Who knows, you may win by universal acclaim and not even have to leave the sofa. And I expect the Slacker Constitution would list decision making among grounds for impeachment.
I can’t help it — I’m a pessimist by nature and my new rep (Hill) is strongly anti-abortion as is ellsworth in the 8th. The dems did pretty good, though they lost all the statewide races. Of course, Indianadem won, which was the important thing.
I thought I saw that IndianaDem won. Great news! I’m sure he’ll be swamped with congratulations when he gets around to posting. I’m sure he’s asleep still.
OK, I think I’m awake enough to write something halfway coherent now. Mrs. Dem and I got up at 4 am yesterday so we could be at our respective precincts when the polls opened at 6. We were there to do some last- minute campaigning, but our primary task was to watch for any attempts to disenfranchise voters and report any shenanigans, should any arise.
The local party set up hotlines so we could respond quickly and get help from both local attorneys and one in Washington DC if need be.
All the precinct committee people had copies of the state voting regulations in hand. I ran into one voter who had misplaced her drivers license and had to get a state issued voter ID from the local bureau of motor vehicles in order to cast her vote. She was charged a $10 fee, not realizing that the ID’s were supposed to be free as touted by the Mitch Daniels administration.
I had a copy of the law and was able to send her back to the license bureau for a refund. Ten bucks is a lot of cash to some people. We’re compiling a list of this and similar problems to pass on to the ICLU and state party for the suit against the ID law.
It was a soggy morning, but we still managed a 50%+ voter turnout, got rid of some nasty characters in government and generally had a fun day. I heard this morning that our statehouse will be back in the hands of Democrats come Jan. 1. I won my local race with a 1200+ vote margin. Thanks Andi and Jim!
*NEWS FLASH* – I just got an e-mail from our county chairperson saying he had received several calls announcing Rummy’s resignation!!! Some icing for our post election celebration cake!
Morning ask. BushCo is going to continue to act as if the have a mandate. They’ve done it since they stole the first election. It’s up to the Dem’s to stand up and be counted now. Remember, they’ve had six years to accrue power in the Executive. They aren’t going to fold their cards. Bush is the kind of guy that gets mean when he doesn’t get his way. The fight is just beginning, and we’ve got to take it to them.
Morning Teach,
Oh yes, they will continue with impunity. But the Dems now have the power to delay and to investigate – if they just take it. It will be ugly during the next 2 years.
Morning Folks!!! Last night was a good night. I am thrilled at the national picture but I am sad to say that several races I was working on did not turn out great. Some friends I was supporting either got re-elected or elected last night. Texas still has a long damn way to go.
Happy on the national scale, (would say Very Happy is Sen goes are way) not quite so happy with our state gov elections, our one D, agriculture commissioner was reelected, but all other D challengers to R incumbents in state gov lost.
However some long time R Sen and R Reps in the state house were replaced with Ds, so that was encouraging.
Are you two (4) the only dems in your family? I found out recently, through a series of ugly arguments, that some of my siblings are {{{{{shudder}}}}} repubs.
I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Oversight. Accountability. Responsibility. I went to sleep last night with the numbers at +21 in the House and +3 in the Senate, but I didn’t believe even the House numbers till now, and the Senate may follow. It’s getting to be time for a snoopy dance.
… tears of joy for the end of the Republican Revolution today here in DC. It’s a dreary rainy day, I’m struggling with the tail end of a cold, and I’m up to my eyeballs in work, and I feel fine! Congrats everyone, let’s keep fighting. The tide is turning, but it’s still gonna be a lot of hard work to roll back the hateful damage done to us the past few years.
I do have the sad duty to report some results from my local races:
in the race for Delegate of DC to the US House, Omir the Storyteller (write-in) was defeated by Eleanor Holmes Norton, 1 vote to all the rest of the votes;
in the race for Chair of the DC City Council, Damnit Janet (write-in) was defeated by Vincent Gray, 1 vote to all the rest of the votes; and
in the race to represent wonderful, diverse Ward 1 on the DC City Council, BostonJoe (write-in) was defeated by Jim Graham, 1 vote to all the rest of the votes.
