It Gets Worse: Bush’s Slimiest War Lie Yet

Bush’s mantra is that we’re fighting terrorists in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them here. If that’s true, we better get on the ball — new information shows we may be losing Iraq faster than anyone thinks. Forget the 1st NIE, the 2nd NIE, and all the advice and warnings in between. Did you know that insurgents and terrorists have already established Taliban and al-Qaeda republics in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan? Yes, Bush started these wars to bomb 1 Taliban republic out of existence in Afghanistan and now there are 3 terrorist republics — does Bush know the meaning of fuzzy math?

What Bush does not want the American people to know is that he has quietly redefined the US mission. It is NOT the US mission to fight the insurgents to win the war. In fact, fighting to win the war against the insurgency is not achievable unless we increase troop numbers. The result is that we have a cut-and-run policy in slow motion where troops fight battles here and there but are unable to retain ground taken from insurgents. The consequences of Bush’s policies of not fighting to win is another matter Bush does not want the American people to know:  A 2nd intelligence report withheld from the public concludes the violence in Iraq is exponentially greater than reported and media reports that did not make headline news reveal that the terrorists have already established Taliban and al-Qaeda republics in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A senior US commander in Iraq reported that US military operations are “stifling” the insurgency but are “not strong enough to defeat” the insurgency in Anbar province. Marine Maj. Gen. Richard Zilmer told reporters that he has enough troops (30,000) to accomplish his “main mission” of training Iraqi security forces, but that if his mission changes to winning the fight against the insurgency, then he would need more troops:

“For what we are trying to achieve out here, I think our force levels are about right,” he said. “Now, if that mission statement changes — if there is seen a larger role for coalition forces out here to win that insurgency fight — then that is going to change the metrics of what we need out here.”

Let’s repeat: A general on the ground in Iraq is saying that he does not have enough troops to fight to win the war against insurgents. Force levels are sufficient only for purposes of training Iraqi security forces, which means that when the Iraqi forces are trained, Bush will officially cut and run, turning over the insurgency mess that he has created to Iraq to complete Bush’s mission.

General Zilmer provided this interview to dampen down the outrage over a news report that a well-respected Col. Devlin’s classified intelligence report “says the emperor has no clothes.” Col. Devlin’s classified report concluded that the war in Anbar province was lost, that is, US efforts have failed to clear and hold major cities from terrorists’ control. The report states that this occurred because the lack of a functioning Iraqi government left a void replaced by al-Qaeda, which has become the “most significant political force” in the area.

Bush’s failure to provide sufficient troop numbers means that when violence flares up in one area, troops must be shifted to that area. However, when violence flares up in 2 or more areas at the same time, then one area obtains additional troops but the other areas are then essentially turned over to the terrorists. This is what happened in Anbar. Despite Colonel Devlin’s assessment that Anbar needed more troops to fight the insurgents, “the U.S. military shifted a unit from Anbar to Baghdad, in order to amass more troops to quell increasing violence in the capital.”

Bush admitted that Anbar is “a dangerous place . . . a place where al-Qaeda is really trying to root themselves,” but rejected media and intelligence reports that “Anbar is lost.” Some Defense Department officials have also tried to place a positive spin on this very glum secret report:

“It’s one conclusion about one area. The conclusion on al Anbar doesn’t translate into a perspective on the entire country.”

Perhaps, but Anbar is a key province that US troops have been fighting for years now and which happens to cover a large percentage of Iraq:

Anbar …encompasses Ramadi and Fallujah … [and] accounts for 30 percent of Iraq’s land mass, encompassing the vast area from the capital to the borders of Syria and Jordan, including much of the area that has come to be known as the Sunni Triangle.”

Unfortunately, it is not just Anbar province. The kicker that Bush does not want the public to know is that the Decider’s policies are actually creating terrorist republics in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan that are training camps to export terrorists around the world. Does this at all sound familiar to the al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan that bin Laden used to train the 9/11 hijackers?

