Gee, I can’t imagine why Republicans are warning us about about exit polls, can you?

Biased And Inaccurate Predictions Have Led To Poor
GOP Exit Poll Showings In Past Three National Elections



* Election Experts Believe Exit Polls Give An Edge And Sway Towards Democrat Candidates.

* National Exit Polls Will Skew In Favor Of Democrats This Year, Due To Large Numbers Of Uncontested Democrat Seats In The House Of Representatives.

* Early Exit Polling Returns In 2004 Were Widely Inaccurate, Declaring Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) To Be The Next President Of The United States And Republicans Barely Holding A One Seat Majority In The U.S. Senate.

* In The 2002 Midterm Elections, Exit Polling Produced Unusable Data.

* In 2000, Exit Polling Malfunctioned And Incorrectly Projecting Vice President Al Gore As The Winner Of The Crucial Battleground State Of Florida.

Yes, those evil, liberally biased exit polls are no damn good. Don’t believe anything they say. Except when they’re used in other countries.

And people wonder why I believe the Republicans are going to steal another election. Sheeesh!