LOL Yes, I will be doing phone banking to get out the vote. We have a program that is being updfated dailey with the names of those who have early voted and we are calling all dems who have voted in primaries and asking them to vote early. Then we will start calling all who did not vote early and ask them to vote on Nov. 7th. LOL It will be a busy last week here.
Thanks!!!! I am hoping pasys off big time across the nation fopr all of us. I know many who are working their hearts out and we have to make a difference this November.
Assuming our weather is heading your way, it isn’t going to last. It was 70 here on monday and 50 on Tuesday and the low tonight in going to be in the 20s.
I too am enjoying the warm weather. It made for nice trick or treating last night with madame and the boran2 boy. He was the grim reaper this year, appropriate to nothing. I’m not sure why he picked that costume. Too much candy for one child though.
It started out slow and I thought we’d have tons of candy left, but it turned out to be a late crowd and they kept coming even after we had turned off the lights and run out of candy. I was going to drop Hopeful into one of the bags but she’s getting kinda heavy now for a 3 year old to carry.
We didn’t even buy candy for last night, so no left overs. I’m waiting for the nephews and nieces to come by with theirs. However, I think they’ve gotten old enough to catch on to me raiding their candy bags. 🙂
More than likely I’ll just buy some ice cream and console myself. 🙂
The professional plumbers just showed up. There’s nothing worse than the plumbing going out. Well I guess there’s electricity, cable, phone and internet, but plumbing ranks right at the top.
There are a few trees that have started here, but it’s mostly pine, so the only thing I can look forward to is pine needles and pine cones on the lawn.
Well get ready because it will be coming back shortly. I was afraid last night the kids might have thought we made the lawn look the way it is now for Halloween, but nope it’s just natural. 🙂
Nope I think they probably thought the high grass and fallen tree limbs on the lawn were too much to try and navigate. However, if they had gotten through that, the clogged toilet would have gotten them. 🙂
I’m waiting on the professionals to get here this morning now. The plumbing beat me again.
That’s something I’d be happy to leave to the professionals. I’ve got so much house cleaning to do today and the dog won’t let me. She attacks the broom. She hates the vacuum cleaner and barks the whole time. She follows me around every step of the way.
Is it too late to go trick-or-treating this morning? I have no doubt there are plenty of houses with leftover candy. Not that I have any business eating any, of course. I stopped last night at one of those miniature 100 Grand bar.
The neighborhood looks pretty clean so I guess there was no tricking last night and both Cat and Tom are alive after being outside all night. All in all a good Halloween.
Sounds pretty good to me. We apparently only had ten trick or treaters, which is down about two from last year. Three of them were our grandkids, and I think one was my son in a kid suit. Fact is, he may have come around twice.
This is one of the neighborhoods in the town that gets hit hard with trick or treaters. So I think that an estimate of about 50 to 100 all night would be about right. I think I would have had to take out a loan to furnish all that candy.
Last year, we bought a huge bag of assorted candy…and no one showed up.
This year, we picked up a small bag of mini Milky Ways…and almost ran out!
I think some of our East Indian (and other) neighbors are starting to pick up on American culture…or at least their kids are. As it is, a few families passed us by according to the spouse, mainly because our apartment is set a bit off from the main path — so next year we’re going to figure out some sort of decor to welcome the little ghosties and ghoulies. 🙂
Erranding today again…if the spouse ever gets in the shower at least…
because I let him do all the door answering — we were watching TV and he was closer to the door…
I’m going to resist the temptation to hit the post-Halloween candy sales; I’m already down 15 lbs. and would like to lose at least 5-10 more by beginning of January when I go back and see my doctor. The big challenge of the holidays is coming up…I’m already craving pumpkin pie…
Oddly, though I love bread, I’ve never liked stuffing. Or pumpkin pie unless it’s absolutely smothered with real whipped cream, and even then I don’t eat the crust.
Evil overlords are still blocking most photos. I’ll have to see it when I get home. (I can’t even see the photo at the top!) Or maybe its a Rovian plot.
I wish. It would have been more fun, as well as a better excuse. No, it was a pulmonary function test. They leave me a little stupid from the emptying of my lungs and the rapid inhaling and exhaling. My lungs have been on the blink for most of the past year and the docs have no idea why. Friday, it’s allergy test time. Who knows what they’ll think of next.
I thought your comment was funny and the little guy reminded of my students.
Hey, kids! Wonderful to see you. So glad you’re back, FM!
As usual, I must express my joy at these lovely, lovely images! Including yours, O Incredibly Luscious Being With New Boyfriend.
Hallowe’en ain’t nothin’ without a touch of coming winter in the breeze. To quote the song, however: here in MB ‘it might as well be spring’. Or summer. Whatever.
No kids around last night, either. Thank Goddess — I can now throw out all the candy. Not for my benefit, but I’m now sharing space with a sugar junkie with blood pressure issues (pardon the redundancy).
Hello, wench! I am sending cooling breezes and thoughts of impending snow your way, though it is 75 here right now.
You know, looking at that picture of me I can’t help but notice how very much I need to have my eyes done. If my eyelids droop anymore I won’t be able to see! O, curses damn gravity!
