to the polls, we are up in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, and Montana. Missouri is dead even and we are trailing in Tennessee. Based on that, control over the Senate turns on the outcome of Missouri. So, help Claire McCaskill out if you can. Arizona and Tennessee are still in play, too.

What’s the news in your neck of the woods?

Could Santa come early this year…say, on November 8th?

…The master plan would need to be written and adopted by the Democratic leadership, and also made public, before the 110th Congress convenes on January 3, 2007. And it would have to be placed on the congressional table, displaying the impeachment of Bush and Cheney as its centerpiece…

by Ben Tanosborn

Ganging up on plausible Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi for stating in “60 Minutes” that impeachment of both Bush and Cheney is off the table may not be such a great idea. Convincing her that impeachment – properly handled as part of a master plan – could give America, and the world, much hope; that is definitely an idea worth pursuing, an opportunity that may never come again.

Not just an opportunity for Democratic politicians. but for Republicans as well! Even more importantly, an opportunity for all Americans to redeem ourselves; and show the world that our system of government may often appear as an old jalopy puffing along, polluting along the way, but that come hell or high water it can still get us there. That Americans, after a period of political delirium, can acknowledge their mistakes and are willing to make amends.

But first things first: Democrats must gain control of both houses of Congress; and the added national popular vote for Democrats must be significant: of landslide proportions, preferably in the 60-65% range. No master plan could be drafted unless there is true overwhelming popular support providing the political ink to write the plan, a referendum that would force American politicians to change present course. Also critically important, that the majorities remain voting majorities; no wolves in sheep’s clothing that would refuse to vote as a block, derailing the implementation of the master plan.

The master plan would need to be written and adopted by the Democratic leadership, and also made public, before the 110th Congress convenes on January 3, 2007. And it would have to be placed on the congressional table, displaying the impeachment of Bush and Cheney as its centerpiece.

As its preface, the plan should pronounce a commitment by the legislature, or at the very least the Democratic majority, to represent the interests of all people in the country and not just special interests; and that in order to do so, its first enactment of legislation would be a cutting and decisive election reform so that special interests could no longer, and blatantly, influence the vote. That preface should also include a clear apology to the people of the United States for Congress’ failure to exercise its constitutional duties when it relegated de facto its power to conduct war to the Executive (specifically, Bush in October 2002) – making it clear that it’s taking it back; symbolically, if nothing else.

Such plan would have the 110th Congress tackle all major issues that presently concern much of America, scheduling them in a transparent and achievable fast track. It should set forth a commitment to confront the problems of poverty and the short-term effects of globalization on the middle class – and the repealing, or non-renewal, of unjust taxation laws; the enactment of a minimum wage that in time would adjust to a living wage; and the reality that it’s justified, both morally and economically, to have a system of universal health care – just like the rest of the developed world has. Also commit to a process that would find a comprehensive solution to all matters dealing with immigration for the long term, and not just idiotic symbolism to obtain votes, such as the erection of a wall. And, of course, the drafting of multi-prong legislation that would make the United States energy self-sufficient, so that the nation would not have to resort to military intervention, or depend on repugnant international partnerships, to give Americans their “energy-fix.” Show that for once Americans would have a “working congress” to handle the affairs of the people; that the era of elitist bullshit, not getting things done, faces the guillotine!

As the centerpiece of this plan, and fundamentally needed for its execution, it would ask for the immediate resignation of both George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney, as president and vice president, respectively, of the United States. Should the resignations not be immediately and simultaneously tendered, impeachment proceedings would follow suit. That would be the critical requirement to convene an international peace effort to undo the mess we have created in Iraq – and for once, stop lying to the troops, and support them by bringing them where they belong: home.

Pelosi, who may be assumed to be the elected Speaker, would become the 44th president of the United States upon the resignation, or impeachment, of the Evil Two.

Imagine! Just imagine what Santa Claus could bring us on November 8th: the possibility of a nation redirected to the right course, with social justice and an overnight cure for hysterical fear; the return, if slow, of respect from the world community; a way to get a sane foreign policy in place that would not breed or feed international terrorism, or take us into imperial paths; and, finally, the creation of an atmosphere conducive to dialog which would bring a permanent peace for Israel, Palestine and the entire Middle East.

But perhaps the most exciting gift in Santa’s bag would be our first woman president. If we like her accomplishments by the time of the 2008 election. who knows, we might decide on a matrilineal presidency. Women certainly couldn’t do any worse than men.

All this “pleasant” dreaming. knowing that it’s time to wake up!

Ben Tanosborn [send him email] writes a weekly socio-political column, Behind the mirror, which can be found at www.tanosborn.com  Ben is a featured columnist at http://www.populistamerica.com/. 

© 2006 Ben Tanosborn

Desperate, Disgusting and Shameful

If this is all the repugs have left, then they should be ashamed.  Seriously, this has gotten so far out of hand that it is beyond disgusting.  This last week has seen some seriously ugly and shameful ads, as well as actions that clearly show that the republicans are not fit to continue holding office.

We have this latest disgustingly cowardly nonsense from Dear Leader himself:

However they put it, the Democrat approach in Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win and America loses.

