photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Morning, Andi. I’m greeting and then returning to paper grading in just a minute or two.
Lovely flower. Not blooming currently, I assume, unless indoors?
Ugh, grading papers before 6 a.m. is awfully (and I mean that literally) impressive.
Olivia took the shot in July but the FBC is in a tear in the space-time continuum so it’s still blooming here.
Hmm. I wonder if I could use that tear to go back and get a full night’s sleep.
Naw, haven’t finished these essay exams yet. Sigh.
Oh, I see this must be one of Olivia’s! Of course!
Meanwhile, before I run, I must re-post this pic from last night. I think it is the perfect Familyman photo. Found it at wombadilliac.com.au:
FM on couch, with friends.
Looks just like FM slacking (well, exactly if he was brown, furry, and a marsupial from Australia)
Yes, I thought so, too. Just like him.
Hope you’re going to have a good day.
Well, I’ve finished my wheaties, fed the GO4+4, and it’s back to the salt mines. This is what I get for procrastinating.
I could curl up in one of those myself … 😀
Good morning Andi and Kidspeak.
Kidspeak sorry I missed you, but I do love that picture.
I tell you those t-shirts and mugs are going to fly off the shelves.
I’ll even start you out with some possible mottoes.
In Slacking We Rust
Slacking Makes the World Go Nowhere
Look on My Unworks, Ye Slackers and Nap.
I like those. Lets see. I’ve got Olivia taking down slackerly words of wisdom and you making mottoes and I haven’t done anything. My plan seem to be working. 🙂
I’ll be looking forward to your merchandising announcements.
Giddy is reminding that I need to get dressed.
I’ve got to get ready myself to take FMom to an appointment.
Everybody have a good day in the pond.
FM, I see us white-washing your fence in the not to distant future.
As long as we get to share in the profits too … 🙂
Woke up in front of Marseille’s old harbour on a wonderful sunny day :
Now back to Lyon through the beautiful landscapes of Provence…
What a wonderful way to spend a day!
In a way, it was a normal working day. That’s the good thing with the high-speed train (TGV): I left Marseille at 7.40 and I was in Lyon (350km)at 9.15…
I like those rocks.
Top of the morning to you all…a beautiful picture of nature’s splendor in the form of a fully formed flower and of the magnificent view from Marseilles and Provence…make for a wonderful way to start the day.
WE WON! WE WON and I was on drugs and I missed the big party but I show up here and it doesn’t even look like you guys had a party. Today is such a fine damned day……and it really is a fine damn day cuz I am fresh out of ativan so for reals it really is a fine damned day. It’s parents day at school so I’m due to show up at 10:30 today for that. I am going all out on Thanksgiving and Christmas this year and I mean all out. I’m deckin this house from the hells to the bells. And I kindly sent Tyler the three legged cat to the vet this morning at 8:00 am to become Tyler the three legged no balls cat. And my nose is straight, it is straight straight straight straight. I went to the mirror no longer under the influence of drugs and that is one straight nose (with crusty boogers lining the whole left inner wall, but you can’t see those from there). So for cripes sake, we won……let’s get the party on. Let’s party our way out of Iraq and party our way into all sorts of things. Party ON! The Neocons are dead, not us!
My nose is straight, too (no boogers)!!!! LOL!!!
We won we won we won we won we won!!! RIBBETT!!!!!
Vanity Fair Neocon interviews? I must share my favorite Neocon interview this morning cuz I love it, it just cracks me up. Everytime I think about it I start giggling. David Frum “I always believed as a speechwriter that if you could persuade the president to commit himself to certain words, he would feel himself committed to the ideas that underlay those words. And the big shock to me has been that although the president said the words, he just did not absorb the ideas. And that is the root of, maybe, everything.”
David Frum
So David Frum thought George W Bush was a sock puppet made of flesh….and David just shoved his hand up…..um….er….whatever and made George W Bushs mouth move and say words. Inspite of all of this though George W Bush failed to become um, am I reading this right, David Frum. No Vulcan mind meld happened, No wondertwin powers were activated and that is why Iraq and everything Neocon is all shot to hell along with our soldiers. Who knew?
Displaying Vagina Envy! Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute freedom scholar: “Ask yourself who the most powerful people in the White House are. They are women who are in love with the president: Laura [Bush], Condi, Harriet Miers, and Karen Hughes.”
It’s true and everybody knows it…..vaginas are going to destroy the world. Sorry Michael, there’s only so many vaginas to go around and you didn’t get one na na na na na na!
Heck, MT, he’s just outing Bush’s devotion to the goddess Kali (some of whom are traditionally known as Thugs, btw):
If you think it’s Jesus, but it’s not ..
meant to say that some of Kali’s devotees are traditionally known as Thugs.
In any case, a main feature of many images of Kali is her yoni. She’s terrifying!
would be a step up for most of these people.
(Good afternoon)
‘Afternoon, Andi. How’s life in the woods? Seeing any weather?
are pretty much bare and its been gray and blah here for the last few days.
Here’s a ‘sunset’ at the house about two weeks ago.
Still gorgeous! If wishes were wings I’d dive right through the screen into that lovely, lighted pathway. I’m wadin’ into those leaves already .. swish swish!
Yeah, you definitely don’t go silently through the woods once all the leaves are down — so if the deer are paying attention as the hunters traipse to their tree stands, they’ve got some warning.
