Well, to be fair, he was at the center of attention last night. All the labor guys and campaign people were crowding around him as they were trying to project where the race was going. His laptop got a damn lot of attention, that’s for sure.
Extremely warm & heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed their time, intellect, will, effort, sweat & tears toward this tidal shift.
Personally, my gratitude to you is beyond measure. I bless you all.
Now: a strong, intelligent vigilance remains absolutely key; the new picture isn’t yet clear. Watch that narrative! The stage for ’08 is already being set.
I have to tell you friends, this is the happiest day since 2000 when the court did the unthinkable and gave George the White House.
Now, finally it is as if the weight of the world has been lifted. We have a lot of work to do these next two years. Please, don’t let them pick the nominee. It is up to us(and I think we have proven we can do it) to push the primaries in the direction we want. Take a goood hard look at the possible candidates now before the consulktants get their hands on them. All my money is going to Fiengold as of now but we will see.
What a fabulous day this is. Let’s celebrate big time!!
I like your picks but the verdict is still out on Obama for me. I am watching him very closely and at this point is too centrist for me but the Combo of Fiengold/Obama may be a good balance. Something to make everyone happy?
Feingold/Obama would be awesome, actually. Back seems to have some real progressinve ideals buried in amongst his serious centrist survival/ambition instincts.
Pairing him with any progressive would allow him to maybe stake out some positive ground.
I like John Edwards. But whatver, as long as the Dems don’t try running to some chimerical ‘center’.
But, but, but….I want him to be…lol! Look, I am starting to believe we can make this happen. I am starting to believe we can pick, we the people, not some group of consultants and windbags from the beltway.
Let’s start a campaign fund now. Even if it is just a dollar a week, one latte at Starbucks kids and set it aside for the person WE want. Can that be accomplished? I think so.
One of the great things to happen this election was the amount of people scrutinizing events in real time. There were numerous voting ‘irregularities’ and ‘anomaly’s’, as well as countless incidents of voter suppression and intimidation. Every one of those will probably be followed through with investigations, many litigations and hopefully will let in a little sunshine on our electoral process. I can’t help but to feel a cautious optimism. Here’s hoping that by the next national election every voting machine will be merrily spitting out paper trails, and that there are some new national standards for elections.
I just want to congratulate you democrats over there and hope this is just the beginning of something bigger and greater, having the election in 2008 in mind.
Yes I know, but with this kind of victory people can raise their heads and see that not everything is lost. It is possible to work for a different political direction even under a republican president and succeed, at least half-way. This ought to be a moral booster for everyone that are in opposition to the current regime and still have a belief in the system.
What remains to be seen is whether your newly elected representatives from the Democratic Party are both willing and able to turn the “ship” around. Even if the democrats are willing to do so, it will be a slow and frustrating process since the republicans in Congress will resist and appeal for bipartisanship like they always do, especially when they are in minority. Another obstacle is of course the Bush-administration with their executive powers, but this is as good as it gets, for now. Enjoy.
<happydance> Pombo is a Goner! Pombo is a Goner! </happydance>
While some results were not to my liking, I have to admit that I am very happy in the end. I am bummed that hate and discrimination continue to reign, but Speaker Pelosi does have a nice ring to it.
Last night I dreamed that McCaskill was busted for drunk driving while coming home from her victory. Old fears die hard. :>)
Well, we got back to Philly from PA-08 around 2:45 or so…that’s no excuse for him to still be asleep! 😛
He’s an old man though, right?
I mean once you get past thirty, it’s IV Geritol time …
(said as a old man of 50)
Well, to be fair, he was at the center of attention last night. All the labor guys and campaign people were crowding around him as they were trying to project where the race was going. His laptop got a damn lot of attention, that’s for sure.
Extremely warm & heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed their time, intellect, will, effort, sweat & tears toward this tidal shift.
Personally, my gratitude to you is beyond measure. I bless you all.
Now: a strong, intelligent vigilance remains absolutely key; the new picture isn’t yet clear. Watch that narrative! The stage for ’08 is already being set.
I’M AWAKE!! A little bleary-eyes…worse for wear and tear. How are the wingnuts handling it?
Apparently, the right-wing blogosphere is going nuts. Which is always cause for celebration.
