I love the trickle-down-policy. I see it working well all around me. I have ‘benefited’ in many ways and I’ll bet you have too.

If the Presidency Bush Lies is the most powerful position in the world and that position holder is allowed to Lie, Murder, Drink and Steal then those beneath him see and believe that it is okay to do that. There’s no accountability. If the Leaders of the various Religions hide pedophiles, murderers, liars, drinkers, abusers then those who follow believe that this behaviour is okay and do the same. The Pope hid this guy.

If a CEO robs his company, hides assets, his employess see no accountability and begin their petty thefts.

If the head of a household drinks and abuses the spouse and children those beneath him see little or no accountability and repeat the learned behavior.

If elected officials who deceive the people that placed him in office gets away with lies, fills his/her pockets with tax payer money and gets re-elected over and over again, those beneath him accept the no accountability and do the same. (Insert your favorite political crook here-there are so many..)

If the leaders don’t care about the important things, those beneath begin not to care either. If the media stops reporting the news and just entertains because that’s where the money is, those who watch learn to want just entertainment.

If those on top ignore the poor and sick, the followers do the same.

Crime rates are up, gun ownership is up, alcohlism and drug use is up, poverty is up.

Yes, the trickle down affect is working well.