Of who are the ones leading the Charge against Kerry!
Chickenhawk n. A person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it; particularly when that enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; most emphatically when that lack of experience came in spite of ample opportunity in that person’s youth.
About the Chickenhawk Database
Than of course we have their Minions, The 101st Fighting Keyboard Brigade, of which all they, and the famous ‘Chickenhawks’, are doing is reminding us Who Avoided At All Cost Serving in the Military, especially at times of Conflicts, who ‘Cheerleads’ as others Kill and are Killed, Maim and are Maimed!
These are the same who Laughed while brandishing ‘Purple Heart’ Bandages, a Slam on the Purple Heart recipients of this Nation and it’s many Conflicts!
They are the same that Excuse, without a whimper of Outrage, the lack of funding for Veterans and Especially returning Vets in a time of Two Conflict Theaters!
They are the same who except the Lies, and ignore the growing pileof proof, while ignoring or excusing a Commander-In-Chief who hasn’t attended One Funeral of a Fallen Soldier!
I could go on but need not do so.
Who Owes Who An Apology?
Bring The Home, NOW! And take care of them when they return!!
Signature:If the recent Lancet reports of 655,000 Iraqi deaths are true, a field of markers representing that tragedy 51′ wide (15.55 m) would be 21.14 miles (34.02 km) long.
(If markers were three feet apart in all directions, as in the Arlington Memorials around the Country)
A Fucking men Jim!
We(blogers on the left here, Kos and elsewhere) are giving the story just as much fire as the liarinchief. Please let us remember all the above. The Kerry story is just another distraction, Rove got habded his October surprise and we are fueling the diversion.
Let’s keep the real issues up front and in the headlines. The Iraq Illegal Occupoation and destruction of a country that did nothing to us.
CIA agent outings.
Katrina victims still living in poverty and tents.
Forty million Americans that have no health coverage and folks that have to choose between food and medicine.
The LIES, LIES and more lies to cover the lies.
Can I just say that from what I saw last night, there were a lot of people calling bullshit on the “importance” of the story.
Hi CabinGirl! Sure you can say that. I too noticed that last night. Mathews and Olbermann both defending kerry. Even Scumbourgh a litttle too. the problem is that Faux people don’t listen to those guys. Rush, Hannity, O’lielly is all they will hear. Sad isn’t it?
and another quick thing. The diaries that were flying up over at Kos yesterday and the comments bashing Kerry is what really made me sick. Was it a stupid joke that went flat? Absolutely but need we give the repugs more fuel by bashing him too?
650K dead…
and more dying every day.. here and there.
A number of things stated by bush, on down to the ‘chickenhawk’ 101st keyboard brigade about the Troops, Especially those voicing Opposition to this Debacle, not just what I quickly posted up!
Kerry’s statement could have been put into a Serious Speach and it would have been Right!
Many join to get the Needed Funding for School, Many join because though Intelligent they have trouble with Entrance Exams etc., Many join because there are No More Good Paying Jobs in this Country even for the College Educated!!
And On And On And On!!
check out this YouTube video regarding Kerry’s remarks
Says it all…
and putting that one in my favorites, not to mention my site and sending it out!!;c}