Froggy Bottom Lazy Afternoon Cafe
It’s nap time somewhere!
FM is hosting.
George is obviously napping.
George is obviously napping.
Enjoying your Thursday yet?
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
George beat me to the nap today, but I’m valiantly trying to stay awake.
Maybe a beer would help. I wonder if I could make this a lazy afternoon beer drinking day.
What a cute picture!!!!!! I am just finishing up my day at work and will be home in about 45 minutes or so.
Hi Refinish.
I read earlier where you’re just getting over a cold. Glad to hear you’re feeling better.
LOL I wish I was feeling better. I am better than yesterday but still feel like hell but work goes on. LOL George is such a cute puppy!!!!!!! I bet he and the Diva Dogs would have a blast playing together.
Hopefully by next week you be feeling fine and celebrating a big Dem. win.
I like the thought of Geroge and the Diva Dogs playing together, but unfortunately George was never socolized as a puppy. Whenever he see another dog, he goes into the, “I don’t care how big you are, I’ll tear you up” mode.
I wish I could be that relaxed.
I wish I could sleep like that. In all my slackerdom that’s one thing that has escaped me.
I love watching the dogs sleep; it makes me feel relaxed.
With George being such a hyper yapper, it’s rare I can catch him fully relaxed or asleep. Usually with George it’s a more drive you up the wall kind of feeling. π
Hi NDD. A Sleemans Orig Dark Ale coming right up.
That’s a beautiful sunset picture.
that’s the view just west of our little city, took it on the way to a birthday party Sat night.
Are you guys calm, and patiently waiting for next Tues?
Patience and calm are two of my stong points. It would be kind of hard to lead a slackerly lifestyle without those. π
Are you getting excited about Tuesday?
I was excited pior to 2004 derailment. No excitement allowed now, prior to the event. Although I’m hoping for some excitment the evening of Nov 7.
Yeah I know what you mean. I’m always in the mode of preparing for the worst and then being pleasantly surprised when things work my way.
Yeah, that’s a great way to avoid the trauma of huge disappointments.
What’s the atmostphere like in your neighborhood? Lots of political signs on the yards, or not?
The signs are everywhere and the radio and tv commercials are on constantly. I’ll be glad when Nov 7th has come and gone just to get rid of the signs and commercials.
Speaking of atmosphere, how’s your weather been? I’ve been thinking you’re probably freezing by now.
Tonight’s lows 10 to 15F.
But it’s been a rather nasty October since our first snow on the 11th, which was about 3 weeks ahead of normal. We’ve had lots of overcast days. So I’m looking forward to some sun.
I’m predicting an Indian Summer throughout November, starting after the full moon, on the 5th, I think it is.
that”-” after WX was not a minus sign in front of the 30, that comes later in the winter, ha!
We’re supposed to get down into the mid 30’s tonight, but that will only last a night or two and then mid 40’s to 50’s at night. We’ve been staying around mid 60’s and 70’s during the day.
So are you still out at the farm or in town now?
FMom has lost something and I’ve got to tear up the house to find it.
Back in a minute.
not sure when I’ll make the next trip up north. But I should cut a tad more firewood to be ready for the winter.
Hey NDD — How’ve ya been?
Are you totally recovered from the Cards’ revelry?
Do you ever read The Onion? They have a piece about the world series on their front page this week.
I’ll have to see if I can find that article.
I’m buying a round for all here, the cafe looks to be filling up.
FM, will the walk-in coolers be topped up before Tuesday?
Hi idredit. The walk-in cooler is never empty. We can supply whatever ya want, whenever ha want it. π
just concerned we may run low for the festivities.
FM, we’re Looking good.
In the virtual cafe we never run low. As long as people can drink, I can virtually keep pouring. π
I see all the miscreant’s have beat me to it…:{)
For your amusement:
Conversations with a…

clik the roach for story….and a H/T to Skippy, who invented yadda, yadda…..
and one more…this is hilarious:
Eyewitness to an accident in Texas
Line’em up FM…
buffalo roam?…long time no see.
And hopefully it will be a lot “finer” on Nov 8
I should take some shots of buffalo some time. Hadn’t thought of that.
gotta feeling it’s likely to be a rough ride, regardless of the results…we shall see.
Gotta run…hopefully back later…yawl take care
Hi dada and Mary.
Beers or drink of choice is set up and waiting for you.
