all day. It’s not true. I cleaned up dog poop too and he had that stupid Limewire thing running so pages take forever to open. I didn’t get to blog today, I had to slog! He wanted me to go to the store and buy fat wood and I told him that real men from Wyoming knew how to build a fire without fat wood and he built a fire so big with no fat wood after I said that the the house is a sauna. He said that he isn’t from Wyoming but understands that I am:(
he would spend next week doing everything he could to accomplish that too. He loves a challenge. Once again I get it all wrong. I need to say things “Honey, I dare you to save a $1,000 that you would otherwise have spent at Lowes” or “Honey, I bet you do this all night”.
Wait a sec – I’m going to try that with Mr. Nature. “Sweetie, I double dog dare you to get out of that recliner.”……….nah, men from Tennessee aren’t competitive. Unless it’s watermelon seed spittin.
College football. He’s watching the pathetic NC State Wolfpack take on the equally Carolina, um, Tarheels today and I asked him when the REAL game was starting. He loves him some of that Wolfpack.
as a result of going to a school with a nothing football team I have never developed any interest in college football. Not even living in a state that reveres notre dame football could keep from being completely bored by college football.
after 35 years, the only thing I’ve learned is that I’m never going to get Jim to put his dirty socks in the hamper (on the floor in front of — yes, inside the effing thing — never).
I had no idea whose lyrics those were. I had to go google ’em. And may I just say, I may never had come across any lyrics about a guy that reminded me less of Jim. 😉
I’ve already been to bed and woken up. What about you? I figured you would already have your little jammys on, waiting for a bottle and bedtime story. 😛
Hi Mary. I’m glad you dropped in. With this time change it seems like I’m up at all times of the night. I’ll probably level out just before the next time change occurs. 🙂
I was talking to some friends this week about another friend who moved to Laurel about 15 years ago and we’ve never heard from her since. I realized I didn’t know where it was and I’ve been meaning to look on a map for it. I’m not sure why I thought of it right now except that you’re in the south and I just wondered where you were in relation.
Yeah it’s not to far from Hattiesburg and on the route to New Orleans. I’m sure when ej made his trip to NO that he went through Laurel. It’s not a big town, but much bigger than where I live.
Taking a glance at the above comments, all I can say is that Jewish men don’t usually build fires (Firestarter is useful when they do but why bother when there’s central heating?) but my socks are actually in the hamper.
Excellent! Thanksgiving day will be very laid back — you’ll have to meet LOTS of my family but they’re all really friendly. Much friendlier than me. I hope you like charades — because it’s a tradition on Thanksgiving to play charades. What time do you think you’ll get here? And do I need to pick you up from the airport?
Charades does always seem to make people think twice about coming to my family events. That’s why I sometimes don’t tell people about them until they’re already there 🙂
You know, I been thinking a lot about BooMan’s question about increasing readership. I’ve been poking around a bit more widely than I usually do. It’s difficult to find a distinguishing feature to develop.
I read your diary this morning & thought it was great. I could picture every image your writing evoked. I was going to compliment you this morning, but when I went to the comments on your diary, I got way too upset to do so. Some of the horrors in the comments have been bothering me all day. I had just got it out of my mind a while ago, but seeing you here I had to thank you for a good laugh this morning. It`s not that it was funny, but how you made it all real.
I mixed up the comments on my diary with a exchange I comments I had on another post. The comments on my diary were powerful. I mostly sat back and listened to the conversation between others.
I fell asleep yesterday & woke up on the couch with a slight warm pressure on my eye. I was on my side & still half asleep. I opened my other eye & saw a birds tail. I finally figured out that a little bird my wife rescued in July & who still lives in the house with us & 7 other birds, had nestled into my eye socket & went to sleep like I was a nest.
I couldn`t bring myself to wake her, so I just went back to sleep.
Last one so you guys can sleep well. This is me teaching “Iris” a rescued hummingbird how to fly. She stayed with us for months & now is a free flyer that comes to my wife`s whistle. My hand is at the bottom of the pic. Goodnight all.
What a treat! Thanks, mb. All I have to offer is a new diary I wrote tonight. I’ve been having a great deal of fun writing lately. I hope this one is posted in the right place.
Will you cross post it anywhere? I generally don’t make substantive comments here, but I try to comment on Tribber’s diaries that are cross posted to Orange.