Well, in a 90% blue jurisdiction, it’s tough for 3rd party or independent candidates to gain traction. (In those 3 races, in fact, the Dem ran unopposed.)
Still watching Montana, of course; all the teachers on my floor have requested updates. I hate giving pagehits to cnn.com — does anywhere else have fresher results?
It’s amazing how a little good news makes all the difference in how you feel.
I was really glad to see that all of the minimum wage increases passed – I think 8 states in all. John Edwards and ACORN had everything to do with that.
I hear you Manny! We were up way late watching returns, and I nodded off at some point only to be woken up to go to bed, lol. A GREAT DAY in the morning … all I could say was, it sure feels great to not be on the painful losing side for a switch! Had forgotten how that felt…
Happy Wednesday to all here in the cafe … I hope you’re savoring victory as much as I am –or even more!
GOOD Morning! I’m at work so I can’t tarry long. I’m just wondering….WHY did the owners allow the Dems to win so big? Could it be that they wanted to rein-in “W” and this was the only way they could do it without openly splitting with him? Just wondering….
Good morn…, um, afternoon to all! A fine new day it is! Even the 7 year old boran2 boy was excited. I suppose that I should have waited for the new cafe. See you there.
A very good morning indeed.
Hey, Hey, andy! What a night, eh?
been to sleep at all?
I did pretty good for a geezer — I made it up till midnight.
I tried to go to sleep at 4, but I gave up at 5:30. This has been to much fun. FSM knows how I’m going to handle the kiddos in 2 hours.
if kidspeak drops by to tell us that your FIP found you tied up by a bunch of lilliputians.
LOL! Tomorrow is Art day, so I better stay awake while the glue sticks, paper, and markers are out.
Good morning Andi and Teach.
Did you stay up and watch the election returns or did the geezer-slacker combo send you off to bed?
Need you ask. Geezer-slacker combo. 🙂
Morning, FM.
Good morning Teach.
I didn’t get a chance to ask you when I took it, but your slacker movement comment I borrowed yesterday for my blog. Hope you don’t mind.
I’m honored.
I meant to tell you that was wonderful writing. Such a great word picture you painted.
I’ve always thought it might be interesting to be a speechwriter, Let me know if you ever decide to campaign for Slacker King.
Thanks, but as I said it’s too much work. I might have to wake up from a nap to make a decision every now and then.
Who knows, you may win by universal acclaim and not even have to leave the sofa. And I expect the Slacker Constitution would list decision making among grounds for impeachment.
I’m beginning to like it. 🙂
Or maybe a later, after a nap.
If anyone needs a nap today, it you. Hope you get through the day without nodding at your desk.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I really feel a sense of hope. Something I haven’t for quite some time.
I think we all do.
Feels good, doesn’t it?
Oh Yeah!
still I can’t help but think about what’s coming — the struggle of pushing all those right-leaning dems over to the left.
There is a ton of work ahead and there will be some log jamming. Damn, things look brighter.
Let’s give each other permission to slack off on that issue for a day or two. Besides, it looks like things went well in Indiana, right?
I can’t help it — I’m a pessimist by nature and my new rep (Hill) is strongly anti-abortion as is ellsworth in the 8th. The dems did pretty good, though they lost all the statewide races. Of course, Indianadem won, which was the important thing.
The anti-abortion Dems are a big issue. But it’ll be there on Friday.
I thought I saw that IndianaDem won. Great news! I’m sure he’ll be swamped with congratulations when he gets around to posting. I’m sure he’s asleep still.
OK, I think I’m awake enough to write something halfway coherent now. Mrs. Dem and I got up at 4 am yesterday so we could be at our respective precincts when the polls opened at 6. We were there to do some last- minute campaigning, but our primary task was to watch for any attempts to disenfranchise voters and report any shenanigans, should any arise.
The local party set up hotlines so we could respond quickly and get help from both local attorneys and one in Washington DC if need be.
All the precinct committee people had copies of the state voting regulations in hand. I ran into one voter who had misplaced her drivers license and had to get a state issued voter ID from the local bureau of motor vehicles in order to cast her vote. She was charged a $10 fee, not realizing that the ID’s were supposed to be free as touted by the Mitch Daniels administration.
