We have it. So what do you kids have to say about it?

Update (12:05 AM): Webb just took a very tiny lead (under 3000 votes) in Virginia, with 99% of the vote counted. This is probably going to a recount, but this is getting very interesting. The Republican’s Senate firewall may be on fire.

Update II (1:06 AM): Harold Ford should concede Tennessee shortly. In Virginia, Allen went to bed about half an hour ago, but he made it pretty clear that he’s not going to be bashful about a recount and contesting every vote. The kids on MSNBC seem to believe that the remainder of the uncounted votes are in Fairfax county, which should boost Jim Webb’s vote total by a few thousand by morning. Expect a few weeks of insanity.

Update III (1:34 AM) I must have been heading to the fridge for a beer and missed it, but Jim Webb declared victory in Virginia saying “We all need to respect the process in this country, the Democratic process.’ We all go out, we vote, we argue, we vote, but also I’d like to say the votes are in…And we won.” That may well be true, but I wouldn’t expect that to be the final word on that race

Update IV (1:52 AM) McCaskill is on stage now declaring victory in Missouri. The networks aren’t calling it and Talent hasn’t conceded yet, but she’s up by about 25,000 right now. This is an uncommon move on her part. I like it. I gather maryb2004 is happy about the result.

Update V (2:08 AM) Something of a holding pattern until we hear what happens in Montana. I just wanted to mention that I was totally wrong about this election. My guess was a 13 seat pickup in the House and and a 3 seat pickup in the Senate. Quite clearly I’m a dope. Tonight is a complete blowout. Were it not for the who the hell does Lieberman caucus with factor, I think we could be pretty confident, at this hour, of taking both the Senate and the House. The Democratic House majority is going to be very big. We’re going to need to hold these turkey’s feet to the fire.

Update VI (2:49 AM) This is a good one. It looks like Patrick Murphy has beaten Mike Fitzpatric in PA-08. Combined with the defeat of the insane Curt Weldon, this goes a long way towards turning Philadelphia’s suburbs all blue. It’s late, so I won’t go into a long explanation, but the Philadelphia area’s association to the Republican party goes way back to just prior to the American Civil War, when the Republican party was the liberal party. I was raised in a Republican household in the Philadelphia suburbs by a man, my father, who spent some of his day yesterday making get out the vote calls for MoveOn.org. He hasn’t changed. The Republican party is done in the Philadelphia metro area.

Update VII (3:10 AM) Still waiting on a Montana call. It’s pretty clear Tester is going to win, but having been an election night junkie for most of my life, I know I’ve still got about a half hour or so of tired pundit bullshit, spoken by sleepy pundits, that I have to listen to before I get some satisfaction. Webb is up by over 11,000 and, barring some serious problems in the recount, Tester’s win is going to seal a Senate majority.