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Got lots of election activities on your calendar?
LOL Yes, I will be doing phone banking to get out the vote. We have a program that is being updfated dailey with the names of those who have early voted and we are calling all dems who have voted in primaries and asking them to vote early. Then we will start calling all who did not vote early and ask them to vote on Nov. 7th. LOL It will be a busy last week here.
Trick or Treat? Nightamres of Repugnants Running Through My Mind
Thanks for doing that hard work. Everybody in my house will cross fingers and claws that it pays off on Tuesday.
Thanks!!!! I am hoping pasys off big time across the nation fopr all of us. I know many who are working their hearts out and we have to make a difference this November.
Good morning Andi and rf,
It’s almost spring-like – 60 degrees this morning.
Morning ask!!!!
Assuming our weather is heading your way, it isn’t going to last. It was 70 here on monday and 50 on Tuesday and the low tonight in going to be in the 20s.
I don’t mind it being seasonal…but waking up in the 20s can wait a bit.
I too am enjoying the warm weather. It made for nice trick or treating last night with madame and the boran2 boy. He was the grim reaper this year, appropriate to nothing. I’m not sure why he picked that costume. Too much candy for one child though.
Good morning Andi, Refinish and ask.
How is everybody this am?
Glad to have you back!!
How are you feeling?
Hi Andi.
Pretty good today. Did ya’ll have a good Halloween?
Did you eat all the Snickers, FM?
Hi SN.
Nope no candy here. We shut off the lights and let the trick or treaters pass by. Did you have a lot of people drop by?
It started out slow and I thought we’d have tons of candy left, but it turned out to be a late crowd and they kept coming even after we had turned off the lights and run out of candy. I was going to drop Hopeful into one of the bags but she’s getting kinda heavy now for a 3 year old to carry.
I think there were still kids walking around here until 9:00 pm.
You could have put Hopeful in a costume and given her away as a surprise.
Glad you are doing better.
No halloween here, no one ever comes to our house due to the combination of a low population density and a long driveway.
Did you dress up anyway, as the crazy lady with all of the dogs?
I could have done with that last night instead of having all the lights out. 🙂
Yeah, kids might think you were doing Lights Out and show up en mass.
Good thing it was an old radio show. If they showed up en mass here they would have been disappointed. Then again, I haven’t checked outside yet. 🙂
It’s so good to see you back FM! 🙂
Lovely photos Andi and SN … I like the ‘what’s ahead’ theme.
Hi Olivia and thanks.
Did you have a good Halloween night last night?
And we have some goodies left over. 🙂
We didn’t even buy candy for last night, so no left overs. I’m waiting for the nephews and nieces to come by with theirs. However, I think they’ve gotten old enough to catch on to me raiding their candy bags. 🙂
You’ll just have get more stealthy about it! … wait, what am I saying … FM, that’s mean … 😉
I’m off to work. Hope to see you around later. It’s good to have you back!
More than likely I’ll just buy some ice cream and console myself. 🙂
The professional plumbers just showed up. There’s nothing worse than the plumbing going out. Well I guess there’s electricity, cable, phone and internet, but plumbing ranks right at the top.
Enjoy work if possible. See ya later.
I have sort of a ‘what’s ahead’ photo too.
Nice colors. We still have a lot of green around here.
I guess the color is coming your way. Ours is just about to peak.
There are a few trees that have started here, but it’s mostly pine, so the only thing I can look forward to is pine needles and pine cones on the lawn.
I’ve missed your whining about yardwork. 🙂
Well get ready because it will be coming back shortly. I was afraid last night the kids might have thought we made the lawn look the way it is now for Halloween, but nope it’s just natural. 🙂
You mean they thought the mist rising from your house was deliberate and not the result of your clogged toilet mixed with cool night air?
Nope I think they probably thought the high grass and fallen tree limbs on the lawn were too much to try and navigate. However, if they had gotten through that, the clogged toilet would have gotten them. 🙂
I’m waiting on the professionals to get here this morning now. The plumbing beat me again.
That’s something I’d be happy to leave to the professionals. I’ve got so much house cleaning to do today and the dog won’t let me. She attacks the broom. She hates the vacuum cleaner and barks the whole time. She follows me around every step of the way.
Sigh. Guess i better get to it. See you later.
Oh the joy of house cleaning. 🙂
You and HJ enjoy your quality time together.
I like yours better — much better light.
I’m off for the morning walk. See you later.
See ya. Enjoy.
Good to see you, FM!
Hello Boran and thanks.
Good morning all! Happy day after Halloween. This morning, the boran2 boy asked me if it was over. More than one day would be far too much.
Yep but the Xmas stuff starts being put out now. Two months to look forward to that. 🙂
Ugh, too much, too soon. Only 54 shopping days left.
Um, we’ve been seeing Christmas stuff for at least 2 weeks already.
Hi CG.
I’m waiting to see when the neighbors start putting up their stuff.
Back to court, and waiting, see ya later.
Is it too late to go trick-or-treating this morning? I have no doubt there are plenty of houses with leftover candy. Not that I have any business eating any, of course. I stopped last night at one of those miniature 100 Grand bar.
