Well…shit, I concede…LIEberman won. I can’t fathom why, but with 29% of the precincts in, he has an 8% lead. I still think he should be stripped of his senority and be treated like the traitor that he is.
I wonder what Webb’s going to do in VA? The FBI is already investigating voter suppression and problems in the State elections office. I can’t see Webb taking this lying down.
I think I’m protected by listening to the MSNBC babblers. I haven’t seen those numbers. But, I’m sober. I’m still prepared for everything to turn to dust. It usually does.
Mine’s not so much a happy drink, as a calming my nerves drink. Any happy ones I have will come tomorrow once most of the dust has settled, and assuming they’re warrented.
Ah, that sounds like me too. I’m having a small glass of wine. But it doesn’t feel particularly celebratory.
And actually, with the certainty that Bush will still be president tomorrow, maybe I’m shouldn’t expect myself to feel outstandingly happy no matter how all these races turn out.
Right at the moment what I’m hoping for is subpeona power in one house of congress to start the process of oversight that so desperately needs to happen. Despite that, I’m more than a little bit scared about what will come out once that happens. Considering all the incredible boatloads of awfulness that they haven’t been able to hide, what’s behind the veil? I’m right there with you on Talent. He’s a bad ‘un. Oy. I’m not normally much of a drinker, but I’ve had several beers tonight. Even the best possible result is going to lead to some pretty serious pain.
and I should probably make the transition now. I’m trying to convince myself I have some chance at a reasonable bedtime. It’s delusional, but hey what the heck?
CNN just ran a pie chart about votes for Lieberman broken down by party ID — it’ll come as no surprise around here to learn ’twas Republicans over Democrats who are sending him back to DC. (He got more independents than Rs or Ds, tho’.)
well as I said in the front page thread, CNN has it a tie at 45% each with 10% of the precincts reporting, yet they call it for LIEberman. They aren’t calling other races that are far more apart. Weird.
I checked, KB, and I don’t think that CNN has the Kansas City results in yet for McCaskill. If they don’t, that’s a big plus for her. She has done very in KC in the past.
I’ve got grades due in two days and I can barely concentrate. I think that we turned back the Amway heir here in Michigan tonight. Maybe now we’ll get a break on charter schools.
I’m thrilled about De Vos’ resounding defeat. I generally oppose the über-rich in political office. His defeat may not slow down the pace of growth in charters, but his election would have sped it up and devastated the urban school districts.
Okay, yes. But, I’ve got to tell you, I was scared. If DeVos had won, we could turn the lights on in several small, poor, and academically struggling districts. Highland Park, Inkster, Hamtramck. The results would have just been, just as you said, devastating.
Michigan needs to turn over on of the houses and maybe we can extend the charter school cap.
Personally, I’d feel much better if we had turned out Mike Cox and our Sec of State, too. I don’t think either of them has done much for minority or poor citizens. No attention to red-lining on insurance, some purging of voting roles, etc. Granholm and Stabenow win, but only because they are running in the shadow of the Dark Lord. They have no coattails whatsoever.
I’d just like to take Schumer off into a quiet room somewhere and tell him to stick his nose back into his own state and quit micromanaging the rest of the east coast, at least! There was no reason not to run a REAL dem in PA!
Allen’s campaign said something to similar to this: ‘We didn’t expect voter turnout to be this high.’ I did not use full quotation marks because I may not be remembering that verbatim. (been watching Stewart) sorry so long for reply.
We’re pretty damn pleased, I must say! Our rural county finally went for a Democrat for congress for the first time! We (and he) really worked our collective butts off.
Incumbents look like they’re winning in all of the races reported so far, which is too bad because I was really hoping McMorris and Hastings would get the Brooklyn howdy. There are no results reported for Jim McDermott, but they might as well call that one now because there’s no way Seattle is going to vote him out. And of course we’re all sitting on tenterhooks waiting to hear about WA-8 and Darcy Burner.
is commenting with gag Matthews. Thank goodness. I was getting close to worry. We’ve got the House. Now! Let’s think positive and project our success into the Senate!
