Cons: pees in the house, barks, chases the cats, chews toilet paper, carries my underwear through the house, eats the catfood, eats the cat poop, licks me while I’m sleeping, jumps up on the table, drools, runs through the house, etc…
What happened to the Senators of last season? I haven’t followed the trades outside of the Sharks.
But there is a man from Toronto and a man from Montreal who like to come into the store and give me “grief” about the Sharks… that was untill I hollered back (all in fun, mind you)
JOE THORNTON – that shut them up 🙂
THey come in and refuse to let anyone else deal with them but me 🙂 So you KNOW they like me.
Well FMom got a good surprise today. Her first cousin was going through some old stuff and found a picture of FMom’s mother, my grandmother. FMom never knew her because she died giving birth to FMom. Also FMom only has a few pictures of her. So this one was a great surpirse to her. Looking at the picture of my grandmother is just like looking at FMom when she was younger.
Yes she did. I’ve got the picture now and I’ve scanned it in and I’m going to try and touch it up as best as possible. Her cousin said for us to come by and visit and I told FMom I’d like to do that. Maybe I could get some more of picture and scan in.
I scanned in a bunch of old pictures for my mom and cleaned them up and then took them to a good photography shop — the reprints turned out really well.
I think I told ya’ll that any old picture I can get from any of the family I always scan in and put them all on discs to share with all the family. I used to print out pictures for all the family, but it got to expensive.
I scan all of mine up as well. For me, the neatest part of having them all digitized is that I look at and enjoy them a lot more often than I did when they were all stashed in boxes.
It’s hard to imagine what it would be like to find a new picture of your mother so late in your life, especially when she died at your birth. Bittersweet, indeed.
It is especially for FMom. She hardly has anything that used to be my grandmothers. It seems I had some great aunts and uncles that swept in and took things for safe keeping. It ended up in just the keeping.
Those family disputes after a death can be a mess. My father and his only brother severed their relationship when my uncle did some nasty tricks with my grandmother’s tiny estate. Some sentimental jewelry of little monetary value disappeared. My grandmother had promised it to my mother. It was the last straw in long conflict between them. My father did not speak to his brother again until his brother was dying of cancer 15 years later. Then my Dad was able to reach out and help him.
Jeez, what a maudlin drunk. 54 drinks will do that to me.
riding that Bittersweet Rollercoaster for a while-sy.
Maybe FamilyMan can have a watercolor of it enlargened or something.
PS: don’t mind me, I’m hollerin’ at kids and trying to make dinner before an NHL tv game comes on and before my spouse has to hit the rink locally for his game.
IE: I’m drinking. Which usually means my posts will be more readable – less typos when typing slow….er. 😀
DJ-if you get back on: my yoga class got changed to Mondays so I can come on down to the counter recruitment event on Tuesdays-don’t you usually attend that one or have things changed since you got the j-o-b?
Wow! what a cool picture. The eyes remind me of the black cat I had once, who really seemed to have glow-in-the-dark eyes that showed more than just the solid green reflection.
The subtlety of these are great – and deliciously scary, too!
The eye of which you speak has been copied to present two, the normal allotement. My cat Milo was left at 50% visual capacity about 15 years ago, but is still a Kool Kat.
Oh, I remember Milo from another picture you posted of him. (I’m a total sap for cats.) I’m so pleased that you have taken care of this pretty one. Milo is handsome still, in old age. Our oldest cat is nearly blind, but still a great, great cat.
My other cat, who, sadly lost 100% of all his faculties due to a similar encounter as Milo, is maybe the kind of cat you meant though. I loved this cat so much. His name was KASPER, the ghost. Once standing in front of a large stereo speaker, I could only see his eyes, like the disembodied ones in the photo. He always grew a huge mane in the winter that was the color you see here. A gorgeous cat all around.
I`m glad you like the photo.
and old Lucy reruns on the TV.