Civil war is so rampant and uncontrolled throughout Iraq that Sunni insurgents have taken so much control of the Diyala province that local leaders say the insurgents are “close” to establishing a “Taliban republic” because the weakened government is no match for the insurgents. It is hard to obtain the facts from dangerous Taliban zones, but personal accounts from police and government officials in the Diyala province say that the death toll outside Baghdad may be significantly higher than previously reported, and may be an average of 100 people killed each week. Civilians are careful to avoid angering the local Sunni insurgents in charge of the province for killings are the answer if one violates strict Islamic laws.

The recently declassified NIE concluded that Bush’s policies are responsible for the US losing the “war on terror” because the Iraq war creates and exports more terrorists faster than the US can kill them due to 4 factors:

“Four underlying factors are fueling the spread of the jihadist movement: (1)Entrenched grievances, such as corruption, injustice, and fear of Western domination, leading to anger, humiliation, and a sense of powerlessness; (2) the Iraq “jihad”; (3) the slow pace of real and sustained economic, social, and political reforms in many Muslim majority nations; and (4) pervasive anti-US sentiment among most Muslims–all of which jihadists exploit.”

These same factors are also creating the power vacuum which has enabled insurgents to control provinces in Iraq. The reasons underlying each of these 4 factors are a multitude of Bush’s policy failures. For example, the US has created grievances by permitting and even fostering corruption and injustice, such as the injustice of kidnapping family members to force suspected insurgents to surrender. The Iraqi government is weak because it has not been provided security and is repeatedly criticized by the US, whose extensive micromanagement earned the Iraqi and Afghanistan governments their moniker as a puppet whose strings are pulled by Bush Team.  

Afghanistan also has its own Taliban republics. Remember that Newsweek cover story for the rest of the world about “Losing Afghanistan: The Rise of Jihadistan” while the US edition was about a celebrity photographer?  Well, if Americans did obtain a copy of the article, they would have learned that the Taliban now have created another sanctuary in Afghanistan where Taliban and al-Qaeda can openly train recruits and plan attacks against the US. It is a large republic which covers most of the country excluding Kabul:

“Most worrisome, a new failed-state sanctuary is emerging across thousands of square miles along the Afghan-Pakistan border: “Jihadistan,” it could be called. It’s an autonomous quasi state of religious radicals, mostly belonging to Pashtun tribes who don’t recognize the Afghan-Pakistan frontier – an arbitrary line drawn by the British colonialists in 1893. The enclave’s fluid borders span a widening belt of territory from mountainous hideouts in the southernmost provinces of Afghanistan – Nimruz, Helmand and Farah – up through the agricultural middle of the country in Ghazni, Uruzgan and Zabul, and then north to Paktia and parts of Konar. It extends well across the Pakistan border where, despite close cooperation between the US and Pakistani militaries, jihadist militants in Waziristan province have begun calling themselves “Pakistani Taliban.” No longer worried about interference from Islamabad, they openly recruit young men to fight in Afghanistan, and they hold Islamic kangaroo courts that sometimes stage public executions.”

The openness of the Taliban sanctuaries is evidenced by the Taliban permitting Newsweek reporters to interview them. Moreover, Taliban fighters now have open meetings with their commanders in daylight because the “people know we are returning to power.” Shortly after Newsweek’s visit, US forces tried to remove the Taliban from Ghazni and 4 other provinces with attacks, but the Taliban fighters later returned.

The return of the Taliban in Afghanistan is occurring because the terrorists are filling a power vacuum created by the insufficient US troop numbers and the weak governments. And, similar to the conclusions of the NIE report about Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan “feed on the people’s disillusion with the lack of economic progress, equity and stability that Karzai’s government, NATO, Washington and the international community had promised.” The Taliban also have the added benefit of an easy cash flow from the opium traffickers.

And, then there is the al-Qaeda sanctuary in Pakistan, formalized by the recent “peace” agreement between Pakistan and the terrorists. After 9/11, the Bush Team threatened to bomb Pakistan “back to the stone age” unless it cooperated with Bush in his “war on terror,” according to President Musharraf. The Bush Team’s bully diplomacy does not produce beneficial results, as evidenced by Bush’s inability to negotiate and work with Pakistan these past 5 years to prevent this peace agreement.

Foreign journalists are not allowed into the tribal areas of Pakistan, but an indication of what is occurring in the tribal areas can be gleamed from visiting nearby communities which have similar attitudes. One community voiced strong  support and admiration that the Taliban brought its interpretation of Islamic justice and moral order to Afghanistan. Thus, it should not be surprising that dozens of new madrassas have been opened in this community. Those same madrassas that were blamed for educating and recruiting terrorists.

