Blue Murphy signs:

Red Murphy signs:

BooMan and PsiFighter!

Delaware Dem and the College Dems watch the returns:

Luam is here too!

AdamB and PsiFighter

Murph Turf!

View in the next room:

Nice hat…

Counting up the vote margin, again:

And again:

Waiting for the official end of the evening:

The Congressman-Elect Himself!

Just thought I’d post a few of these..
BooMan looks as if he is up to no good.
Thanks for the photos, CG.
And this should surprise you . . . why?
I see CNN called the race for Cantwell.
Yep, that’s another one of those no-brainers. There aren’t very many returns in yet but there’s no way McGavick can pull this out, not with returns not posted for King County which is going to be pretty solidly Democratic.
Cool, I was waiting for you guys to do a live-blog or something. Great pictures.
Very funny. 😛
CabinGirl, this was PA-08 – just a quick note. 🙂
I was really tired…what can I say? I’ll fix it.
like I’ll be helping you out with two Arizona districts, Psi! I’m glad that AZ-05 and -08 fell tonight. Woohoo!
Why did I think AdamB was in his thirties?
Nice photos CG!
The most fashionable shoes in the place:

I hope Izzy manages to see this. She now has us shoe blogging on big election nights.
Did you sneak that picture or did you just blatantly walk up and take it?
I was blatant, but she was distracted. 🙂
Looks like she’s probably used to cameras 🙂
The American people did a little ass kicking yesterday and planted a few names and now Rummy is not my husband’s boss today. Amazing what 24 hours can do but why don’t I look better….younger or something? I look a little puffy and still have sleepless black smudges under my eyes. Oh well, at least some people look better. Martin was dressed in a way that was easy on my sleepy eyes, his baseball cap and his shirt matched and I swear I think he was even ironed in places. No samiches either. Also, with all those young Dem chicks hanging out is Luam going to start contributing to the Liberal gene pool before Dobson starts having church sanctioned orgies or something?