I’m feeling a little burned out today. Got anything to recharge my batteries?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Have some fun and predict, seat-by-seat, what the makeup of next year’s Congress will be. I had a 50-49-1 Democratic-controlled Senate, with a Democratic-controlled House of 250-185.
Gee, I have but I is from afar away. Suppose I have another toke, and dedicate it to you?
This usually helps me in a crisis situation; or anything from Too Stupid To Be President should be of assistance. For mindless exercise, you can’t beat Virtual Bubblewrap.
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The line thingee looked like fun.
I needed fun.
Ergo, I tried the line thingee.
I didn’t read the directions because:
a) I’ve owned Macs since 1988, and
b) I am male.
I drew a line and pushed play. The little sledder guy popped into existence and began sledding down the bumpy hill I created. I smiled, chuckled, and small particle of glee bubbled up from deep within my chest. I remembered the wild joy of bouncing down the frozen hills at Fisher Park, clinging to my Flexible Flyer, yelling my head off, zooming between the trees, dodging the empty sleds and the kids who had wiped out.
At the bottom of the run, the little sledder guy fell through a break in my line and began to tumble wordlessly through a featureless and limitless expanse. I watched him fall for three long minutes before I decided he would fall forever. Bleakness soaked in through every pore. One minute you’re sailing down the mountain, the next you’re lost in a meaningless free-fall through nothingness. Guilt seeped in. I had created this little world and set this poor sledder on the path to existential despair.
As I watched him fall, my thoughts turned to the headlines I had just read. Another Evangelical leader caught in a gay sex scandal. Layoffs, plant closings. Dick (Amway) De Vos might be my next governor. The sledder guy had long since lost his sled and was tumbling, gracefully but endlessly, to nowhere.
I clicked off the site. The game is clever, but I was way too invested. It is odd how something like a quirky little line-drawn, sledder guy can reach out and touch you.
So, like Booman, I go seeking recharge. Let’s see what’s up in the Cafe. I’m not up to doomed sledders or diary indignation just now.
I don’t want to know what state of mind you have to be in to actually find the virtual bubble wrap site.
claimed to be mentally stable
Every once in a while i post this link:
Hey, was just trying to support the site by using the iTunes Store link to get some more music, but got an error message:
Server Error
The following error occurred:
[code=CANT_CONNECT] Could not connect because of networking problems. Contact your system administrator.
Please contact the administrator.
Don’t know if it’s a BooTrib side problem or an iTunes Store side problem…
Cali, which link are you using?
same error…I was able to connect to the iTunes Store and download one item, but it was free so I didn’t cost Boo any potential profits… lol
I tried every one but the plumb one and it opened up for me. Can you do me a favor and try again later and let me know if it still isn’t working so I can try to fix them?
Sorry for the delay — just got in an hour ago from the Sharks game (they lost 3-1 to the NY stRangers, blech); getting some Best of Janis Joplin which hopefully will show up on the Friday Random 10… 🙂
the Blueshirts Rock!
Sharks=hockey team? Not so much ;o)
Wishing for so magic to fast forward get this over with. It’s gotten downright creepy nasty. A sure sign they’re trailling. The GOP sure have it down on slime.
Here’s Dornan on MSNBC:
claiming that “loyal catholics” and others who “believe in Christianity” should make sure she stays out of power. The failure to do so would mean jumping “into the hell fire of a Nancy Pelosi Catholic who votes for abortion and rights for perverts.” (emphasis added)