With the House looking solid, I’m going to go collapse in a heap and dream of a Senate win to go along with it. I suspect I’m going to sleep much better than I have in many a moon.
Kidspeak and I are up. She’s wired about the VA Sen race. We’ll be up all night, I suspect. (Loved the razor. What’s with the hat? A little scalp exposure, possibly?)
I’ve got to get to bed, because I’ve got a freakin’ eye appointment tomorrow. But I’m too damn hyper!
Tweety just complimented KO on his “special comments” — thought that was pretty generous of him.
Total opposite of what I went through two years ago…it’s morning in America, though not as Ronnie Reagan envisioned.
But the work is just beginning — we’re going to have to keep a close eye on our purported Democrats. Anyone who crosses the aisle to vote with the Republicans “in the spirit of bipartisanship” MUST be targeted for removal from office when they come up for re-election. As Gilbert & Sullivan artfully wrote in The Mikado: “I’ve got a little list/They never will be missed…” 🙂
Our leadership will have their hands full keeping the troops in line; we’ll have to see how well they do it…
the Dems had a victory tonight, but the anti-human rights forces gained ground with several ballot initiatives in AZ. I refuse to back down because I have seen their hate in action and it is repulsive.
Keep calling them on it. Americans do a lot a mean and ugly things, but I still believe that if you show Americans the ugliness of the anti-human rights forces most will be repulsed and reject the appeal to our darker nature. The Dem’s have made mistakes by trying to capture votes by also appealing to the dark side. But if the truth can be shown to people, and a leader can appeal to our good sides, can demand that we live up to the promises of our country, we will turn away from hate.
Let’s start with,”Mr. Bush, Tear down that Fence.”
I’m gonna be heading out soon to the poll parties here in Tucson. I need a real drink!
Ahhh, clean tables! Have fun at your parties..
Have one for me, Manny.
Have fun ManE. I hope we have something to celebrate tomorrow.
Hay froggies, see my photodiary.
Things are looking at least not godawful.
I absolutely refuse to get too happy too soon. My memories of 2004 are still too painful.
But, on CNN, I noticed a lot of Dems in the called races.
I know. (But please don’t let it turn bad)
14% with LIEberman at 46% to Lamont 43%. I knew it was a longshot, but, daggnabit, I really, really, wanted to see the loserman lose.
I’m still so pissed off that he considers himself a Dem, but refused to accept the will of the voters in the primary.
Well…shit, I concede…LIEberman won. I can’t fathom why, but with 29% of the precincts in, he has an 8% lead. I still think he should be stripped of his senority and be treated like the traitor that he is.
If the Dem’s gain control, he should never see a committee chair. Why give one to a Repub?
Is this “struggling to optimism?”
More a case of not letting myself get as optimistic as I’d like.
Ah, controlled optimism. Experience is hell on raging optimism, isn’t it?
I wonder what Webb’s going to do in VA? The FBI is already investigating voter suppression and problems in the State elections office. I can’t see Webb taking this lying down.
I’ll have a happy-drink if either (or BOTH) McCaskill (MO) or Boyda (KS-02) win.
Oh, who am I kidding, Santorum lost. And I’m watching him concede. Isn’t that worth a happy-drink?
CNN has McCaskill down by 10%. If that margin holds, I’m calling foul!
I think I’m protected by listening to the MSNBC babblers. I haven’t seen those numbers. But, I’m sober. I’m still prepared for everything to turn to dust. It usually does.
heck yeah
I would drink to that if that pro-life casey hadn’t won. But, at least it’s a D…I suppose I should be happy for that.
Mine’s not so much a happy drink, as a calming my nerves drink. Any happy ones I have will come tomorrow once most of the dust has settled, and assuming they’re warrented.