Love the Eyewitness account. Don’t mess with little old ladies from Texas. π
description is one of amazement…his laughing is contagious …I had to share that one. H/T to a friend of mine who shall remain nameless, cause I think there’s a bunch of people w/ nets and and a very long sleeved jacket looking for him…:{)
Yeah I agree on the laughing. Tell the friend to read up on Houdini. π
The witness`s laughing is infectuous. It also makes you picture the scene
like the “on air” commentors talking about a pick-up truck, gun rack …
Good one dada. I`ll have to link a photo I got a while back from a link I went to from a link you posted. It`s about a song writer who is not that handsome, [ my opinion] whose retort to women`s attentions is “easy, ladies”.
From tonight at work … π
FM, that is just the sweetest photo of George!!
That is a great sunset you’ve got too. Although I’m not sure I would want to be at work late enough to take a sunset picture. π
Thanks for the photo comment. As I was saying earlier, it’s hard to catch Geroge when he’s asleep.
How has your day gone?
It’s completely dark here at 5:15pm. π
It was a busy day … going to be even worse tomorrow.
How about you … what did you get up to today?
I guess we’re an hour behind you in it getting dark. I actually like it better that way. With it getting dark earlier I don’t feel so bad going to bed while it’s still daylight outside. π
Today I had a doctors appointment to get the stitches removed from my back. So it was a long trip into the city and then mostly cleaning around here. Pretty mundane really.
Forgot to ask. With you being all busy, are you in FCH again?
I was just over to your b and read that. Feeling okay after the trip?
And LOL about the justification for going to bed early … as if you ever felt bad about it … π
Yep felling fine today. The trip up there and back wasn’t bad at all today.
I guess you’re right, I’ve never needed justification for sleeping or napping. π
There ya go … that’s the FM I know … π
No FCH, just lots of deadlines all on the same day.
I hate deadlines. Especially the ones that they would inform me it was due yesterday and I had only gotten it today. Arrrrrg! π
You know, to go along w/ the other deadlines … π
I always liked the expression, “Poor planning on your part doesn’t does not constitute an emergency on my part.” However, it’s kind of hard to say that to your boss. π
but I really like that expression … π
While I was in the military, I printed up a 8 x 11 sign with that expression. I framed it and put it on my desk. Unfortunately, the ones I really wished I could have just pointed to the sign were higher ranking than me.
I don’t think I could do that.
I don’t think bravery had anything to do with it. Now that I look back I think it was more lack of intelligence. π
So are your deadlines going to end this week or will they run over into next week? We can’t have you stressed out for too long.
For the next 2 weeks … π
Well just don’t let them work you too hard. You need to break out the toothpicks and keep those eyes propped open.
You’ll have to take extra naps for me … π
You know I’m always willing to help out nap wise. π
Speaking of, I still haven’t gotten used to the time change and it’s feeling like my bedtime. So I’ll see ya tomorrow and slack when possible.
Olivia, that sunset reminds me of the onset of cold weather for the next
4/5 months.
If it`s a sunset & not a sunrise, that would put you in Quebec looking over the river from the Hull side towards the west if that`s the river, no?
This day has just been completely f’d up. One thing after another. I’m still at my office and I promised I’d start phonebanking by 6:00 tonight because I have to be somewhere at 8. There’s no way I can make it there now before the time I’d have to get up and leave.
Hi Mary. Sorry to hear the day has been so bad.
I’ve got 27 of anytype drinks you want. Sit back, take your shoes off and relax.
Thanks FM. It hasn’t been completely bad, the stuff I’ve been doing has been interesting. AND I found out that I would NOT have to go to court to testify on something. That was a relief.
But timing today has sucked. Damn New York lawyers who work 24 hours a day and think everyone else does too. grrrrrr.
How are you feeling?
The thought of going to court has always scared me. Don’t really know why though. With those New York lawyers, New York is in it’s own world. I’m surpirsed they never became a city state.
Feeling better everyday, thanks. π
I’m glad. You’ll be right as rain before you know it π
I’ve gotta go. Have a nice evening.
You have a nice night Mary.
Anyone still around?
(cough) Can you hear me now?
So, do you thik there’s too much green in the rug to go with the rest of the stuff?
Not at ALL! It looks perfect. Is it new?
It is…I desperately need a new rug, so I went and bought a few small ones to bring home and check out for color. This is the best, but I wasn’t too sure about the green in the rug and the aqua-ish color in tha back of the bookcases.
But I don’t think they’ll be close enough together to matter. If the rug looks good in the natural light in the house tomorrow, I think I’ll take all the little ones back and get the big version of the red one.
Ah, I see — I wasn’t looking as far as the shelves. I just thought it looked great with the fireplace.
I know you’re not asking, but I think that green would look good as the back of the shelves maybe even better than the aqua.
I REALLY like that carpet.
