Stan Greenberg and James Carville have released their final pre-election analysis. And it looks really, really positive. It’s in .pdf form. Check it out and discuss.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Good to hear that Republican voters are demoralized enough to stay home. If only we could get them to leave the country.
However, I heard Bush is still bragging about how they’re going to keep control of both houses, so we’ll see what garbage they try to pull off next week.
they are likely to be more depressed after this Pastor’s resignation, today. Another Sex scandal in the works.
Mr. Jones’ offer to take a polygraph on air, on a radio show may have triggered the move.
rentaboy? Holy of Holy the evangelicals must be hand ringing.
I live in the rural hinterlands of this district. We are hoping, hoping, hoping that Fawcett wins this race.
Talk about the party that lacks family values…
well, the story has now broken nationwide. Haggard sorta admits to parts of the allegation and church members are not coming to his support.
CNN just predicted that the Democrats will take the Senate.
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That is great, thanks.
I’ll bet he and Mary Matalin are so busy laughing at their both-sides-of mouth hustle that they have no sex life left.
If of course they ever did.
on the National Review website regarding the VA Senate race:
[Greg Pollowitz 10/30 11:21 AM]
The pro-Webb blog RaisingKaine has posted Mary Matalin’s attack on Jim Webb, as well as Webb’s response. Good stuff.
For Immediate Release:
October 29, 2006
Contact: Press Office
Webb’s Writings Cause Him to Continue the Most Personally Negative Campaign in Virginia History
ARLINGTON, VA – Mary Matalin, informal advisor to the Allen campaign, responded today to Jim Webb’s latest round of false, negative attacks with the following statement:
“Mr. Webb has promoted himself as a writer as he has run for U.S. Senate. Virginia’s voters are now looking at his writings, which even he said were inappropriate to read over the radio.
“Time and time again, when voters scrutinize Jim Webb’s record, his campaign has launched false negative attacks against George Allen. As disappointed as Virginians are by Jim Webb’s latest attacks, this is not surprising coming from someone whose campaign has been behind a coordinated series of false, negative smears that have been the worst attempt at character assassination in Virginia history.
“Look, George Allen’s record is an open book. Whether as Governor or Senator, people can see what he’s stood for and accomplished as a public official. I can’t imagine him losing control and lashing out like Jim Webb did with lies and negative personal attacks if someone questioned one of his votes in the Senate or one of his vetoes as Governor. This is more disturbing behavior from Jim Webb and his campaign, and Virginians will reject his mean spirited false smears and attacks.”
Envision your own relationships.
Is there ANY conceivable way we could be getting the whole story? From either of these spinning tops?
Pay him no mind.
Pay HER no mind.
Pay no one any mind who DOES take them seriously. Including< the whole mainstream media system.
Good news, bad news, neutral news. It makes no difference if it is ALL lies.
Unless, if course…enough people pay attention to it.
they’re addicted to power and access to power and they got it rigged so they can’t lose.
The Greenberg/Carville report is solid and based on ‘expensive’ polling.
That’s like saying the Iraq war effort is solid because it’s expensive, Boo.
You should know better by now.
They are merely selling particular wishes to the particular beggars who wish for that product.
Matalin and HER hustlers sell the opposite wishes to other beggars.
“If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” (My grandfather, the real Arthur Gilroy.)
If wishes…”our” wishes, anyway (Whoever “we” are)… were election/investigation results, this whole neo-con crew would be in jail already. Instead they are MIGHTILY armed and poised on the brink of invading/bombing Iran .If of course Small K kerry’s little “mistake” doesn’t turn the polls sufficiently in the Ratpubs’ direction.
That report…no matter HOW “true” it may or may not turn out to be…is still the product of assholes.
Now we ALL know that an asshole does not shit constantly. (Unless of course it is ill, like Preznit Butch.)
What we all should try to remember is that the PRODUCT of an asshole is always and forever shit. Even if it is all tricked up as a sow’s ear purse.
If you are going to say something along the lines of…”Well…they’ve been right before” I have a nice, $5000 broken watch that I would like to sell you.
Which is absolutely, perfectly right twice a day.
It’s pretty, it’s got a good brand name…it just doesn’t work right. Not if you want the real time, it doesn’t.
In fact, the last jeweler I took it to patiently tried to explain to me that reason it doesn’t get “right” more than twice a day…as long as it isn’t manually reset, of course…is because THERE ARE NO REAL WORKS INSIDE OF IT.
It is just a SHELL of a watch.
Looks good on TV, though…
And in the newspapers.
I just reset it to the that time result I want it to show.
Mataville/Carlin too.
Have fun…
SOMETHING is going to happen on the 7th.
It may be EXACTLY what Carville projects will happen.
ACCIDENTS happen, too.
while I enjoy the rant and appreciate the point, this is just an expensive poll. That means it is a better poll because they ask more questions. It also fits with all the other analysis coming in from the other polling experts. The tide is coming in and it is breaking left.
there is not much reason to doubt their conclusions.
Bullshit, Boo.
It’s not about the number of questions; it is about the questions themselves.
And who is interpreting the results.
The general “fit” amongst the pollers only means that they are either tailoring their results to a large number of beggars…sometimes laughingly referred to as a majority amongst the real movers and shakers of this system. A system which manufactures “majorities” through the use of the same highly evolved advertising techniques that it uses to manufacture “demand”.
You are right about one thing, though.
The tide is coming in and it does appear to be breaking left.
Howedver, if you have ever done any real surf swimming you will recognize this warning.
Watch out for the undertow.
There you are, peacefully messing around in the waves. The ones that seem to be doing exactly what you want them to do.
You look up…and suddenly there you are, WAY down the beach from where you thought you were.
And in deep, DEEP water.
It is only the SURFACE of this system that is “breaking left.”
Deep underneath…you’ve got the shark currents.
They go where the sharks want them to go.
“Wouldja LOOKIT them teeth, Zeke!!!”
“MAN!!! They don’t even look human!!!”
With its teeth dear,
Scarlet billows
Start to flow…
“It ain’t over until I SAY it’s over.” Dick Cheney.
We’re still in about the 7th inning, Boo.
Stop celebrating.
We need to survive 2 more years of non-human Imperial power.
And FUCK the polls.
We are not dealing with some bumbling, paranoid simp like Nixon, here.
We are dealing with real, psychotic murderers.
It is almost easier to believe that they are not human than to consider that human beings could be this vicious, this conscienceless, and this greedy.
It’s not even CLOSE to being over.