One way or another, we all have to find what best fosters the flowering of our humanity in this contemporary life, and dedicate ourselves to that.
– Joseph Campbell
for losing the upcoming elections, but you’re not going to like their reasoning: NY Observer
Stricken with anxiety as the polls continue to indicate a Democratic resurgence, certain Republicans have started spouting justifications and explanations for their party’s possible eviction from office. No matter what may happen on Election Day, they say, the results must not be taken at face value–because liberal Democrats can only prevail by pretending to be right-wing Republicans.
Anybody want to get which races they’re using as evidence? Yep, my friend Bob Casey is one of them…
To prove her point, Ms. Ingraham cited three highly competitive Senate races: Pennsylvania, where Democratic nominee Bob Casey Jr. is expected to defeat Republican incumbent Rick Santorum; Tennessee, where Democratic Representative Harold Ford Jr. was in a dead heat with Republican Bob Corker, the former Mayor of Chattanooga, until the Republicans aired a racially polarizing TV commercial; and Virginia, where the underfunded Democratic challenger, James Webb, is bidding to upset Republican incumbent George Allen.
According to Ms. Ingraham, “Whether it’s [Bob] Casey in Pennsylvania or Harold Ford Jr. in Tennessee, or even James Webb in Virginia, all these Democrats are running fairly conservative campaigns.” That’s because Mr. Ford says he loves Jesus, and Mr. Casey says he opposes abortion, and Mr. Webb worked for President Reagan two decades ago.
Thanks, Chuck Schumer. This little myth/excuse is apparently already finding it’s way into the NYT political coverage as well.
You know, when all you have to sell is FEAR, at some point in time the market becomes saturated with an oversupply and potential buyers think it’s a poor commodity not worth buying…you become desparate and need to find a reason why sales are down.
The Hizbullah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has said “serious” indirect negotiations with Israel over a possible prisoner exchange are under way.
The negotiations – being conducted via a secret UN-backed mediator – involve the possible release of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, the Israeli soldiers whose capture in a cross-border raid by Hizbullah this summer sparked a 34-day Israeli offensive.
Mr Nasrallah’s comments were the first confirmation that talks about prisoners were ongoing. Last week, unconfirmed reports suggested there had been discussions that were proving unsuccessful.
In an interview yesterday, he told Hizbullah’s television station that talks were “on track”. “We have reached the stage of exchanging ideas or, more accurately, exchanging conditions,” he said.
There was no immediate comment from Israeli officials.
Interesting story about the car glut. People aren’t wanting big SUVs so much, but the American car makers are determined to ram them down are throats with “incentives.” And where are these monster-size vehicles going to end up 5 or 10 years from now? No one will want them.
How do you think the AP handled the Mike Stark incident?
I’m fairly pleased with it. While it is a little misleading about when it all started, it more than makes up for it with the tears of joy from the striking workers.
“Bechtel Corp. went to Iraq three years ago to help rebuild a nation torn by war. Since then, 52 of its people have been killed and much of its work sabotaged as Iraq dissolved into insurgency and sectarian violence.”
We had a good turnout at the Mexican consulate in Portland (OR) to bear witness to the violence in Oaxaca that the MSM says so little about. There was a Dia de los Muertos altar set up with flowers, food mementos and the names of those who died when the paramilitary police started shooting people including a 14 year old and indymedia videographer Brad Will. According to one of the speakers who has family there, activists are starting to be “disappeared” with their bodies being found the next day by the railroad tracks. As a citizen/journalist and member of a teachers’ union I believe it’s only a matter of time before we see the same stuff here.
Two people blockaded the entrance to the building and a couple others snuck in and did a big bannner drop. When two representatives from the consul came out and tried to convince us that we should leave because we were frightening the people who came for their passports, the Spanish-speaking folks among us hollered out to that we were there as support, not Minutemen jerks, and
they understood.
More happening today-probably in your city too-check your local independent media source.