Bush can’t say that no one warned him that terrorists would establish republics if there were insufficient troops. This time it was Bush who warned the American people that the terrorists want to drive the US from Iraq and use that vacuum to establish bases to launch attacks against the US and “try to establish a totalitarian Islamic empire that reaches from Indonesia to Spain.”  Well, the terrorist republics are now spreading thanks to Bush’s policy failures. And, the danger from these 3 terrorist republics reached a new level when the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq called for explosives experts and nuclear scientists to join his group’s holy war against the West.

The fact that the US has already lost or is losing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as evidenced by the emergence of terrorist republics may be part of the intelligence data still classified in the 1st NIE. Or, it may be part of the 2nd NIE that the Bush Team is blocking from Congress and the public until after the midterm elections. Rep. Harman revealed that this 2nd NIE on Iraq provides a very “grim assessment” of the situation in Iraq.  It may be that Bob Woodward’s disclosure — based upon access to key intelligence — that the Bush Team has lied about the level of violence in Iraq may also be part of the 2nd NIE. Woodward reports that a key intelligence assessment “predicts the insurgency will grow worse next year.” Woodward reveals not only that Henry Kissinger — Mr. Failed Vietnam policymaker — is advising Bush, but that insurgent attacks against US troops occur every 15 minutes, “a shocking fact the administration has kept secret.” This means 800-900 attacks a week or more than 100 a day, or 4 attacks per hour.

The sad result of Bush’s policies is that “Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups now have a place from which to hatch the next 9/11.” The frustrating part is that Americans continue to think that Bush keeps us safer than Democrats because Bush is good at keeping the truth secret.

Patriot Daily: News of the day, just a click away!

Bush FIRED Powell

Another book is on the way. This one by Karen DeYoung from the Washington Post to be released October 10th titled “Soldier: The Life of Colin Powell.”

The Washington Post has a long excerpt today. It describes in detail the lead-up to Powell’s speech to the UN prior to the invasion of Iraq. But I find the first few paragraphs to be the most revealing.

ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2004, eight days after the president he served was elected to a second term, Secretary of State Colin Powell received a telephone call from the White House at his State Department office. The caller was not President Bush but Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and he got right to the point.

“The president would like to make a change,” Card said, using a time-honored formulation that avoided the words “resign” or “fire.” He noted briskly that there had been some discussion of having Powell remain until after Iraqi elections scheduled for the end of January, but that the president had decided to take care of all Cabinet changes sooner rather than later. Bush wanted Powell’s resignation letter dated two days hence, on Friday, November 12, Card said, although the White House expected him to stay at the State Department until his successor was confirmed by the Senate….

The president himself made no contact with Powell after Card’s call. For two days, the only person at the State Department Powell told about it was his deputy and friend of decades, Richard Armitage. Powell dropped off his resignation letter, as instructed, after typing it himself on his home computer. (The White House later pointed out a typo and sent it back to be redone.) Loath to reveal either surprise or insult, he used the letter to claim the decision to leave as his own.

So we add to the news coming from Woodward’s book about the Bush Team’s denial and incompetence that they fired the one person who might have had an ounce of integrity left (I know he had squandered most of his integrity at the UN that day – but compared to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, he’s a paragon of virtue).

Folks are talking – that seems obvious. Wonder what’s prompting all of this? My guess would be a real fear that the nutjobs need to be stopped from the colossal mistake that an attack on Iran would be.

Colin Powell: Traitor!

Certainly, he will be called a traitor to Bush. At least, that’s how I see the headlines being spun by the right blogosphere regarding this latest revelation from Mr. Powell that he didn’t resign as Secretary of State, he was fired by Our Dear Leader.

But I think the case can be made that Mr. Powell’s betrayal extends far beyond the bounds of what, if anything, he owed the Royal Bush family. Follow me below the fold as I make the argument that Powell has betrayed us all.


Powell: Good Soldier/Misguided Loyalist …

ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2004, eight days after the president he served was elected to a second term, Secretary of State Colin Powell received a telephone call from the White House at his State Department office. The caller was not President Bush but Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and he got right to the point.