Excuse me, asshole, but what kind of crap is that?

What about the well over 60% of people – US citizens – who want “major changes” in Iraq?  Do they want “America to lose”?  And what exactly is this “plan to win” that the republicans have, other than “to not lose”?

Give me a goddamn break.  I know that things look bleak as of now, but this just makes me want to smack the taste out of their nasty, vindictive, petty, shortsighted mouths (not to NSA – I don’t really want to smack anyone…)  And then we have to be subjected to this stupidity straight from the horse’s ass, I mean mouth:

Today on Fox News’ Your World With Neil Cavuto, Vice President Dick Cheney said it was his belief that insurgents were increasing their violence to try to influence the midterm elections.

 Not only is that completely false (shocker there), but lest we forget how the Bin Laden videotape was designed to influence the election IN BUSH’s FAVOR?

Then there is the litany of ads and excuses that certainly show that there is no level low enough for these repugnant racist, fearmongering jackasses won’t stoop.  In New Jersey, there is Tom Kean’s race baiting ad comparing Menendez to “those scary immigrants”.  We have Rep Roy Blunt blaming (get this), the MEDIA for the crappy economy.  And we can’t forget the racist ads in Tennessee as well as the soon to be former Speaker of the House flat out lying about soon to be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi regarding immigration.  

But why stop there?  The biggest assclown in the stable, Rumsfeld not only tells the press to “Back off” regarding Iraq, but then goes on to say the following regarding the “terrorists”:

Here they are, getting up every day saying, “We’ve got an election in two weeks in America, gang, and we want to change horses over there because we don’t like the folks we’re having to deal with now; they’re a little tough on us. So let’s get out there and let’s make some noise.”

As for having our elected officials do what, you know, we elected them to do, well Cat Killer, MD has the following to say about Iraq (you know, the overwhelmingly number one issue to voters:

“The challenge is to get Americans to focus on pocketbook issues, and not on the Iraq and terror issue,” Frist said in an interview with the Concord Monitor on Tuesday.

Gee, thanks, fuckwad.  Nothing like ignoring We the People.  

The tactics used are even worse than in prior years as the desperation sinks in.  Hell, in talking to my parents the other day, they were so afraid of, get this, Nancy Pelosi and the democrats taking over.  Because, you know, the army would be decimated, the terrorists would win and we would just want to appease them.  

And then there is the whole “wuss factor” garbage that is gleefully being pushed by CNN.  Well, call me crazy, but a party that talks tough but runs screaming from any service themselves, a party that refuses to face reality in Iraq or here in the US – who refuses scientific evidence regarding the environment, regarding stem cell research, or just about anything else, a party that is so willing to chest thump but has no designs on making the real decisions (unlike what to call French fries), sounds pretty “wussy” to me.  And lest we forget how many of the republican incumbents refuse to debate (yeah, I’m talking to you Scott Garrett, among many others) or even appear in public with their Democratic challengers.

When all that is left is empty threats, flat out lies, racist smears, thinly veiled attempts to create more fear, and a complete disintegration of any level of true discourse, you have to look in the mirror and realize that there truly is no “there” there.  

And all that is left is the attempt to steal another election on Tuesday.  But we are watching.  But this time, the rest of the country is watching as well.  And come next week, “fear” will be a pre-November 7 mindset.

Until then, we can only expect more of what the republicans do best – desperate, disgusting and shameful tactics.  

Iraqi Gov’t Slaps Down Bush — Revives Oil Deal with China

President Bush is having a very bad week in Iraq. One hundred and three Americans service men and women died in Iraq this month. And now, the Bush installed and protected government of Iraq, rather than hand deliver its oil revenues to American and British multinational energy corporations, has instead turned to the next global superpower to help it produce more “Texas tea”:

BEIJING — China and Iraq are reviving a $1.2-billion deal signed by Beijing and Saddam Hussein’s government in 1997 to develop an Iraqi oil field, Baghdad’s oil minister said.

Officials will meet next month to renegotiate the deal over the Ahdab field, said Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahristani as he was wrapping up a three-nation tour to secure investment for Iraq’s oil industry. […]

The new Baghdad government courted Beijing because Chinese producers have been willing to invest in Angola and other countries considered too dangerous or politically isolated.

Beijing had been thought to be out of the running for major contracts in postwar Iraq, with the best deals going to the United States and its allies. But the upsurge in violence there has made the country less attractive to Western producers.

The upshot? Not only are we in Iraq on false pretenses, but now it appears that if we stay we’ll be propping up the interests of China’s oil industry rather than our own. Ironic, isn’t it. Our invasion and occupation of Iraq keeps paying dividends — for our rivals. First Iran, and now China. Oh, and let’s not forget the another primary beneficiary of our little exercise in military adventurism: Al Qaeda.

That’s our Bush. Helping our enemies, one major SNAFU after another.

"Straw man" in Florida debate

Watched the entire Florida governor’s debate on MSNBC last night. The candidates and Chris Matthews went round and round over the implications of a paper audit trail.

The assumption was that the voter would walk away with a printout of his vote as cast, and that this would lead to something nefarious such as taking money from a candidate or having the choice “held against” the voters, such as from an employer.