Ah, that sounds like me too. I’m having a small glass of wine. But it doesn’t feel particularly celebratory.
And actually, with the certainty that Bush will still be president tomorrow, maybe I’m shouldn’t expect myself to feel outstandingly happy no matter how all these races turn out.
(But I wish Talent would lose. I hate him)
Right at the moment what I’m hoping for is subpeona power in one house of congress to start the process of oversight that so desperately needs to happen. Despite that, I’m more than a little bit scared about what will come out once that happens. Considering all the incredible boatloads of awfulness that they haven’t been able to hide, what’s behind the veil? I’m right there with you on Talent. He’s a bad ‘un. Oy. I’m not normally much of a drinker, but I’ve had several beers tonight. Even the best possible result is going to lead to some pretty serious pain.
“Considering all the incredible boatloads of awfulness that they haven’t been able to hide, what’s behind the veil?”
A very good question.
(Drink a lot of water before you go to sleep)
and I should probably make the transition now. I’m trying to convince myself I have some chance at a reasonable bedtime. It’s delusional, but hey what the heck?
CNN just ran a pie chart about votes for Lieberman broken down by party ID — it’ll come as no surprise around here to learn ’twas Republicans over Democrats who are sending him back to DC. (He got more independents than Rs or Ds, tho’.)
So, I finally got to meet PsiFighter tonight.
I’m pissed that Joe Loserman won.
Psi’s really an 80 year old man, isn’t he? 😉
I am too. I can hardly believe it. What loser Republican can’t break 10%?
well as I said in the front page thread, CNN has it a tie at 45% each with 10% of the precincts reporting, yet they call it for LIEberman. They aren’t calling other races that are far more apart. Weird.
Well, I’ll just look on it as a surprise gift if they have to back out of it. But, I can’t let myself count on it. (I’m too easily crushed)
Is Talent on Fox and conceding?
Is he? I’m on MSNBC — and they haven’t shown it. Someone on the front-page comments said McCaskill was losing by 10 points (last I heard)
I checked, KB, and I don’t think that CNN has the Kansas City results in yet for McCaskill. If they don’t, that’s a big plus for her. She has done very in KC in the past.
Oh, I know — they love her here. I didn’t realize it was KC still outstanding.
I was misinformed…Talent was on though, t was just wishful thinking…
I guess McCaskill is hanging in — they haven’t called it yet.
What a night!
I’ve got grades due in two days and I can barely concentrate. I think that we turned back the Amway heir here in Michigan tonight. Maybe now we’ll get a break on charter schools.
I’m thrilled about De Vos’ resounding defeat. I generally oppose the über-rich in political office. His defeat may not slow down the pace of growth in charters, but his election would have sped it up and devastated the urban school districts.
Okay, yes. But, I’ve got to tell you, I was scared. If DeVos had won, we could turn the lights on in several small, poor, and academically struggling districts. Highland Park, Inkster, Hamtramck. The results would have just been, just as you said, devastating.
Michigan needs to turn over on of the houses and maybe we can extend the charter school cap.
Personally, I’d feel much better if we had turned out Mike Cox and our Sec of State, too. I don’t think either of them has done much for minority or poor citizens. No attention to red-lining on insurance, some purging of voting roles, etc. Granholm and Stabenow win, but only because they are running in the shadow of the Dark Lord. They have no coattails whatsoever.
I voted! (Ribbett…)
Keith is dueling with Tweety on MSNBC!!!
I am so glad this jerk lost I just wish the democrat was better than casey.
Me too.
Agreed, but getting Ricky out is definitely a good thing.
I’d just like to take Schumer off into a quiet room somewhere and tell him to stick his nose back into his own state and quit micromanaging the rest of the east coast, at least! There was no reason not to run a REAL dem in PA!
Or I’ll sic Uncle Bud’s ghost on him! (Schumer)
Early reports from SoDak show a lead for the NO vote on Referred Law 6:
56 NO
44 yes
This is with about 115 of 818 precincts reporting. Let’s hope this keeps up!
