Our voices do count. The American People rose above the oppression and suffocating politics of corruption and lies.
I can breathe again. Thank you to my fellow Americans. I feel like I won. I feel the hope, the faith, the America I thought was gone still exists.
Why does this feel like such a personal victory?
I’ve been a political junkie for years. That occurred when I realized that there is a spiritual quality to politics. I had always been interested in philosophy, metaphysics, spirituality and the like.
In my seeking I ruled out organized religion years ago. I grew up Catholic and even at a very young age saw too much hypocrisy there, so I continued to search. I studied history and the political sides of democracy, socialism and the views of many.
I saw that community and the will of the people needed to coincide for a society to operate with peace and harmony and thence the importance of governing, rules of law, guidelines to maintain that harmony.
Our forefathers proved to be brilliant, ahead of the times, and created the Constitution, Bill of Rights, which have served us well. Growth and changes are healthy things and for the most part as a group-country we’ve done well to make appropriate adjustments. When a group tries to go backwards the fight gets rougher. Going backwards does not work.
We, the people, insisted on becoming part of the decision making process and elections became a precious privelidge and right for all of us.
We saw over the years how the different philosophies could swing the country in different directions. We saw how absolute power of one side corrupts and tips the country toward dangerous scenarios and how elections could restore the balance.
Our Democrat win yesterday was a long time in coming. We deserve this win. We have given our Democrat leaders the opportunity to make things better, to fix the wrongs and take America into a new direction yet again.
We have a chance to practice what this side preaches, lets make the best of this renewed opportunity.
I’ve spewed so much hatred here at Bush and those like him. That is so not my true nature. I intend to moderate my tone.
Let’s tone the hatred down and work for all Americans.
Power to the People. Bravo!!
How many of us dreaded waking up today? It turns out to be a beautiful day anyway.
Rosee, I hope this doesn’t mean we all settle back and wait for the pols to take care of business. We’ve seen the results of our failure to get involved in our government.
After a day or two of celebration, let’s get back to work and pay attention.