Who defined the paper audit trail in this manner? It looks to me as if a false illustration has been used, ignoring the type of paper audit trail that I experienced here in Cook County.

The ballot I completed two weeks ago was cast on a touch screen, and included a paper audit which printed out as an electronic calculator does, on a continuous roll that is contained within the machine. The voter has already reviewed his/her choices on the screen, made any corrections, then reviews the pages of the paper trail as they print out one by one. This provides yet another chance to correct any errors. The voter doesn’t take home any evidence with which to accept a bribe or to be “blackmailed” in any way.

Curt Weldon and the Military-Industrial Complex

When Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us to “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex” he must have had in mind something like the actions of Curt Weldon (PA-07). How does the military-industrial complex acquire unwarranted influence? Let us count the ways. Leslie Wayne details the sordid relationship between Curt Weldon and an Italian arms manufacturer named Finmeccanica. Finmeccanica subsidiaries hired Weldon’s daughter, hired his close friend (with no lobbying experience) to be a lobbyist, and then located their headquarters in his district. In return, they received a contract to make the next generation Marine One presidential helicopter and Weldon asked the Navy to reconsider a decision to use a rival company’s guns on their Littoral Combat Ships.

Pretty straight forward stuff, actually. Weldon enriches his friends and brings jobs to his district. He probably doesn’t think he did anything wrong. But this is corruption. This is a rotten way to determine what kind of weapons systems we will buy for our armed services. It’s just a snapshot of a much bigger problem. Eisenhower warned us about this and we didn’t listen. Prior to 9/11, the United States accounted for 36% of global arms expenditures. Now the number is significantly higher. Sending Curt Weldon packing is not going to fix the problem. But it will send a message. Volunteer for Joe Sestak.

Rest in Peace Brad Will, May Justice Prevail

On October 27, 2006 Indymedia journalist and videoblogger Brad Will was the killed while covering the teacher’s strike in Oaxaca. He was known to have supported the protesters and their cause New York City Independent Media Center reported that Will was shot Friday in the stomach while he was documenting the assault on the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) at the barricade by armed paramilitary forces. He died on his way to the hospital.

shooting occurred today in Oaxaca City, Mexico, leaving New York City Indymedia journalist Bradley Will dead after being shot in the chest by paramilitaries. He died before reaching the hospital, according to La Jornada.

Milenio Diario reported that one of their photographers, Oswaldo Ramírez, who was standing near Will, was also shot and injured. Oaxaca’s state prosecutor’s office officially reported that there were two others, including a protesting teacher, were shot to death and several people were wounded during the shootings.

Illustration: D.R. Latuff

Reporting for Narco News, Diego Enrique Osorno reported that the Mayor of Santa Lucia, Jaime Martínez Feria, confirmed that the armed men who were dressed in civilian clothes were “police acting in legitimate defense against the threat of an occupation of City Hall.” According to Osorno, the murders were a coordinated by armed individuals reportedly working for the state political parties, calling themselves “neighbors.” Although it has been reported in the US media that the identified murderers were from the local police, what is being excluded is who is behind the assaults. El Universal recently revealed who took part in the murder of Brad will. According to El Universal, those involved in the murder of Brad Will were the chief of police (Seguridad Publica) of Santa Lucia del Camino, Avel Santiago Zárate, the chief of personnel of the PRI affiliated City Council, Manuel Aguilar, and a local elected Delegate of the PRI, David Aguilar Robles.

Before the slaying of Will, John Dickie, a British filmmaker based in Oaxaca, reported that he had heard an anonymous person on Oaxaca’s clandestine radio station, Citizen’s Radio (Radio Ciudadania: 99.1 FM), tell their listeners that Brad “was an armed terrorist, and there is more to this than meets the eye” and “Indymedia is a branch of the APPO.” As to why the government would make such a claim.

This is a critical time for President Vicente Fox as he has one month left in office before he turns it over to his successor Felipe Calderon. It is nor hard to connect some dots as what has transpired over the weekend. For those who have not been following the situation in Oaxaca, the two significant events that have took place in the past few days. The first was the killing of Brad Will and the two innocent souls. The other, over the weekend thousands of police armed with automatic rifles, riot shields, tear gas, armored vehicles, and helicopters invaded Oaxaca and pushed back protesters through sheer force.

After the violent take over of Oaxaca, La Jornada reported there were three casualties, Jorge Alberto López, Fidel García, and an unidentified 14-year-old.

It is interesting, that after five months of complete apathy, Fox finally decided to act to “restore peace.” Did Fox finally find his excuse to in federal police? The situation that is currently taking place is very reminiscent of an event that happened over ten years ago.

Back in 1994, when the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) launched its campaign to fight for the rights of the indigenous peoples of Chiapas, the Mexican government had utilized an array of tactics to discredit the movement in the press, to torture, rape, imprisonment and outright murder. In Feb 1995, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo deployed 70,000 troops into the jungles of Chiapas also to restore government control, what was widely known as “low intensity warfare.”

Narco News has published Will’s final moments captured on his camera.

Brad Will (1970-2006): Final Report