Hi Omir.
The neighborhood looks pretty clean so I guess there was no tricking last night and both Cat and Tom are alive after being outside all night. All in all a good Halloween.
Yes, it was pleasantly uneventful. Except for the trick or treater that stopped by at 10:37 last night.
Sounds pretty good to me. We apparently only had ten trick or treaters, which is down about two from last year. Three of them were our grandkids, and I think one was my son in a kid suit. Fact is, he may have come around twice.
This is one of the neighborhoods in the town that gets hit hard with trick or treaters. So I think that an estimate of about 50 to 100 all night would be about right. I think I would have had to take out a loan to furnish all that candy.
Omir, If you stop by at my place, we’ll send you home with a bag of candy.
I’ll be right over as soon as the cab gets here. Oh, and as soon as I get about $10,000 to pay the driver.
Can’t you just use your great charm and wit? (2 things that I have in short supply, according to some.)
Last year, we bought a huge bag of assorted candy…and no one showed up.
This year, we picked up a small bag of mini Milky Ways…and almost ran out!
I think some of our East Indian (and other) neighbors are starting to pick up on American culture…or at least their kids are. As it is, a few families passed us by according to the spouse, mainly because our apartment is set a bit off from the main path — so next year we’re going to figure out some sort of decor to welcome the little ghosties and ghoulies. 🙂
Erranding today again…if the spouse ever gets in the shower at least…
Hi Cali. Sound like you had a good Halloween.
because I let him do all the door answering — we were watching TV and he was closer to the door…
I’m going to resist the temptation to hit the post-Halloween candy sales; I’m already down 15 lbs. and would like to lose at least 5-10 more by beginning of January when I go back and see my doctor. The big challenge of the holidays is coming up…I’m already craving pumpkin pie…
I can resist the pie, no problem — it’s the stuffing that does me in.
Oddly, though I love bread, I’ve never liked stuffing. Or pumpkin pie unless it’s absolutely smothered with real whipped cream, and even then I don’t eat the crust.
you might change your mind if you’d ever had my m-i-l’s oyster stuffing.
I hate oysters, but thanks. 🙂
The closest I come to liking stuffing is my mom’s – but I think it’s just nostalgia.
Good old cornbread stuffing with giblet gravey will do me.
I don’t know of anything during Thanksgiving I don’t like to eat. I also love the leftovers. 🙂
I’m with you – it’s all good. Well, except for pumpkin pie.
Most people don’t like it, but I’ve always liked minced meat pie.
Ok, why the heck do they call it “meat” when there’s no meat in it?
There isn’t?
Well damn I’ve been fooled all these years. 🙂
Hey you guys – I got a new boyfriend. I figured if I start out younger they’ll be easier to train.
wow, what did you do to deserve such a cutie?
(i don’t like oysters either — except in my m-i-l’s stuffing)
We were sort of thrown together by fate and it’s working out rather well.
I think he’s a lucky guy to get you. 🙂
He fed me Cheetos yesterday, now I’ll never leave.
I’m kinda surprised you didn’t go for a guy who was still wearing footies.
Playing the field I see. 🙂
He’s lucky to have such a girlfriend.
Evil overlords are still blocking most photos. I’ll have to see it when I get home. (I can’t even see the photo at the top!) Or maybe its a Rovian plot.
Either this a joke or you’re running for one of those empty Rep pervert seats in Congress.
Either this a joke or you’re running for one of those empty Rep pervert seats in Congress.
The comment I just posted was idiotic. I’d delete it if I could. I just got make from a medical test and have no business posting anything.
What did the test involve – large amounts of narcotics? 🙂
I thought about how stupid my referring to him as my boyfriend was but I couldn’t take it down. Oh well. :/
I wish. It would have been more fun, as well as a better excuse. No, it was a pulmonary function test. They leave me a little stupid from the emptying of my lungs and the rapid inhaling and exhaling. My lungs have been on the blink for most of the past year and the docs have no idea why. Friday, it’s allergy test time. Who knows what they’ll think of next.
I thought your comment was funny and the little guy reminded of my students.
I’ve got to get FMom moving and ready for a Physical Thearpy appointment.
See everybody later.
Hey, kids! Wonderful to see you. So glad you’re back, FM!
As usual, I must express my joy at these lovely, lovely images! Including yours, O Incredibly Luscious Being With New Boyfriend.
Hallowe’en ain’t nothin’ without a touch of coming winter in the breeze. To quote the song, however: here in MB ‘it might as well be spring’. Or summer. Whatever.
No kids around last night, either. Thank Goddess — I can now throw out all the candy. Not for my benefit, but I’m now sharing space with a sugar junkie with blood pressure issues (pardon the redundancy).
Now for more coffee!! To each his own ..
Yours = the one of you.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I should just post telephathically.
Helloooo WW. So good to see you too.
I’m just on my way out, but wanted to say hello and hope to see you later.
Hello, wench! I am sending cooling breezes and thoughts of impending snow your way, though it is 75 here right now.
You know, looking at that picture of me I can’t help but notice how very much I need to have my eyes done. If my eyelids droop anymore I won’t be able to see! O, curses damn gravity!