Bitch Ph.D. explains the finer points of bitchology.
General J.C. Christian, Patriot catches Lynne Cheney’s illustrator engaging in Amazon sockpuppetry.
Steve Clemons reminds swingvoters that the neo-cons still want to bomb Iran. Faster please.
I agree with s.z. that probing Ann Coulter is distasteful. But kinky? Not.
Bob Geiger talks about lies and national security
Want some right-wing Senate predictions? I hope the guy is way off.
And, of course, Mark Halperin has ruined his life and his professional reputation. Sad, really. I hope he is soon replaced as director of ABC political news.
What have you turned up in the blogosphere?
The first comment in the right-wing Senate predictions thread says that Mike Bouchard will be the ‘upset of the night’ in Michigan.
I am here to tell you there is no way that will happen.
But if, somehow, the Republicans do manage to suppress turnout enough such that this race is even close, Stabenow can look back to her pro-torture vote. That was the last straw for a lot of Michigan Democrats. I will still vote for her, but she is officially on notice; there will be a primary challenger for her next term.
For me the thing that cut it with Stabenow came earlier: the bankruptcy vote. She WILL have an opponent if I have to run against her!
(And I’m quite sure that won’t be necessary. She’ll get my vote – as I hold my nose – but that is it. There is simply no excuse for her voting record.)
Yeah, she has definitely had several questionable votes. I had almost forgotten about the bankruptcy one.
She is partially redeemed by her votes on the environment, abortion, and education. But we can do better (shit, I can’t believe I just used the DeVos standby line!).
Nezua, a.k.a. The Unapologetic Mexican has a great essay up about the situation in Oaxaca, the Zapatista uprising, and what it means to human rights advocates around the world. A lenghty piece, but worth it, imo.
Pretty funny listening to Andrew Sullivan basically saying Bush is nuts and Christopher Hitchens agreeing. Video from Crooks and Liars.
And a direct quote from Sullivan, “This is not an election anymore, its an intervention.”
“But President Bush approved the site’s creation after Congressional Republicans proposed legislation to force the documents’ release”
We need the full list of Republicans there…