Burns has conceded. Allen has conceded. The Senate is officially Democratic, with or without Lieberman.
Frankly I expected a recount fight, but I think Allen knows that even if he had won, he’s lost. Here’s hoping he enjoys a long private life, alone with his thoughts.
This is why I’m not surprised:
On election night, I caught Jeffrey Toobin explaining Virginia law about recounts. He said in a recent recount in Virginia (an attorney general race) the numbers didn’t change much — 37 votes — allowing the winner to prevail by 360 votes.
So, when the margin between Allen and Webb surpassed 7,000, it was obvious Allen couldn’t make up that amount in a recount (and no one expected a glut of provisional ballots of that magnitude, either).
The inevitable… No real HOOPLA considering we knew it was coming. 🙂
Burns has conceded. Allen has conceded. The Senate is officially Democratic, with or without Lieberman.
Frankly I expected a recount fight, but I think Allen knows that even if he had won, he’s lost. Here’s hoping he enjoys a long private life, alone with his thoughts.
This is why I’m not surprised:
On election night, I caught Jeffrey Toobin explaining Virginia law about recounts. He said in a recent recount in Virginia (an attorney general race) the numbers didn’t change much — 37 votes — allowing the winner to prevail by 360 votes.
So, when the margin between Allen and Webb surpassed 7,000, it was obvious Allen couldn’t make up that amount in a recount (and no one expected a glut of provisional ballots of that magnitude, either).
This is a rational decision. Having taxpayers foot the bill for a month-long recount would have been a silly choice.