“The president would like to make a change,” Card said, using a time-honored formulation that avoided the words “resign” or “fire.” He noted briskly that there had been some discussion of having Powell remain until after Iraqi elections scheduled for the end of January, but that the president had decided to take care of all Cabinet changes sooner rather than later. Bush wanted Powell’s resignation letter dated two days hence, on Friday, November 12, Card said, although the White House expected him to stay at the State Department until his successor was confirmed by the Senate.

I wonder, if like Larry Johnson, Mr. Powell no longer considers himself a Republican. It’s clear he finally decided, in light of the passage of the Shred the Constitution and Proclaim George Bush King Military Commissions Act, one which he ardently opposed in his testimony in the Senate (for which he was used once again by Bush and McCain) that the time for fealty to Bush the Younger was over.

Too bad he waited so long. This might have done some good back in 2004 when it mattered.

… or Powell, Dishonorable Coward and Traitor?

Some consider Mr. Powell the epitome of a Good Soldier, a man loyal to his commanders even when they were not loyal to him. A man who refused to speak out against his President because he felt honor bound to remain loyal despite all the insults, humiliations and indignity heaped upon him by the President and the Cheney/Rumsfeld Cabal.

Let me just say that I consider Mr Powell to be the worst sort of soldier. He put his duty to his commander above his duty to his country. When he learned that he had been sold a pack of lies to present to the UN in order to convince the American public of the necessity for invading Iraq, he should have quit and given his reasons then and there. Why? Because no one swears an outh to the President. But soldiers, and yes, the Secretary of State, do swear an oath to defend the Constitution:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Colin Powell failed to do his duty. As Secretary of State, as a soldier, and as a man. Unlike former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill, who told the truth about Bush’s lies and machinations once he resigned, Powell remained silent.

He said nothing publicly against the Bush adminsitration, either because he didn’t want his reputation sullied among his Beltway friends or because he was afraid what being smeared by the White House would do to his lecture fee income. Either way, he has acted dishonorably in my view.

By not speaking out against this rogue President and his administration, by not resigning in protest once it became apparent he had been duped about Iraq’s WMD, by not pulling the wool away from the eyes of a misled and lied to American citizenry who were railroaded into supporting a criminal war of aggression, he committed his greatest offense. Whether out of misguided sense of loyalty or from cowardice, Mr. Powell has dishonored himself personally and professionally, and betrayed his oath to defend the Constitution.

In years to come, no one should remember Mr. Powell as the faithful, loyal soldier, which is the image he has always tried to portray to the media. He should be remembered, instead, as a man who failed to live up to his oath of office. A man who put loyalty to his boss over loyalty to his country. A man who betrayed us all in order to serve an incompetent, ruthless and power-mad President.

In short, he should be remembered as a traitor to the United States of America. He sold us out so that he could pretend to be a man of honor. And in the years to come, we will all pay the price for his dereliction of duty.

If Lips Are Movin’ They Are Lyin’

Bush, Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. etc. etc.

Al Franken’s book title about right wing lies and the “Lying Liars Who Tell Them” turned out to be true not only of the talking heads of the right wing propaganda machine at Fox News and on right wing radio but of the Bush Administration as well.  It’s so sweet to finally see the MSM pull their heads out of their asses and see what has been right in front of their faces for six years.

Booman had a diary about Rice being either stupid or a liar.  I commented that she wasn’t stupid.  Apparently I was wrong.  She is both a fucking liar and a fucking dumbwad (I finally get to use my daughter’s favorite word to describe her older brother when she was 5 and he 8…….In my daughter’s defense, I added the adjective.)

Ah Yes, the Party of Family Values

Republicans, as all of us who read and write here already know, are shamelss, hypocritical human beings.

Here’s the headline for this link:

GOP leaders knew of Foley e-mail in ’05

Now it’s clear that the family Republicans value is one that allows that special kind of love between a man and ………..shit, I just can’t bring myself to list everything that gives Rick Santorum wood.  

