If you wonder why the netroots is unimpressed with our Senate, look no further than this:
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman strode into a Democratic caucus gathering like he owned the place or, at the very least, like someone who is a flight risk and could leave at any minute, taking the Democrats’ new majority with him.
In other words, everyone was extra-special nice to the wayward Democrat on Tuesday.
“It was all very warm, lots of hugs, high-fives, that kind of stuff,” said Senator Ken Salazar of Colorado.
Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon marveled, “One senator after another kept coming up and shaking his hand.”
And Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas noted, “I gave him a hug and a kiss.”
Mr. Lieberman received a standing ovation at a caucus luncheon after Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who is poised to become the majority leader, declared, “We’re all family.”
Look, I know that Democratic Senators can read a poll and do basic arithmetic. They saw Lamont was down in the polls, they knew that they would need Lieberman to stay in the caucus if they wanted to take over their committee chairs. I understand why they bolted on Lamont. But this crap is ridiculous. There is no need to kiss Lieberman’s ass, his lips, his cheek, or any other part of his body. Lieberman has decided to hold it against any of his colleagues that respected the wishes of the Democrats of Connecticut. What were they supposed to do?
Giving Lieberman a standing ovation is ridiculous. The moment we pick up another seat in the Senate we should strip Lieberman of his seniority and encourage him to caucus with his ideological brethren in the Republican Party.
Mr. Lieberman restated that it was possible he could join Senate Republicans, but he added, “I’m not going to threaten on every issue to leave the caucus.”
He thinks he is a kingmaker now and he keeps making veiled threats. That makes him less an ally than a menace. We’ll probably never know how many Democratic Senators are glad that Lieberman won and are truly glad to see him back amongst their ranks. But if he keeps acting like this that number will diminish. He’s acting like a first-rate asshole.
Clearly, friends say, he is relishing his sudden ascent from Democratic reject in Connecticut to Senate kingmaker in Washington. “He is just sitting there in the catbird seat, and it must be delicious for him,” Ms. [Susan] Collins said.
Our memory is long, Mr. Lieberman. And we will make sure you are in the minority no later than two years from now. You better hope that no Republican Senators die or get arrested that come from states with Democratic Governors. One more Democratic Senator and you won’t think the situation is quite so delicious.
You have proven all the people that doubted your character and commitment to the party to be right many times over. And there is nothing more unattractive than a gloating winner that carries bitterness in his heart.
Thanks for writing this. They are literally kissing Shumers ass as we write over at Dkos now. Makes me ill. It amazes me what DC has become. All in it for themselves, fuck the constituents. When is the last time they passed a bill that was good for the people. When is the last time they passed a bill good for corporate America? Really disgusting.
There were a couple of bright bulbs in there pointing out that if Schumer had actually supported Lamont, Lieberman might not be holding the Senate hostage today.
Of course, they were getting troll rated for it.
Yep, you’re right CG. I posted a challenge on Lieberman, Casey, and Dean. I doubt it’ll be there long. Hey, if Booman can be a conservative pundit, I can be a conservative troll. We must bow and scrape to the power and majesty that is Schumer, for he’s the decider when it comes to whom we must surrender our votes.
Eastcoastmoderate will chime in any time now. Hay ECM, did you relay my message to your boss? Yep, more evidence of Lieberman’s treachery over what Democrats “did” to him. (That would be validly making another choice for their nomination.) Let the backstabbing begin.
The jackass is asking Abizaid questions right now.
TBogg is on the trail: Once a Weasel, always a Weasel:
Of course Salazar’s all smiles; birds of a feather, and all that. Enjoy it now Joe, have fun Ken, the party’s just getting started and I doubt either one of you is going to high fiveing anyone after 08.
Just think how delicious it would be if Ms. Collins decided to quit the Republican party, become an Indy and caucus with the Democrats.
I think I would just about be able to hear Joe shitting his pants from here.
We need to hang on to the video clip of the disgusting spectacle of King Joe’s triumphant return to the Clubhouse. When the ’08, ’10 and ’12 primaries are lining up, the clip needs to run repeatedly until we get the clowns who fussed over King Joe out .
Maybe we need to just call his bluff. Joe is many bad things, but he’s very good at knowing what’s good for Joe. If he did caucus with the Reps he’d be going through a door with no return. The question he’ll have to ponder is whether 2 years of ego gratification is worth oblivion after that. If Joe goes with the GOP and the Dems get one or more additional Senate seats in ’08, his office will be a 4th-floor walkup. If the Reps take safe control of the Senate in 08, Joe will be regarded as a maggot to be exterminated.
Is he going to risk the Senate balance staying exactly the same in 08 to save him from the dumpster? My guess is, he’s too good at Joe promotion to fall for that. But then again, you never know what God is going to whisper in his ear. In any case, the best course is to just ignore the whiny brat.
Lieberman is not the disgrace, the disgrace is the Democratic nutroots. Lieberman gets a standing ovation yesterday. Made my heart just glow inside. Just think Boo-Man, another 6 long, wonderful years Mr. Lieberman has to make your life, and everytone who dissed him a living hell. I called it before, Joe Lieberman, KINGMAKER. Choke on that one boys and girls.
You say there is nothing more unattractive than a gloating winner. Lieberman should gloat for all the hell the Democrats put him through. Payback is a bitch, and it starts now!!!!
You’re being an obnoxious troll again, ECM.
in this post, Joe will be able to delude himself about being a “kingmaker” for 2 years max. After that it’s the oblivion express.
…Republican Senators die or get arrested that come from states with Democratic Governors.
What are the prospects for a third possibility, a defection from the Republican camp? Surely there must be some non-rats who’d like to leave a stinking ship.
BooMan, I agree with the general thrust of your argument. I do have a small problem with this statement.
Lamont’s defeat was aided by the Democratic establishment, as shown here. This election cycle makes it clear that we progressives cannot simply allow the party regulars to act for us.
But the rules are you “I’m not leaving my wingman.” ie. Lamont. You do not “cut and run” from the Democratic nominee who garned close 70% of the Democratic vote.
Al Gore’s only mistake was picking Joe Liberman as his running mate. Any Moderate Republican, who would consider becoming a Democrat…please step-up to the plate now.
As means of disrespect; no one should ever address Liberman with Sen. or Senator before his name.
Al Gore’s only mistake was picking Joe Lieberman as his running mate?
Isn’t that ENOUGH of a mistake to disquailify him from ever running for President again?
LORD, americanforliberty!!! I could smell the rot wafting off of Lieberman over the TV set fer chrissake!!! WAAAAAY back in the late ’90s.
Whaddayou, all of you Gore freaks?
KIDDIN’ me or what!!!???
He has his silver spoon stuck so far up his nose that it’s coming out of his ASS!!!
The Democratic Party.
Y’made ONE mistake and nominated someone who knew what it meant to scuffle. And you won. Surprise surprise. Twice. Too bad the common folk like to fuck around on their off hours, eh?
You won’t have to worry about THAT with Gore.
He’s too well bred.
I give up.
It is not Lieberman who is a disgrace, Booman.
He’s just a mainstram double agent, doing his job for God, money and a couple of countries.
The disgrace lies wiuh those in the Democratic Party who are WILLING to kiss his forked-tongue ass.
For ANY reason.
We are right back in Plan A Lite, Booman.
Some win.