Ergo leaf-blowers have become increasingly popular in the nation’s rural communities.
</dumkopf alert>
But seriously, the deer population up in my old community has grown increasingly smart in recent years — they tend to disappear upland, for the most part, ’til the season’s end. Many new transplants complain about getting skunked (as they shoot each other in ennui).
skunked = regional term for no deer.
The deer seem to know where hunting is allowed and where it isn’t — the deer sightings and signs on our property are always much higher in November and December.
Mother still knows best.
I remember most of our sightings occuring pretty consistently in mid-summer — when the marijuana trees were in fragrant bloom.
(Little known ‘deer attraction’ scent. ‘Course, rely on this one & you won’t give a shit about hunting.)
(If you aren’t at work…) Click on this link and write your name in the box to see your name in Russian.
which is easy to do when you work from home.
Methinks your type of defiance is the wave of the future. This ‘daily commute’ crap is totally unsustainable, really.
Some ‘bedroom communities’ are already becoming a bit more self-contained. No more .36 a gallon for the USies!
I’m the wave of the past — I’ve been doing this since 1989. I can’t imagine ever working in an office again (not that the dogs would allow it).
‘Course not. If I were one of your dogs I wouldn’t either.
Me, I tried working in an office for a while in the early ’80s. A foolish experiment.
Any possibility that I might actually apply for a position as one of your dogs?
and Sniff would probably be willing to share the couch. Giddy points out that dinner is at 6:00 sharp and casual attire is the norm.
Sounds absolutely perfect — & I’m sure my resume’ proves I’m exceptionally suitable for the job (although I’m far from proficient yet at identification via butt-sniffing).
Now, to dig up my resume’ ..
LOL … Hiya Andi, hiya ww!
Happy greetings, Miss O! <wag wag>
Hope you’re enjoying a great day today. Thanks so much for sharing yet another brilliant image. You’ve no idea how happy they make me! <wag wag>
Alas, I must accompany elderly biped companion on weekly errand to massive, highly air-conditioned area that smells of chicken & Lysol. So sorry I can’t sit at your feet at the moment — but will leave a bit of drool for you in farewell.
could get to get really crowded.
Do you shed?
Shedding … not too bad … 😉
a closed cafe but I didn’t get to click til now, and now I’m having a cigarette.
Here`s one you ladies can use. I tried it several years ago, but came to in an emergency room with shackles on. Oh Dear.
An older lady gets pulled over for speeding…
Older Woman:
Is there a problem, Officer?
Ma’am, you were speeding.
Older Woman:
Oh, I see.
Can I see your license please?
Older Woman:
I’d give it to you but I don’t have one.
Don’t have one?
Older Woman:
Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving.
I see…Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.
Older Woman:
I can’t do that.
Why not?
Older Woman:
I stole this car.
Stole it?
Older Woman:
Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.
You what?
Older Woman:
His body parts are in plastic bags
in the trunk if you want to see.
The Officer looks at the woman and slowly
backs away to his car and calls for back up.
Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car.
A senior officer slowly approaches the car,
clasping his half drawn gun.
Officer 2:
Ma’am, could you step out of your vehicle please!
The woman steps out of her vehicle.
Older woman:
Is there a problem sir?
Officer 2:
One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car
and murdered the owner.
Older Woman:
Murdered the owner?
Officer 2:
Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.
The woman opens the trunk,
revealing nothing but an empty trunk.
Officer 2:
Is this your car, ma’am?
Older Woman:
Yes, here are the registration papers.
The officer is quite stunned.
Officer 2:
One of my officers claims
that you do not have a driving license.
The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out
a clutch purse and hands it to the officer.
The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.
Officer 2:
Thank you ma’am,
one of my officers told me you didn’t have a license,
that you stole this car,
and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.
Older Woman:
Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too.
Don’t Mess With Little Old Ladies
How’s everyone this afternoon?
and i have to pack for florida
Hi Anna.
Are you still having trouble from that surgery you had earlier?
Florida at least will be warm. 🙂
im still having pain….probably scar tissue from being cut in the same place 3 times….i still have pain killers but i feel like im getting addicted so im trying not to take them….this is sucking.
thanks for asking
That’s definitely sucks. I hope you feel better soon.
How’d you make out today?
Took FMom to her appointment and we were so tired when we got back that we both knocked out for awhile.
Naps during the day are so nice. 🙂
How’re you doing today?
Like those two wombats Kidspeak posted above … 🙂 You’re going to have to get yourself a fleece baggie … unless you already have one.
Doing ok. Lots of fog on the river today and its totally dark out already at 4:30pm … :/ Going home soon.
Nope, I think I’ll have to shop around for one. 🙂
It’s started turning dark here earlier, but I like it. Being a geezer and going to bed so early, it’s good to have dark when you’re trying to sleep.
Then again, taking naps during the day has never bothered me.
But then I remembered who I was talking with … 😛
LOL … being a serial napper like you are, I imagine you could sleep just about anywhere. 🙂
Yep you’re right. Making one would be work. 🙂
Actually when I was young I could fall asleep anwhere. Now of days I like the couch.
Well, I’m off … catch up w/ ya later!
See ya later. I think I feel a nap coming on. 🙂
with special guest Darwin D. Frog