I had a copy of the law and was able to send her back to the license bureau for a refund. Ten bucks is a lot of cash to some people. We’re compiling a list of this and similar problems to pass on to the ICLU and state party for the suit against the ID law.
It was a soggy morning, but we still managed a 50%+ voter turnout, got rid of some nasty characters in government and generally had a fun day. I heard this morning that our statehouse will be back in the hands of Democrats come Jan. 1. I won my local race with a 1200+ vote margin. Thanks Andi and Jim!
*NEWS FLASH* – I just got an e-mail from our county chairperson saying he had received several calls announcing Rummy’s resignation!!! Some icing for our post election celebration cake!
though I think we should chalk it up to the high quality of the Brown County electorate.
I just wanted to add my congrats. Yaaaaa Hooooo!!!!!
I’m happy to start by putting an end to rubber stamping the policies of King George.
One fine day, indeed. 🙂
A big dead end.
A wonderful morning, isn’t it!
Who has a mandate now?
Good moring ask.
Good morning, FM.
It looks brighter outside – I can even hear some birds chirping.
Yep you have to admit it’s a sunny day no matter where you are. 🙂
Feels good, doesn’t it?
Yesterday was definitely a good one for the home team.
Morning CG.
Morning, CG. Air smells a little fresher today, doesn’t it?
Sure does, CG.
You guys must have had a great night at Murphy’s election watch.
Nerve-wracking but great. And exhausting.
Morning ask. BushCo is going to continue to act as if the have a mandate. They’ve done it since they stole the first election. It’s up to the Dem’s to stand up and be counted now. Remember, they’ve had six years to accrue power in the Executive. They aren’t going to fold their cards. Bush is the kind of guy that gets mean when he doesn’t get his way. The fight is just beginning, and we’ve got to take it to them.
Morning Teach,
Oh yes, they will continue with impunity. But the Dems now have the power to delay and to investigate – if they just take it. It will be ugly during the next 2 years.
If it isn’t ugly, the Dems aren’t trying.
Morning Folks!!! Last night was a good night. I am thrilled at the national picture but I am sad to say that several races I was working on did not turn out great. Some friends I was supporting either got re-elected or elected last night. Texas still has a long damn way to go.
Morning Refinish.
Morning FamilyMan!!!
Good Morning, Austin! I expect you’re going to be seeing quite a bit of Bush in Crawford the next two years.
Oh I hope the hell not. LOL I would rather he vacation anywhere but here.
I doubt there’ll be any wildlife left standing within a shotgun blast of the ranch.
Maybe Bush will skip Crawford and start measuring for curtains at his new hacienda in Paraguay.
Morning NDD. Are you feeling the happy all around? 🙂
Happy on the national scale, (would say Very Happy is Sen goes are way) not quite so happy with our state gov elections, our one D, agriculture commissioner was reelected, but all other D challengers to R incumbents in state gov lost.
However some long time R Sen and R Reps in the state house were replaced with Ds, so that was encouraging.
if the Senate goes our way
Hey FM, how about you, things go well there?
It stayed about the same. Some came through, but not enough.
Are there any democrats in Alabama?
Well there is FMom and me. George by default, but Cat and Tom I’m not so sure of. 😛
Are you two (4) the only dems in your family? I found out recently, through a series of ugly arguments, that some of my siblings are {{{{{shudder}}}}} repubs.
Hi just got back. It looks that way. 🙁
It’s a start, I guess. That’s why Dean is talking about this struggle being a 10-15 year fight. Maybe you can build of the gains in the state house.
I misread you comment the first time. Sorry about the mixed bag. I’m glad some of the good folks won.
Good morning and thanks to you all!
Finally, Americans are not as mad as we thought!
It’s a victory for democracy.
There is still a lot to do but, at least, you’ve succeeded in making Bush a quasi-lame president.
Thanks again
This country has a way of surprising you sometimes.
Yep! That’s what I like about it.
Good afternoon, Melanchthon.
Good to see you. A great morning here.
Good morning/afternoon Melanchthon.
Finally, Americans are not as mad as we thought!
I was thinking that as I drove home at 3 this morning.
