According to the London Times, US forces will hand total control of Iraq to Iraqi forces by the end of 2007.
But I thought Bush was against setting a timetable for withdrawl??
Do you think Iraqi forces will be able to accomplish taking full control of the country by the end of next year?? Me neither!!!,,7374-2446744,00.html
He also wanted to keep Rumsfelt until 2008, remember?
“11-7-2006 changed everything.”
We’ll be “asked to leave” since our presence is “so disruptive” of “efforts on the ground to achieve consensus and national unity.” The English have probably already made it known they’re outta there, with us or not. What we are seeing is the only-partially-veiled imposition of reality-based advisers on the administration by the PermaGov / monied wing of the party, represented by Bush 41 and minions, who want the war over before the 2008 election so “fresh faces” can run in 2008 without the baggage of the war weighing them down.
This bodes well for Giuliani and McCain*, and leads me to expect that Cheney will retire for “health reasons” once the congressional investigations get into full swing. After an “apparent heart attack” he will conveniently be “too ill to testify” about his secret energy policy meetings (God, that seems like a lifetime ago!), the fabrication of reasons for going to war, etc. If this were Rome, someone would already be handing him a sword to fall onto…
*I expect the 2008 Republican ticket to be McCain – Huckabee (or some other obscure evangelical governor).
I do not think the Iraqi’s will never be ready unless we leave. Why should they be?
This is their chance to form whatever government they want, it will be what it will be and frankly, it is none of our business. IF we can help, and that is a mighty big IF considering what we’ve done so far, then we should help in limited ways.
I don’t care what reasoning is used to get us out of there and our young men and women home. . .JUST DO IT!
Geeze. . .that should be, “. . .ever be ready unless we leave.”