I’ve asked God to forgive me for the joy I’m feeling right now.

kossacks flirting with 9/11 again

ok, so some of you don’t like to hear anything about dkos, because that’s there and this is here.  well, as i see it, dkos is important as a study in how ‘radical’ opinion is shoe-horned into mainstream boots.  of how, in other words, to have a revolution that doesn’t shake things up too much.  

kossack behavior around 9/11 has long fascinated me as a particularly salient example of manufactured mass unconsciousness.  i’m talking about the way that a majority can be rendered virtually invisible by a minority in control.  but it’s more than simple minority over majority.  minority over majority represents a deeper truth – that being the way in which a dominant, manufactured, interpretation alienates individuals from their own ‘gut’ reactions.  y’all know the phrase: who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?
there’s a particularly well-written diary up just now on the dkos recommended list, titled, From now on, I refuse to deny my gut instinct.  aside from the clear writing and lack of manic hyperbole, it reminds me of an old diary by thereisnospoon, about how we should all start assuming THE WORST about Bushco… cause tinfoil as the worst sounds, it keeps on proving to be the case.  

like this current diary, that diary was widely recommended.  you see, it’s ok in kos-land to believe there’s something fucked about the official 9/11 story, so long as you don’t say so, or say so specifically.  best, if you just feel it but never allow the feeling to see the light of conscious articulation.  prominent kossacks have bet heavy on repression and ridicule of discussion of 9/11, though they still believe in general that Bushco is entirely unprincipled and capable of anything in pursuit of power and profit.  it leads to some odd juxtapositions.

nyceve, for example writes

JuliaAnn, this is one hell of a great diary . . . (149+ / 0-)

And thank you for having the courage and the intellect to articulate in a rational, clear and straightforward manner what many of us also fear may be true.

by nyceve on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 05:16:57 AM PDT

recognizing that she’s just tacitly endorsed a claim that 9/11 Commission report was a total “blow job,” nyceve is quick to attempt to distance herself from the fringe 70% of kossacks who question the official 9/11 tale:

And BTW, JuliaAnn . . . (18+ / 0-)

I’m not speaking of LIHOP or MIHOP–that is almost unimportant at this point in history.  MIHOP IMO, is total bullshit.

Even worse, MIHOP discussions distract terribly from getting at the underlying truth  of what is going on in this country that you have articulated so well.

So I hope this thread will stay away from LIHOP/MIHOP which trivializes what Americans are dealing with, and focus on the important underlying message of JuliaAnn’s diary…

yup, what actually happened on 9/11 is trivial at this point.  a distraction from the endlessly acceptable debates about how to convince Americans that Democrats know better how to win the ‘War on Terror.’  so long as some are willing and able to manufacture wars, then we shall continue to be their slaves, forever tasked with cleaning up the chaos they willfully create.

well, it’s 5:30 am… sorry but i’m going to have to leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Republican Pedophilia Rings

[Crossposted from my Real History Blog]

From ABC News:

Florida Rep. Mark Foley’s resignation came just hours after ABC News questioned the congressman about a series of sexually explicit instant messages involving congressional pages, high school students who are under 18 years of age.

In Congress, Rep. Foley (R-FL) was part of the Republican leadership and the chairman of the House caucus on missing and exploited children.

Talk about the fox guarding the chickens. I chose that term deliberately, as “chickens” is a slang term for a young, gay boy.

Is Foley the exception? Not at all. Check out the long list at Nor is this a new problem in the Republican party. Check out the link from the Washington Times front page of 6/29/89 pictured below to see how this story reached into the Reagan White House:

You would be shocked and horrified if you read about the right-wing pedophilia circles in this country.

I have the burden of having read, i.e., borne witness too, some of the darkest acts of man through a book written by Nebraska State Senator and Attorney John DeCamp. He detailed a broad Republican child sex ring run by Larry King – not the guy from CNN, but the guy who sang the National Anthem at two Republican Conventions, who was released from jail on April 11, 2001, after serving 10 years of his 15-year sentence for embezzling $39 million from Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (now defunct) in Omaha. The book is called the “Franklin Coverup.” Here is a quick summary, from

On November 4, 1988 the Omaha Franklin Credit-Union Bank was raided and closed by the IRS and the FBI. The raid and closing were conducted resulting from an audit on Lawrence King’s, the Franklin Credit Union’s manager, (see key players page) personal tax returns.

