Who is next on your frog-marching list?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
LINE EM UP!! Cheney first. Bush next, Rove and the rest.
Cheney first, so’s he does not inherit the Presidency.
Then the rest of these murdering fucks.
I am certain we will strat hearing some really interesting stuff, and seeing some things happening shortly after the witnesses swear to tell the truth… But the new Senate and the new House won’t even be in place for a while.
We have waited this long for the truth. We will have to wait a little longer. I wnat to declare open season on neocons as much as anyone else. But we have to be realistic and, unfortunately, patient.
Even just the process of getting the truth out there where everyone can see it will be sweet.
Pick from a list of 220 yea votes re: Medicare D. And that is just the House!
My next victim is Saxby Chambliss, who is up for reelection in 2008. Anyone who openly questioned Max Cleland’s patriotism deserves to lose.
Right now, I feel like lining up the pundits!
Centrist policies, bipartisanship, a new chapter, yada yada…
What about accountability for all the major fuck-ups?
Booman was right in the “Talking Smack” story.
Too many.
Smarmy porcine rat-bastard.
the secret plan he and Diebold (and some other machine makers) worked out to fuck up those voting machines.
Third time wasn’t the charm. People got wise and complained big time.
The dark lord himself, Darth Cheney.
Darth Cheney.
After that, Kinda-Squeezah herself.
Chertoff for Katrina.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse are:
RumsfeldfiredRoverendered irrelevant as we now know he has only two tricks in his bag: Fear and Smear. Who’s gonna hire him now? Nobody, that’s who.Take down Cheney and all that will be left is the lame duck in the barrel.
Cheney will be the most difficult, but we have the ring now.
I know this is probably not the most pressing answer, but to me it seems the most practical.
As detailed on the front page, it looks like the kids have handed the reins on Iraq policy back over to the adults (regardless of what you think of Bob Gates, by all accounts he is much more of a pragmatist than an ideologue like Rummy).
That leaves one more petulant child in a high position dealing with international diplomacy, and his term just happens to run out when the new Congress reconvenes in January.
Yep. You guessed it. The ‘stache.
Why are you linking Yosemite Sam, my wife’s favorite Warner Brothers toon, with Nutcase von Soupstrainer?
Of course I guess they do have an unfortunate similarity in that they both shoot from the hip and think later.
I freakin’ love that, Omir… 🙂
Peroxide for the tobacco stain?
I would just like to say, that today is much better than Monday. As the war on the middle class is about to end, with the election of a Democratic major. Say hello to a balance budget and responsbility.
someone named Patrick Fitzgerald quietly comes. . .
to take Rove and Cheney away.
Mr. Special Prosecutor’s been circumspect and biding his time, waiting for the political climate to change and make (what I believe will be) his coming indictments of these two guys worth his while and worth the wait.
And he’s in slice and dice mode in the Plamegate/Libby perjury trial. Surprises already. Left Libby’s defense team speechless. Stuff is gonna come out, folks. Stuff is definitely gonna come out.
From your link (Washington Post):
One of those moments came when Loftus insisted that she had never met Fitzgerald. He then reminded her that he had cross-examined her before, when she was an expert defense witness and he was a prosecutor in the U.S. attorney’s office in New York.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Especially since Libby’s main defense strategy against his perjury charge is his own alleged “memory problems” for whom she was the paver of credibility.
Truly, she’s incredible — in the original sense of the word.
I think we need to review use of the public airwaves and see who has been doing community service and who has been abusing our airwaves for political purposes.
Then we need the Fairness Doctrine back.