( Thanks especially to all the wonderful photographers with Reuters for this completely un-retouched picture! )

A reading from the playbook of Karl, Chapter 2006, Verses 17-30….


On the first day of the Feast of Unrepentant Greed, the disciples came to Bush and asked, “Where do you want us to make reparations so your defeat will pass over?”


He decided, “Go into Englewood to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Decider says: My disappointed time is near.  I’m going to recuperate from its pass over with my disciples at your coffee house.’ “


So the disciples did as Bush had decided for them, and declared that it would pass over.


When evening came, Bush was reclining at the table with only about four or five.


And while they were bleating, he said, “To tell you the truth, I think they’re all going to betray me.”


They were very mad and began to pray with him, one after the other, “Oh Lord!  Surely not us?”


Bush replied, “The ones who have not slipped their hands into the till with me will betray me.


The Moron Son will go just as the pundits have written about him. But Rove is the man who betrays the Moron Son! It would be better for him if I did not have a gun.”


Then Rove, the one who would betray him, said, “But surely, did not I try?”  Bush answered, “Yes, this is true.”


While they were freaking, Bush took their bread, gave thanks and pocketed it, and let his disciples have it, saying, “Take to the streets; this is my booty.”


Then he scratched his cup, praised tanks and offered spin, saying, “Suck it up, all of you.


This is the blood of Iraq, which is poured out by many for the forgiveness of my lack of sense.


I tell you, I’d love to drink the fruit of the grain from now until that day when I will drink anew with blues in my Father’s kingdom in Paraguay.”


When they were done with him, they went out and washed with Palmolive.