Initially public investigators estimated King had stolen about $4 million from the Franklin Credit Union assets. By the end of their investigation, Officials totaled the missing assets in the tune of $39 million.

Along with the charges of embezzlement, reports came in that the FBI had confiscated child pornography, videotapes and photographs at Franklin Credit Union offices.

Investigators began looking into allegations involving drugs, sexual misconduct, child abuse, pornography, and satanic activity. Along with the allegations came names of prominent individuals in the Omaha Community. Including, then Chief of Police in Omaha, Robert Wadman (see key players page), Alan Baer, Harold W. Anderson, then publisher of the Omaha World Herald, and Lawrence E. King.

In January of 1989 the Nebraska State Legislature constituted a committee to look into the child abuse and drug allegations. Twenty days later Nebraska State Attorney General Robert Spire called a Grand Jury to investigate allegations of what came to be known as the Franklin Case.

Beyond his book, detailing the allegations of sexual abuse and the using of young children as couriers, a British investigative team worked with The Discovery Channel to produce a show called “Conspiracy of Silence,” detailing the Franklin case. But check any list of proverbs to find out what happened next. Tell the truth and run, they say, because the truth is rarely welcomed with open arms:

Finally, the big day came. Their documentary was to air nation-wide on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994. It was advertised in the TV Guide and in newspapers for that day. But no one ever saw that program. At the last minute, and without explanation, it was pulled from the air. It was not shown then, and has never been broadcast anywhere since.

Until now, of course. You can see this online here.

This is the kind of history historians rarely write about. It is sordid. It is unbelievable, until you read the data; then it becomes undeniable. And horrific. I nearly threw up after reading the account of acts performed to one young boy.

And worse, those who perpetrate this are so hellbent on keeping the truth from coming out that they make secondary victims of those who come forward. In the Franklin case, the two victims who testified were made out to be perpetrators of the fraud. This secondary rape was equally as horrific as the primary acts that led them to testify in the first place.

Children are our future. We should guard them and protect them, not sell them into sex slavery to slate the sordid tastes of politicians.

I’m glad Foley stepped down. But we should follow him out the door. Pull on that thread, and who knows what will unravel?

St. Pete Times gives kudos to Dean for being outspoken.

The NYT article tonight, and several comments by strategists this week about Dean’s strategy makes this welcome and appreciated.

Thank you, thank you, Bill Maxwell of the St. Pete Times.  Sounds like you have been saving up those words for a while.  I thank you for saying them this week, they are much needed.  Since you are not much for compliments, I consider them high praise.

Democrats Need to Grow a Spine

But first let us get back to Dean. As far as I am concerned, he has told the truth about the GOP and Bush. If he has erred, it has been on the side of harshness, not dishonesty or hypocrisy.

And now more from the beginning of the article.

When Howard Dean took over as the Democratic national chairman, I hoped that other Democrats would study the straightness of his backbone and grow one just like it. Dean came into the job showing his utter contempt for right-wing Republicans.

I was convinced that he was the man for the job, that if Democrats were to regain any semblance of respectability and real authority, they would have to face reality and start playing the GOP’s brand of smash-mouth personal politics.

….” Here is sampling of Dean’s GOP truths:

Dean: “All we ask is that we not turn into a country like Iran where the president can do anything he wants.”

Dean: “Mean. They’re not nice people. They want to run nearly every aspect of your life.”

Dean: “This is a struggle of good and evil. And we’re good.”

Dean: “Lord knows this administration is beginning to erode the core of our democracy.”

And a last paragraph from a blunt speaking columnist at the St Pete Times.

Some final words from Howard Dean as he responds to a challenge to one of his attacks on Republicans: “This is one of those flaps that comes up once in awhile when I get tough. We have to be tough on the Republicans. Republicans don’t represent ordinary Americans and they don’t have any understanding of what it is to go out and try to make ends meet.”

Nasty and mean, yes, but acceptably so.

One of those inspiring op eds that catches one’e eye and let’s one see someone is noticing.

Jazz Jam: A Slight Return

Just in case anyone was interested, I started up a file sharity blog called Nothing Is.  Here’s just a taste of what I have to offer:

Miles Davis: Lost Mid 1970s Session

I stumbled onto this particular set of recordings last year via the miracle of Soulseek (a great p2p network). Needless to say, the files merely came “as is” with no titles to even remotely hint at what I was listening to. About the only thing that I could conclude with any certainty was that these were from studio sessions from the mid-1970s.

