Bush and his fellow conspirators should stand trial for 600,000 lives lost.
So should America.
For millions of lives lost. For an incalculable number of lives ruined. For Grand Theft Automatic. Not just in Iraq or the Middle East, but around the world.
The entire world.
Read on for more.
The trial should not concern itself solely with the last 6 years, either. It should be about at LEAST the last 40 to 50+ years. Since Vietnam. Since the assassinations of the ’60s. To be perfectly just, it would have to cover the very beginnings of the United States. Since the witting enslavement of millions of Africans and the genocide of the Native American population.
Racism is the ongoing original Sin of America. And the baptism that will erase this sin? I fear that we are presently in the process of forcing it to be a Baptism of Fire.
All Americans who did not throughout their entire adult entire lives stand up and say “NO!!!” to the ongoing atrocity that has been the American Empire should be tried and found guilty as well.
And you know what?
They…we…will be found guilty, and we will be sentenced as well.
And…the eventual punishments will fit the crimes.
They always do.
Hitler in his bunker, Germany in ruins…they always do.
Do you want to know how I know that all of this will eventually come to pass?
The prophet Martin Luther King Jr. told me so. (All-That-Exists have mercy upon his soul.)
He said “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
The prophet Martin Luther King Jr. told me so.
The ever-rolling wheel of karma grinds exceedingly slowly in comparison with the relative brevity of human life.
But grind it does, and very finely.
So it goes.
Just as it’s ever been.
Do you want to avoid this sentencing? On whatever cosmic level it occurs? High OR low? (As above, so below…)
Continue to stand in opposition to what is happening.
In opposition to ALL who exploit others for their own short-term gain.
In opposition to all who do not realize that the bell tolls for every living being even as it only tolls for one.
Ratpugs, DemRats…the works.
Continue to hold their feet to the fire of justice.
To the fire of truth.
For the salvation of your eternal soul if for no other reason.
It is NOT what’s for dinner.
Not this week, anyway.
Bet on it.
REMEMBER this statement when the election results are over.
Remember it well.
Remember it amidst the celebrations OR the amidst the gnashing of teeth.
No matter HOW the results go.
Servitude is at once the consequence of the crime, and punishment of the guilt.
And recognize YOUR place in the hierarchy of servitude.
Field slave or house nigger/overseer.
Or freedom fighter.
Your choice.
AIN’T any others, except thief/murderer/exploiter.
The are no other choices.
Remember this well.
For the salvation of your eternal soul if for no other reason.
Over and out…
YOU choose.
<<Continue to stand in opposition to what is happening.>>
Yes. Even against the smallest wrongs.
After far too long of feeling powerless about all of the crap that has become the “norm” here, I am very, very sick of it. Sick of accepting the status quo. Sick of “going along to get along.”
The ONLY thing “I” can figure out that “I” can personally DO, to feel like I am living out my own principles is to take a visible, audible, noticeable stand against whatever crap makes it’s way into my personal world. Stop accepting it. Stop my silent compliance. Stop accepting the unacceptable, period.
I know I am a “nobdy”, and few if any will even notice that I am once again in full battle gear and back on the horse, spear drawn. And I am mad as hell that I have to do this even after retirement, when I really wanted a more peaceful life. And I know what it’s gonna cost me to stand firn and say NO! to any further crap from anyone and anything. I will be, as I always have been: the enemy: the trouble maker: and now, the “crazy ol lady” now!
The current battle is with the “cost effective medical system that COULD have cost me an eye during recent surgery, in it’s mad rush to get cataract patients in one door and out the other in two hours. This WILL not happen for the second eye,and you BET they have finally heard me. I am sure my chart will precede me, loaded with bright red flags, an alert to be careful with “this one” as a potential lawsuit. Their bad. They really should NOT have treated a retired RN whistleblower as if she was just an ignorant, half senile ol woman who believes whatever modified truths and outright lies she is told. I AM holding them accountable for thier mistake.
I’ve no illusions that my little “battle stances” against how things are now will make any difference, big picture. But when I look in the mirror, I feel better about myself. I am NOT “going along to get along” anymore, dammit. I am NOT.
And I have a grandaughter who is in her final year of law school, who admires me very much, and has a long life ahead of her in the trenches. She told me, Grandma, you really know how to use whatever power you DO have.” She’ll carry it all on.