It’s good to know our friends on the other side of the pond are still rooting for us. 🙂
and see everybody later — the dogs say that given my nature it’s only appropriate that I go out into the fog for a walk.
See you later! Enjoy that walk…its raining here.
It’s a beautiful sunny morning here, andy. See what a Democratic governor can do? (At least in the Midwest. Sorry about that, CG.)
See you all later in the day!
George is letting me know he wants to go out, and I’ve got to get breakfast started.
I’ll see ya’ll later.
Must eat, dress for work, and go try to stay awake until the dismissal bell. (4:10 pm seems a long way off.)
And a whole bunch of punctuation: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Kelly. I agree!!!!!
Morning FM,
I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Oversight. Accountability. Responsibility. I went to sleep last night with the numbers at +21 in the House and +3 in the Senate, but I didn’t believe even the House numbers till now, and the Senate may follow. It’s getting to be time for a snoopy dance.
I agree also with the Snoopy dance!
Yep it’s good to wake up and finally see some progress taking place.
… tears of joy for the end of the Republican Revolution today here in DC. It’s a dreary rainy day, I’m struggling with the tail end of a cold, and I’m up to my eyeballs in work, and I feel fine! Congrats everyone, let’s keep fighting. The tide is turning, but it’s still gonna be a lot of hard work to roll back the hateful damage done to us the past few years.
I do have the sad duty to report some results from my local races:
Well, in a 90% blue jurisdiction, it’s tough for 3rd party or independent candidates to gain traction. (In those 3 races, in fact, the Dem ran unopposed.)
Still watching Montana, of course; all the teachers on my floor have requested updates. I hate giving pagehits to cnn.com — does anywhere else have fresher results?
It’s amazing how a little good news makes all the difference in how you feel.
I was really glad to see that all of the minimum wage increases passed – I think 8 states in all. John Edwards and ACORN had everything to do with that.
Good morning BrotherFeldspar.
The people just don’t know who they lost by not going with your write-ins.
No newer results here.
It sounds like there are a lot of tired but happy people today. It’s good to see such joy after such a long wait.
Hope you’re doing fine.
GOOD Morning! I don’t think there’s enough coffee in existence on this earth to keep me awake today at work.
Good Morning Manny!
Coffee and adrenaline will have to do. But it is a Good Morning. 🙂
alittle bitter-sweet but I’ll process/explain that later when I’ve had time to jolt myself awake. [yawn]
I know how it’s bitter-sweet for you and I’m sorry. I just wish the joy could be all encompassing for everyone.
Now start drinking that coffee – extra strong. 🙂
I hear you Manny! We were up way late watching returns, and I nodded off at some point only to be woken up to go to bed, lol. A GREAT DAY in the morning … all I could say was, it sure feels great to not be on the painful losing side for a switch! Had forgotten how that felt…
Happy Wednesday to all here in the cafe … I hope you’re savoring victory as much as I am –or even more!
Sorry to hear about the immigration resulutions in AZ, Manny.
we’ll keep fighting but definitely hard to take with grace.
Time to start hitting hard on the theme that this election is the result of Republican policy and not just Republican incompetence. My take here.
Saw it, read it and Rec’ed. I agree.
Indeed! Thanks KMc!
And how are you feeling this week FM? I’ve missed you in your absence!
Thanks for the recs. Going to go outside now and enjoy the wholly unnatural phenomena of a +60 degree in WI in November.
GOOD Morning! I’m at work so I can’t tarry long. I’m just wondering….WHY did the owners allow the Dems to win so big? Could it be that they wanted to rein-in “W” and this was the only way they could do it without openly splitting with him? Just wondering….
Hi Puget. I don’t know how to answer that one. I know we’re only at the beginning and will have to see how things will turn out.
Don’t work too hard.
Good morn…, um, afternoon to all! A fine new day it is! Even the 7 year old boran2 boy was excited. I suppose that I should have waited for the new cafe. See you there.
New one opened Boran, or is that King Maker? 🙂
How about that Rummy gone?? Big Yaw Hoo!! But I still refer to my previous comment. Any thougts?
Froggy Bottom Fireworks a Poppin Cafe here