[more on the flipside]
The sound quality of the mp3 files is excellent (at 320 kbps it should be), and the music is about what one would expect of Miles and his crew from around the mid 1970s, just before he took an extended break from recording and touring. Miles plays trumpet exclusively on a few tracks, splits time between trumpet and organ on a few tracks, and plays organ exclusively on a few tracks – nothing out of the ordinary. Since Miles was fond of doing extensive post-production work it’s hard to know just what the final mixes might have sounded like had he continued to pursue the ideas that he and his crew were working out right before retirement. My guess is that the final product would have been a follow-up to the excellent Get Up With It.

I did some detective work, and while checking out the discography at Miles Ahead, have gathered that the tunes that I was grooving on came originally from a couple bootlegs: Unknown Sessions Vol. 1 and Unknown Sessions Vol. 2.

The first disc consists of tunes recorded between the end of February, 1975 and the end of December, 1976. The second disc consists of two sessions separated by three and a half years. The earlier material is clearly more on the psychedelic tip, with all the Indian instrumentation and wah-wah pedals. The later material turns up the funk quotient, while Miles seems to veer ever into Sun Ra territory. Since these are compilations of recording sessions, expect there to be tracks that just seem to cut off in the middle, as well as occasional studio chatter at the start of some tracks (if you’re a collector of the various complete sessions for Bitches Brew, etc., this won’t surprise you in the least).

The information for the recordings follows below:

Disc 1

Track 1: TDK Funk recorded Dec 27, 1976 (5:01)
Track 2: Turn of the Century Feb 27, 1975 (15:34)
Track 3: Latin take 7 recorded May 5, 1975 (3:56)
Track 4: Latin take 6 recorded May 5, 1975 (4:41)
Track 5: Latin takes 3 & 4 recorded May 5, 1975 (4:47)
Track 6: Latin take 6 different mix recorded May 5, 1975 (4:15)
Track 7: untitled original 750505 take 2 recorded May 5, 1975 (6:15)
Track 8: untitled original 760330a take 3 recorded Mar 30, 1976 (4:50)
Track 9: untitled original 760330a take 5 recorded Mar 30, 1976) (5:27)


Track 1: Miles Davis (org); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d)
Track 2: Miles Davis (tpt, org); Sonny Fortune (ss, ts, fl); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Forman (cga, perc)
Tracks 3 – 7: Miles Davis (tpt, org); Sam Morrison (ts); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Reggie Lucas (g); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Forman (cga, perc)
Tracks 8 – 9: Miles Davis (org); Sam Morrison (ss, as, fl); Mark Johnson (el-p); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d)

Disc 2

Track 1: Agharta Prelude pt. 2 take 14 recorded Nov. 30, 1972  (17:46)
Track 2: Agharta Prelude pt. 2 take 15 recorded Nov. 30, 1972  (9:36)
Track 3: Song of Landa take 2 recorded Mar. 30, 1976 (4:05)
Track 4: Song of Landa take 6 recorded Mar. 30, 1976 (4:48)


Tracks 1 & 2: Miles Davis (tpt); Carlos Garnett (ss); Cedric Lawson (keyb); Reggie Lucas (g); Khalil Balakrishna (sitar); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d); James Mtume Forman (cga, perc); Badal Roy (tabla)
Tracks 3 & 4: Miles Davis (org); Sam Morrison (ss, as, fl); Mark Johnson (el-p); Pete Cosey (g, perc); Michael Henderson (el-b); Al Foster (d)


Disc 1 appears to be excerpted from the album UNKNOWN SESSIONS 1973-1976 VOL. 1, released on the Kind of Blue label (KOB 002)

Disc 2 appears to be the contents of the album UNKNOWN SESSIONS 1974-1976 VOL. 2, released under the Kind of Blue label (KOB 003)

Curious? Download the Lost Mid 1970s Sessions and hear for yourself.

I do have a number of mp3s of Miles Davis’ live gigs from the early and mid 1970s that I will probably be sharing in the near future. Stay tuned.