So after Hopefuls latest thing aren’t you just more in love with her. 🙂
Let’s see……
Cons: pees in the house, barks, chases the cats, chews toilet paper, carries my underwear through the house, eats the catfood, eats the cat poop, licks me while I’m sleeping, jumps up on the table, drools, runs through the house, etc…
Pros: she’s cute and she licks my feet.
Pros win! 🙂
Sounds like a job for the Dog Whisperer!
shape up or the next thing you know you’ll be a sled dog in Nome.
I think you hired the Dog Threatener by mistake, Andy.
I left my effexor joke at the old Lounge!!
Bring it here. It deserves a wider audience.
I have to say this picture doesn’t encourage me to order 27 more of whatever yanking that Duck’s Head tap will deliver.
I’ve always figured if you drank 27 of any type alcohol, you wouldn’t be worring about that anyway. 🙂
And I’d enjoy the 27 drinks a lot more!
can you get your blog to open?
Nope I’ve been trying and tried yours too. The funny thing though is I can get to IVG’s blog.
just tried his and it’s won’t open either …
I can still get to his. Every other blogger site gives internal error though.
I’ve tried is unreachable.
I think I need to get working on my site! It’s just sitting there empty … 🙂
I can open mine.
Mine just came back. Yahhh Hooooo!
FWIW: that’s a line from one of the greatest family movies EVAH!
No, it’s not called, “Evah” 🙂
they lost again … again!
That is conceivable…
What happened to the Senators of last season? I haven’t followed the trades outside of the Sharks.
But there is a man from Toronto and a man from Montreal who like to come into the store and give me “grief” about the Sharks… that was untill I hollered back (all in fun, mind you)
JOE THORNTON – that shut them up 🙂
THey come in and refuse to let anyone else deal with them but me 🙂 So you KNOW they like me.
Saw it. Although with Effexor I wouldn’t say that’s a problem. 🙂
Not that you need it down there. I’m just sayin…
and by ‘down there’ I mean Alabama. 🙂
Sure I knew that’s what you meant. 🙂
Well FMom got a good surprise today. Her first cousin was going through some old stuff and found a picture of FMom’s mother, my grandmother. FMom never knew her because she died giving birth to FMom. Also FMom only has a few pictures of her. So this one was a great surpirse to her. Looking at the picture of my grandmother is just like looking at FMom when she was younger.
That is so cool! She must have had a lot of emotions running around in her head seeing that.
Yes she did. I’ve got the picture now and I’ve scanned it in and I’m going to try and touch it up as best as possible. Her cousin said for us to come by and visit and I told FMom I’d like to do that. Maybe I could get some more of picture and scan in.
I scanned in a bunch of old pictures for my mom and cleaned them up and then took them to a good photography shop — the reprints turned out really well.
I think I told ya’ll that any old picture I can get from any of the family I always scan in and put them all on discs to share with all the family. I used to print out pictures for all the family, but it got to expensive.
Kidspeak has done this with old family pictures also. She’s even managed to digitally repair some stained and torn ones.
Yeah I’ve done that too. It take a lot of time and effort, so I’m not sure why I did it. 🙂
When Kidspeak is determined to do something, she gets it done. I love her dearly, but she is no slacker.
Oh poor Kidspeak, not a slacker.
She’s working away right now, even as we speak.
Working now? I fear there may be no hope for a slacking potential in her.
She has her slacker moments, but I’m sorry to say that she is a hard worker.
you’d better go put your mark on that wonderful vacuum or she’ll claim that sweeping is her job.
I have to admit that it usually is.
I love Kidspeak, too 🙂 She’s a great writer and human bean 🙂
thanks for the beer tips the other day. 🙂
I agree, but I’m not exactly impartial. This April will be our 20th anniversary.
This past Sept we hit numero “18” ACKKKK!!!
darn, just one shy of being married twice as long as you.
You can have him 🙂 I’ll give you all the years, too 🙂
Thank you. I try to be a good bean, like you! {{{DJ}}}
Because it makes the moms so happy when they see the cleaned up pictures.
Yep you’re right. On this new picture I think I’ll be doing a lot of work on that.
I scan all of mine up as well. For me, the neatest part of having them all digitized is that I look at and enjoy them a lot more often than I did when they were all stashed in boxes.