Look at your own front page for the answer:
A Visit to Bizzaro World
Quite poorly, according to varied reports.
Can’t help but imagine Turdblossom breaking the news to Mr. Mandate today. I might even watch today’s performance for tics.
With Big smile. Tester unseats Burns.
I have to tell you friends, this is the happiest day since 2000 when the court did the unthinkable and gave George the White House.
Now, finally it is as if the weight of the world has been lifted. We have a lot of work to do these next two years. Please, don’t let them pick the nominee. It is up to us(and I think we have proven we can do it) to push the primaries in the direction we want. Take a goood hard look at the possible candidates now before the consulktants get their hands on them. All my money is going to Fiengold as of now but we will see.
What a fabulous day this is. Let’s celebrate big time!!
My favored candidates for President (in no particular order):
Wes Clark
Al Gore
John Edwards
Russ Feingold
And I just say no to:
Anyone else from teh DLC wing of the party.
I like your picks but the verdict is still out on Obama for me. I am watching him very closely and at this point is too centrist for me but the Combo of Fiengold/Obama may be a good balance. Something to make everyone happy?
Feingold/Obama would be awesome, actually. Back seems to have some real progressinve ideals buried in amongst his serious centrist survival/ambition instincts.
Pairing him with any progressive would allow him to maybe stake out some positive ground.
I like John Edwards. But whatver, as long as the Dems don’t try running to some chimerical ‘center’.
Ahem. /Back /Barack, however you spell his name…
That seems pretty inevitable to me, unfortunately.
Iirc, Hil announced that strategy last night.
I love Russ, but he won’t be the nominee. I’d take Gore/Edwards or maybe Edwards/Obama.
I just want the next presidential campaign to be run from the heart of the people and not the consultants.
But, but, but….I want him to be…lol! Look, I am starting to believe we can make this happen. I am starting to believe we can pick, we the people, not some group of consultants and windbags from the beltway.
Let’s start a campaign fund now. Even if it is just a dollar a week, one latte at Starbucks kids and set it aside for the person WE want. Can that be accomplished? I think so.
One of the great things to happen this election was the amount of people scrutinizing events in real time. There were numerous voting ‘irregularities’ and ‘anomaly’s’, as well as countless incidents of voter suppression and intimidation. Every one of those will probably be followed through with investigations, many litigations and hopefully will let in a little sunshine on our electoral process. I can’t help but to feel a cautious optimism. Here’s hoping that by the next national election every voting machine will be merrily spitting out paper trails, and that there are some new national standards for elections.
I just want to congratulate you democrats over there and hope this is just the beginning of something bigger and greater, having the election in 2008 in mind.
It’s not a panacea by any stretch. Bush will stay the course in Iraq, and may threaten Iran too. But it’s a good start.
Yes I know, but with this kind of victory people can raise their heads and see that not everything is lost. It is possible to work for a different political direction even under a republican president and succeed, at least half-way. This ought to be a moral booster for everyone that are in opposition to the current regime and still have a belief in the system.
What remains to be seen is whether your newly elected representatives from the Democratic Party are both willing and able to turn the “ship” around. Even if the democrats are willing to do so, it will be a slow and frustrating process since the republicans in Congress will resist and appeal for bipartisanship like they always do, especially when they are in minority. Another obstacle is of course the Bush-administration with their executive powers, but this is as good as it gets, for now. Enjoy.
Good morning! Fucking A! Congrats all around!
AP/NBC now calls Montana for Tester.
<happydance> Pombo is a Goner! Pombo is a Goner! </happydance>
While some results were not to my liking, I have to admit that I am very happy in the end. I am bummed that hate and discrimination continue to reign, but Speaker Pelosi does have a nice ring to it.
Last night I dreamed that McCaskill was busted for drunk driving while coming home from her victory. Old fears die hard. :>)
Rummy’s apparently resigning, folks (via NBC) — confirmation underway.
Hi 5 WW, we both posted within seconds of each other….yeah, I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.
Hi 5, darlin’!
I’m sure my yelling was heard for blocks.
So long, bastard!
My whole office just whooped it up too! The day just gets better and better.
love the new sig line!! This is the first morning in ages my repug sis hasn’t called me. Imagine that!