Keith just interviewed O’Donnell about Allen’s voter turnout comments and now Allen and henchmen are saying, ~Oh we didn’t mean that. Yea, right!
What stupidity did Allen utter this time??
Allen’s campaign said something to similar to this: ‘We didn’t expect voter turnout to be this high.’ I did not use full quotation marks because I may not be remembering that verbatim. (been watching Stewart) sorry so long for reply.
You’re welcome.
Dems just took the house!!!!
Who put them over?
Don’t know. It’s a matter of the numbers as you know. Now, if only we could get the House in order to save the Supreme Court….
Now, please let the Dems win the Senate. Please.
A quick review of the House results looks like a night for Indiana Dems.
We’re pretty damn pleased, I must say! Our rural county finally went for a Democrat for congress for the first time! We (and he) really worked our collective butts off.
Incumbents look like they’re winning in all of the races reported so far, which is too bad because I was really hoping McMorris and Hastings would get the Brooklyn howdy. There are no results reported for Jim McDermott, but they might as well call that one now because there’s no way Seattle is going to vote him out. And of course we’re all sitting on tenterhooks waiting to hear about WA-8 and Darcy Burner.
MSNBC panel is missing KO. Not good. Where in the hell is Keith?!?
is commenting with gag Matthews. Thank goodness. I was getting close to worry. We’ve got the House. Now! Let’s think positive and project our success into the Senate!
With the House looking solid, I’m going to go collapse in a heap and dream of a Senate win to go along with it. I suspect I’m going to sleep much better than I have in many a moon.
PS: I’m on my way to check out your book you mentioned on Omir’s morning post.
drink a drop at the Dem Party’s Party but now I’m home and I’m halfway through a bottle of Pinot Noir. Who’s still awake?!?!
Kidspeak and I are up. She’s wired about the VA Sen race. We’ll be up all night, I suspect. (Loved the razor. What’s with the hat? A little scalp exposure, possibly?)
i’m not complaining about the hat, because it’s a huge improvement from the shot of him in the boxers. 😀
I’m still jittery regarding the Senate!!!
I missed that one, TFSM.
We should take up a collection to buy Booman a puppy.
anti-war protest in DC + massive amounts of alcohol + BooTribbers wielding cameras = BooMan’s demise
I’ve got to get to bed, because I’ve got a freakin’ eye appointment tomorrow. But I’m too damn hyper!
Tweety just complimented KO on his “special comments” — thought that was pretty generous of him.
Total opposite of what I went through two years ago…it’s morning in America, though not as Ronnie Reagan envisioned.
But the work is just beginning — we’re going to have to keep a close eye on our purported Democrats. Anyone who crosses the aisle to vote with the Republicans “in the spirit of bipartisanship” MUST be targeted for removal from office when they come up for re-election. As Gilbert & Sullivan artfully wrote in The Mikado: “I’ve got a little list/They never will be missed…” 🙂
Our leadership will have their hands full keeping the troops in line; we’ll have to see how well they do it…
Night, folks…
recommend this DKos diary, it outlines the voter intimidation that occurred today in Tucson
linkage: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/11/8/3820/82469
the Dems had a victory tonight, but the anti-human rights forces gained ground with several ballot initiatives in AZ. I refuse to back down because I have seen their hate in action and it is repulsive.
Keep calling them on it. Americans do a lot a mean and ugly things, but I still believe that if you show Americans the ugliness of the anti-human rights forces most will be repulsed and reject the appeal to our darker nature. The Dem’s have made mistakes by trying to capture votes by also appealing to the dark side. But if the truth can be shown to people, and a leader can appeal to our good sides, can demand that we live up to the promises of our country, we will turn away from hate.
Let’s start with,”Mr. Bush, Tear down that Fence.”
And now, I need to sleep. Paz.
thanks for your help in shining the flashlight on the roaches. cya on the flip
of sleeping!!!