Yeah that’s the same with me. Plus once they’re on the disc you can arrange them anyway you want them.
I’m in the process of painting all of mine. 😉
That will just give us so many more Saturdays to look forward to. 🙂
I don’tknow. You haven’t seen my relatives.
Cripes, Boran2, that made me laugh outloud so hard – my cat is looking at me weird. 🙂
Give that kitty a nice squeeze for me. And I mean that in the most innocent way.
Okay Boran2… I squeezed my pussy.
Ok, this one jumps at you when you scan “Recent Comments.”
But he did toss out that meatball and I couldn’t resist. 😀
I envisioning handlebar moustaches, lovely blue hairdos, silly hats. . .
That is such a nice, although, bittersweet, surprise.
Thanks DJ.
It’s hard to imagine what it would be like to find a new picture of your mother so late in your life, especially when she died at your birth. Bittersweet, indeed.
It is especially for FMom. She hardly has anything that used to be my grandmothers. It seems I had some great aunts and uncles that swept in and took things for safe keeping. It ended up in just the keeping.
Those family disputes after a death can be a mess. My father and his only brother severed their relationship when my uncle did some nasty tricks with my grandmother’s tiny estate. Some sentimental jewelry of little monetary value disappeared. My grandmother had promised it to my mother. It was the last straw in long conflict between them. My father did not speak to his brother again until his brother was dying of cancer 15 years later. Then my Dad was able to reach out and help him.
Jeez, what a maudlin drunk. 54 drinks will do that to me.
riding that Bittersweet Rollercoaster for a while-sy.
Maybe FamilyMan can have a watercolor of it enlargened or something.
PS: don’t mind me, I’m hollerin’ at kids and trying to make dinner before an NHL tv game comes on and before my spouse has to hit the rink locally for his game.
IE: I’m drinking. Which usually means my posts will be more readable – less typos when typing slow….er. 😀
Past this geezers bedtime, plus I’ve got to get up early to take FMom to an appointment.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
I need to head out to. Have a few things to do before bed. ‘Night all!
Okay I’ve got to divert my attention to the kidlets.
Take care all.
DJ-if you get back on: my yoga class got changed to Mondays so I can come on down to the counter recruitment event on Tuesdays-don’t you usually attend that one or have things changed since you got the j-o-b?
I haven’t ever attended that one. Yup… job has it’s way with the hours for now. For now.
to clarify, I didn’t attend because I’d go in to do the Friday PPRC no war drums rally.
A quick test for dada`s sake & anybody else having browser problems with banners.

Wow! what a cool picture. The eyes remind me of the black cat I had once, who really seemed to have glow-in-the-dark eyes that showed more than just the solid green reflection.
The subtlety of these are great – and deliciously scary, too!
Maybe more like a wolf’s eyes.
The eye of which you speak has been copied to present two, the normal allotement. My cat Milo was left at 50% visual capacity about 15 years ago, but is still a Kool Kat.

Oh, I remember Milo from another picture you posted of him. (I’m a total sap for cats.) I’m so pleased that you have taken care of this pretty one. Milo is handsome still, in old age. Our oldest cat is nearly blind, but still a great, great cat.
My other cat, who, sadly lost 100% of all his faculties due to a similar encounter as Milo, is maybe the kind of cat you meant though. I loved this cat so much. His name was KASPER, the ghost. Once standing in front of a large stereo speaker, I could only see his eyes, like the disembodied ones in the photo. He always grew a huge mane in the winter that was the color you see here. A gorgeous cat all around.

I`m glad you like the photo.
What a fearsome beastie, and that ruff! Looks like he’s been ringed with red hair color or a necklace of the red-furred beasts he’s taken out.
And now the shriek-mistress of the Gang of 4 is telling me to quit for the night. oh, claws and voice. I’m shutting it down, nite, KH.
Me too. Good night, all!
Saw this at This just looked like FM on the couch, doing his slackerly thing:
click on photo
Way too cute!!! What a great website that is.