Hope that coffee comes to you. I’ve just begun my caffeine cycle for the morning, but it’s really a seconday stimulant to election anxiety at this point.
I’m now so officially stressed about the election that my stomach has declared its undying hate for the rest of my system, and sleeping is becoming a very iffy proposition. I want it over and I want it have been the tidal wave that everyone was talking about a couple of days ago. My shoulder and back muscles feel like they’re trying to reach up, wrap themselves around my head, and pull it down between my shoulder blades. I have no idea how I’m going to sleep tomorrow night. Yeargh!
I checked out your link, and wow, you certainly have been busy!
I think most folks are stressed out about what is going to happen tomorrow, but hopeful for a better outcome than the past few elections have given us. I hope we all get a really good surprise (and that the Republican party suffers a demoralizing defeat).
there appears to be a mass de-cloaking of lurkers underway 🙂 Checked out your project, Melanchthon, WOW it looks like a worthwhle albeit busy undertaking.
To take your minds off of any demoralizing thoughts, Mercury transits the sun on Wens. It will be the second of 14 transits this century & is a somewhat rare event [although predictable]. It may be viewed with a simple apparatus similar to a homemade one used to view an eclipse.
This transit will last for 5 hours & can be seen in both Americas & Australia & most of the Pacific, but not in Africa, Europe & central Asia.
Maybe the skies do predict a shadow across the darker world of this administration.
CAUTION:DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITHOUT PROTECTION, & I don`t mean it`s OK if you`re wearing a condom.
Thanks for the info, Knucklehead. Always helps to adjust focus (so to speak) on the wider picture.
Speaking of astrology, we might be pleased to note that we’ve just come through a void-of-course moon phase. Being a ‘moonchild’ I generally find this relevant to my own activities: without diligence, intention-into-action tends to go horribly awry.
We’re clear for tomorrow; however, the moon will be void-of-course again early Wednesday morning to mid-morning.
Make of it what you will. En garde, Cancerians (for example, George W. Bush).
It has been better. I had a 4 hour drive today for a doctors appointment. Luckily I made it there and back and nothing happened. So its now on to slacking.
Ready for another week?
Think that’ll stop it?
Sorry I fell back asleep. Man where is everybody today?
Fall back to sleep. Now there’s an idezzzzzz…
Hi CG. It’s an idea whose time has come. 🙂
I’m still thawing out from my trip, in pjs, to the backyard. And there is no coffee in the house so basically, no reason to stay up.
No coffee? You shouldn’t even be awake. 🙂
I won’t say good morning but it’s not good … so hi.
Well hi yourself Olivia. Sorry it’s not starting out well for ya.
Just remember it has to get better.
What is it with today? I think everyone is ready to hibernate. Even the CBs wouldn’t get moving today.
Mmmm, hibernation. That sounds lovely.
Hope your day gets better. Mine is going to be spent clinging to the ceiling and pretending to get some writing done.
Sounds like my plans for the day. 🙂
Hope that coffee comes to you. I’ve just begun my caffeine cycle for the morning, but it’s really a seconday stimulant to election anxiety at this point.
Can you teach me how to do that?
How are you doing today? I’m a basket case apparently, or that’s what I’m getting from my frentic posting behavior.
I’m having a heck of a time loading pages, so I think I’ll snooze again.
See ya.
I’m now so officially stressed about the election that my stomach has declared its undying hate for the rest of my system, and sleeping is becoming a very iffy proposition. I want it over and I want it have been the tidal wave that everyone was talking about a couple of days ago. My shoulder and back muscles feel like they’re trying to reach up, wrap themselves around my head, and pull it down between my shoulder blades. I have no idea how I’m going to sleep tomorrow night. Yeargh!
Where are you finding all these cute frogs? And how are you this morning?
Friends in low places!!! LOL!!!!
I’m good except for the CTS, but a picture is worth a thousand keystrokes, yes?
From the Crazy Frog® :
Hi Melanchthon! How have you been?
Hi, CG!
I’ve been busy organising the Forum for a Responsible Globalisation in Lyon…
That left me little time, even for lurking.
How are you all doing? I hope you will give us a good surprise tomorrow!
I checked out your link, and wow, you certainly have been busy!
I think most folks are stressed out about what is going to happen tomorrow, but hopeful for a better outcome than the past few elections have given us. I hope we all get a really good surprise (and that the Republican party suffers a demoralizing defeat).
there appears to be a mass de-cloaking of lurkers underway 🙂 Checked out your project, Melanchthon, WOW it looks like a worthwhle albeit busy undertaking.
Hi, Man!
In fact, it was a great success: we had more than 2000 people attending!
I’ll try to make a diary about it.
To take your minds off of any demoralizing thoughts, Mercury transits the sun on Wens. It will be the second of 14 transits this century & is a somewhat rare event [although predictable]. It may be viewed with a simple apparatus similar to a homemade one used to view an eclipse.
This transit will last for 5 hours & can be seen in both Americas & Australia & most of the Pacific, but not in Africa, Europe & central Asia.
Maybe the skies do predict a shadow across the darker world of this administration.
CAUTION:DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITHOUT PROTECTION, & I don`t mean it`s OK if you`re wearing a condom.
Thanks for the info, Knucklehead. Always helps to adjust focus (so to speak) on the wider picture.
Speaking of astrology, we might be pleased to note that we’ve just come through a void-of-course moon phase. Being a ‘moonchild’ I generally find this relevant to my own activities: without diligence, intention-into-action tends to go horribly awry.
We’re clear for tomorrow; however, the moon will be void-of-course again early Wednesday morning to mid-morning.
Make of it what you will. En garde, Cancerians (for example, George W. Bush).
I hope it`s a deep cut.
Good afternoon all, I’m goofing off at work. Don’t tell anybody.
Good afternoon Boran. I won’t tell anyone, but I hope the rest of known world on the internet doesn’t notice. 🙂
Hi, FM! Nope, it’ll be just our little secret.
So how is your frist day of the work week going?
Have you been hearing about acting/drama from B2-Boy?
Not bad, and as a public employee I’m off tomorrow. Yipee! (And Friday too!)
How is the slacking?
It has been better. I had a 4 hour drive today for a doctors appointment. Luckily I made it there and back and nothing happened. So its now on to slacking.