I really love the aqua in the back; it’s not real bright or anything (I think the flash in one of those picture made it look bluer than it usually does).
I actually just brought the rugs home because I wanted to get an idea of how red versus light blue versus taupe would look and whether any of them would be too dark or look too washed out. I have had a thing for that particular rug for a while, though.
CBtY thinks it’s a keeper.
I’d say so.
How are things going aside from carpets?
What have you learned about pain killers?
OMG…that project is so tedious, I’m switching to another one on injectable birth control for a few days to give myself a break before I go back and finish it. Otherwise I might need pain killers.
How is your work going?
It’s the opposite of tedious. We’re totally redesigning the library website. And we’ve got 1200 pages that desperately need to be updated. And we’re aiming for January 15….
Hi KB and CG.
CG I like the rug. I had forgotten about the bookcases, but it looks great with them.
KB don’t work too hard on the updating of the 1200 pages. Slow and steady progress go hand in hand with slacking. π
(Sorry, I fell asleep!)
That sounds incredibly busy!
I fell asleep too! (Still am, probably)
In my opinion the Catfish pulls the whole room together :o)
I can’t believe FM is still awake π
Hi KB — how are things out west?
I like the rug CG
Hi Mary. I’ve just woke up. Cat let me know she wanted to go outside, so I’m awake for awhile.
Hope your night finally turned out nice.
Now that I’m finally home it’s very nice, thank you.
You need a Cat door.
I need a better trained cat is what I need. George will almost bust before he does anything, but with cat if you don’t pay attention, she says to hell with it and goes where she wants. She’ll let you know, but subtly.
Anyway it’s good for me to wake up in the middle of the night every now and then. π
This is early evening π
I didn’t have time to read the paper today, so I’m catching up. I never knew that Missouri had a feral hog problem. But apparently we do …
Hunting season must be upon us.
It might be early evening to you, but to me, I should be in dream land. π
I never knew Missouri had a feral hog problem either. I thought about you the other day when the new put up the top dangerous cities in the U.S. St. Louis is number 1. Have hogs gotten into the city now? π
We always end up high on the crime list because the City voted itself out of the county 100 years ago, so the city itself is a very small part of the metropolitan area. The whole metro area is pretty safe.
I never really felt afraid or anything when I lived in St. Louis, but that was over 30 years ago.
Actually of all the cities I lived in, I think St. Louis ranks right at the top with a few others.
He wrote about it on his blog.
I wonder how many Mayors have blogs these days?
I doubt many mayors do have something like that. I like his response about the stats. I didn’t know they were being complied by someone in KC. I always thought it was a national government review of cities.
Just goes to show you always have to do more research to get to whole pciture.
You beat us at this, too?!
We’ll concede this title to Detroit if you want.
Have you seen the Onion?
I’ll check it out tomorrow. I’m beat.
re: St. Louis and danger. I had a bunch of friends that went to Wash U. One stayed in St. Louis for a while and rehabbed a house in Soulard. This must have been around 1981 or so. He and I used to take long walks at all hours of the day and night. We’d start walking and talking and lose track of where we were or where we are going. One night, we looked up and found ourselves wandering through Pruitt-Igo at 10 pm. We friend advised we turn around swiftly and depart post haste. Nothing happened, but he seemed pretty rattled.
Take care, I’m off to bed.
Oh, we’re still the Fattest city and the Poorest Large City.
I’m up way too late. See you tomorrow.
me too
see ya FM
I know what you mean and so am I.
See ya.
You all are really so behind the time. When I was going to Girl Scout Camp in – well, some years back = down at Clearwater Lake in Butler County, there were serious troubles with feral pigs. Farmers used to turn out their pigs to forage for food some times of the year (according to my dad), and then round them up at the end of the season. Over time, some didn’t get brought end, and they have bred.
The pigs that ran amuck in our camp were big, dangerous, and mean.
Guess their tribe has increased.
Puppies are counter-revolutionary.
turned into night without warning…
Hockey game, if you’ll pardon the phrase, sucketh — Sharks played like the team that was playing its second in two nights, rather than the stRangers (term stolen from an ex-columnist for the Sporting News). Already vented about it on the hockey forum I hang out at, so won’t bore you folks.
Got to get to bed eventually, but spouse is over on the laptop and I’m here on the desktop, we’ll see who moves first towards sleepytime. He wants to reschedule his doctor’s appointment that’s this afternoon, I told him he should go because he’s lost some weight already (he’s lost about 4-5 pounds by my calculations, I’ve lost about 15). We’ll see who wins…
Katiebird — so good to see your name! I’ve got to get my spud butt over to E4T one of these centuries…
Okay, heading off shortly, promise…