It’s been a while since I’ve seen a mojo diary, so I thought I’d start one. And, I feel like being frivolous and silly.
We have a lot to celebrate tonight! The last 24 hours require at least 48 hours of celebration. What better way than by handing out 4s to everyone?
Take the poll, post a comment, and spread the mojo.
I’m going with Over the Moon since it’s dark outside here.
You forgot “All of the above”.
Which I am.
Rats! It won’t let me add All of the above. Silly me for forgetting it.
Borat (close relative of boran) sez: Mojo good.
Today I have been just savoring the feeling of not being outraged over some Republican atrocity or other. I really can’t remember the last time I felt like this. It feels so good, so light, so calm. And then, when I think of just how long it’s been, it feels kind of sad too, but then also hopeful. A really amazing day!
I too feel so alive, so calm, so freaken relieved. Let the Parade of criminals in handcuffs begin. Am I vengeful? A tad. They owe us six years, 3000 soldiers, trillions of dollars, I will settle for the Hague.
about the Extreme Makeover of ’06 that a Jomo diary (without poll) would still make me want to hand out 4s.