Here is a news story that reminded me of Ducttape Fatwa. It seems a father has been convicted of mutilating his 2 yr. old daughter’s genitals, though he claims his innocence. It was the first criminal conviction of this type in the US and he got 10 years. Weirdly, the mom claims she didn’t realize he had done it for a year.
I know, cuz he said it on tv.
Love the response at the end: “Well, you have been indicted.” I guess in Tom’s world, that’s a legal problem rather than an ethical one?
for losing the upcoming elections, but you’re not going to like their reasoning: NY Observer
Anybody want to get which races they’re using as evidence? Yep, my friend Bob Casey is one of them…
Thanks, Chuck Schumer. This little myth/excuse is apparently already finding it’s way into the NYT political coverage as well.
Yeah, right. I wish Bob Casey were only “pretending” to be a right-wing extemist.
You know, when all you have to sell is FEAR, at some point in time the market becomes saturated with an oversupply and potential buyers think it’s a poor commodity not worth buying…you become desparate and need to find a reason why sales are down.
Nasrallah confirms Israel prisoner talks
Westerners ‘are more promiscuous’
How was Halloween? In the can’t make it up box
The Witch had a bad spell. Court orders Witch to refund fee to a disappointed client.
Our own Steven D’s post on Laura Bush pronouncing on Michael J.
It’s easy to manipulate emotions.
Meanwhile, others free science to make progress,
Liver cells grown from cord blood
Want that extra edge?
UK army tested the stay awake pill that’ll keep you awake for days
What after November 7th for a likely Dem-controlled House?
Going into ’07, a recession on tap that many predict won’t be short or soft. Mountains of debt from the Cheney/Bush management.
Blow for America’s hopes of recovery as growth slows and read Roubini the guy who many on Wall Street dismissed but, he has been accurate.
In the market for an auto? Name your price, pretty much. Get ready for deals in the coming big auto sell-off.
Interesting story about the car glut. People aren’t wanting big SUVs so much, but the American car makers are determined to ram them down are throats with “incentives.” And where are these monster-size vehicles going to end up 5 or 10 years from now? No one will want them.
How do you think the AP handled the Mike Stark incident?
I’m fairly pleased with it. While it is a little misleading about when it all started, it more than makes up for it with the tears of joy from the striking workers.
Net positive piece, I believe.
With so much video of what actually happened available on the internet, I think they had no choice but to be pretty fair.
I like the striking worker thing at the end too. People are tired of the GOP and their strong-arm tactics.
Bill Napoli (creep) in his own words:
(via Feministing)
Bechtel isn’t buying the “staying the course” decree. Can’t take the casualties: Mission Impossible.
Now Bechtel is leaving.
“Bechtel Corp. went to Iraq three years ago to help rebuild a nation torn by war. Since then, 52 of its people have been killed and much of its work sabotaged as Iraq dissolved into insurgency and sectarian violence.”
(H/T:Laura Rozen)
We had a good turnout at the Mexican consulate in Portland (OR) to bear witness to the violence in Oaxaca that the MSM says so little about. There was a Dia de los Muertos altar set up with flowers, food mementos and the names of those who died when the paramilitary police started shooting people including a 14 year old and indymedia videographer Brad Will. According to one of the speakers who has family there, activists are starting to be “disappeared” with their bodies being found the next day by the railroad tracks. As a citizen/journalist and member of a teachers’ union I believe it’s only a matter of time before we see the same stuff here.
Two people blockaded the entrance to the building and a couple others snuck in and did a big bannner drop. When two representatives from the consul came out and tried to convince us that we should leave because we were frightening the people who came for their passports, the Spanish-speaking folks among us hollered out to that we were there as support, not Minutemen jerks, and
they understood.
More happening today-probably in your city too-check your local independent media source.
Here is a news story that reminded me of Ducttape Fatwa. It seems a father has been convicted of mutilating his 2 yr. old daughter’s genitals, though he claims his innocence. It was the first criminal conviction of this type in the US and he got 10 years. Weirdly, the mom claims she didn’t realize he had done it for a year.