This is an idea that I’ve seen bouncing around other blogs that I’d like to share with those of you who may not have seen it. As you must know by now the entrenched Democratic power structure is still going after Howard Dean and his position as Chairman of the DNC. Let’s step up and support Dean now.  Here are some ways to help Dean.

I’d like to share some ideas posted by pattyp at MyDD.

So far, the only thing everyone seems agreed upon is that we want to make the DNC contributions in time for Dr. Dean’s birthday.[Friday, 11/17] The amounts and methods of delivery just differ. So far, proposed methods are:

  1. Send birthday cards to Dean at the DNC office (30 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003) by snail mail, with check or money order enclosed;
  2. Donate via The Bat, which someone started on their own and which has already raised over $4,000;
  3. Donate via an ActBlue page.

Proposed amounts are:

  1. $20.06, to signify the successes of this week;
  2. $20.08, in anticipation of even greater success in 2008;
  3. Any amount with 50 cents tacked on, in honor of the great 50 State Strategy

Another idea mentioned elsewhere is buying Democracy Bonds.

It’s politics, folks, and money talks. One of the main reasons I support Dean is that he has allowed those of us with only a little money to join the conversation.

Here is a chance to show the Beltway insiders that we will not quietly stand by while Carville and others try to maneuver Dean out of the Chairmanship.

I plan to use the at $0.50 approach in support of the 50 state plan.

Update [2006-11-12 18:44:51 by Teach313]: The Bat is at $5,471 with 141 donors. That means the average donation in $38.

Update [2006-11-13 8:22:28 by Teach313]: see no3reed’s suggestion below.

Sen. Charles Schumer @ DSCC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20001

Rep. Rahm Emanuel @ DCCC, 430 S. Capitol St. SW, Washington, DC 20001

James Carville