Flipping Neocons

Has anyone taken a look at what the cabal of neocons are saying in Vanity Fair? They are taking on the Bush administration BIG time. Lets take a look at a few clips:

Richard Perle: “In the administration that I served [Perle was an assistant secretary of defense under Ronald Reagan], there was a one-sentence description of the decision-making process when consensus could not be reached among disputatious departments: ‘The president makes the decision.’ [Bush] did not make decisions, in part because the machinery of government that he nominally ran was actually running him. The National Security Council was not serving [Bush] properly. He regarded [then National-Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice] as part of the family.”

Nothing much new here to those of us that have been watching. But a pretty big dig at Bush about the “machinery of government” running “the decider.” And what’s this about Condi? Well, it gets worse.

Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute freedom scholar: “Ask yourself who the most powerful people in the White House are. They are women who are in love with the president: Laura [Bush], Condi, Harriet Miers, and Karen Hughes.”

Sounds about right, when the going gets bad – blame the women. But what’s this about them being the most powerful people in the White House? No one told the repugs that when they elected Bush, the women would run the place – what an outrage!! But of course, its only because they are “in love with the president.”

But what do they think about those “powerless” men in the administration?

Kenneth Adelman: “The problem here is not a selling job. The problem is a performance job…. Rumsfeld has said that the war could never be lost in Iraq, it could only be lost in Washington. I don’t think that’s true at all. We’re losing in Iraq…. I’ve worked with [Rumsfeld] three times in my life. I’ve been to each of his houses, in Chicago, Taos, Santa Fe, Santo Domingo, and Las Vegas. I’m very, very fond of him, but I’m crushed by his performance. Did he change, or were we wrong in the past? Or is it that he was never really challenged before? I don’t know. He certainly fooled me.”

Oops, Rumsfled fooled the neocons.

David Rose with Vanity Fair says there’s more to come in the January edition. But its interesting that these clips come out in the public sphere now. So, what do you all think is going on here? Looks pretty clear like its “jump ship” time.

Author: Nancy LeTourneau

I'm a pragmatic progressive who has been blogging about politics since 2007.