One of my favorite authors is Dorothy Dunnett who wrote historical fiction set in Scotland. I loved her books so I was delighted when I discovered I had a Scots ancestor. My dad and I spent a wonderful day tramping around the battlefield at Culloden lookeing at the clan markers.
It’s definitely a place that I want to return to someday. I felt really comfortable there. But next time I’d like to go up the west coast and see the islands and even get to Orkney if I can.
It’s funny how you can visit some countries and feel completely comfortable and then visit others that you THINK you’ll connect to and feel … nothing. I unexpectedly loved Scotland. I thought I’d love Ireland. But I could take it or leave it.
Don’t know if you’re still up or not, but Scotland is a very special place for Gooserock and me. We went there on our honemoon and again 3 years later and sadly haven’t been back since. We’ve been married 24 years. I also have Scots ancestry.
Here’s a photo of the Gare Loch in Scotland near Northwest of Glasgow, courtesy of Gooserock.
It reminds me of funny story. I was in Scotland and I took a nap in a field. I awoke with a sheep nuzzling my hair. I was surrounded by sheep. I leapt up and starting running. I ran about 100 yards, the sheep following close behind. Then I suddenly realized I was running from sheep. Sheep. I was running from sheep. I stop turn around and yelled, “Shoo!” (We had always has cats.) The killer sheep turned tail and ran. I ducked my head and hurried away before any Scots saw me.
There’s a meteor shower? It’s cloudy here (and I’m in the city) so I doubt I’ll see anything. I’m usually in the north woods for the August Perseids — and it’s quite a show. If you see a “shooting star” make a wish for me OK?
Me, too. Love to be camping well up north for the Perseids. These are the Leonids, apparently tonight and some tomorrow night. I am going to look in a bit, but from what the weather radar shows, I don’t think we’ll see much, if anything.
You beat me to it Andi. I was just typing out that I put up a new one. 🙂
of those huge margins
that was my fault
As well you should be! You get to open the next 20 cafes. Hah! 🙂
Maybe she’s the phantom froggybottom.
I guess I could do it … but I’d have to use the pink tutu photo w/ you in it for every one of them. 🙂
you break it, you buy it!
You mean I’m finally right on something. What a grand day! 🙂
FM was there too!
Hah and double hah!
all day. It’s not true. I cleaned up dog poop too and he had that stupid Limewire thing running so pages take forever to open. I didn’t get to blog today, I had to slog! He wanted me to go to the store and buy fat wood and I told him that real men from Wyoming knew how to build a fire without fat wood and he built a fire so big with no fat wood after I said that the the house is a sauna. He said that he isn’t from Wyoming but understands that I am:(
that real men know how to build a fire using cherry kool-aid and dryer lint. That’ll buy you some time to blog.
he would spend next week doing everything he could to accomplish that too. He loves a challenge. Once again I get it all wrong. I need to say things “Honey, I dare you to save a $1,000 that you would otherwise have spent at Lowes” or “Honey, I bet you do this all night”.
Wait a sec – I’m going to try that with Mr. Nature. “Sweetie, I double dog dare you to get out of that recliner.”……….nah, men from Tennessee aren’t competitive. Unless it’s watermelon seed spittin.
Surely there’s some intense high school football rivalry you could use as inspiration.
College football. He’s watching the pathetic NC State Wolfpack take on the equally Carolina, um, Tarheels today and I asked him when the REAL game was starting. He loves him some of that Wolfpack.
as a result of going to a school with a nothing football team I have never developed any interest in college football. Not even living in a state that reveres notre dame football could keep from being completely bored by college football.
I married a fake man from the midwest — our fires are always just right. 🙂
He’s a fake man from Michigan and I give him no credit at all for it. I’m learning though….I’m learning a little more every day.
after 35 years, the only thing I’ve learned is that I’m never going to get Jim to put his dirty socks in the hamper (on the floor in front of — yes, inside the effing thing — never).
Aren’t his socks too big for the hamper?
Nah, but it would be fill up a lot sooner.
Whatta man, whatta man, whatta man
whatta mighty good man!
I had no idea whose lyrics those were. I had to go google ’em. And may I just say, I may never had come across any lyrics about a guy that reminded me less of Jim. 😉
Is anybody around at the late time of 10:45 pm. Talk about a geezerly place.
Isn’t it past your bedtime? 😛
I’ve already been to bed and woken up. What about you? I figured you would already have your little jammys on, waiting for a bottle and bedtime story. 😛
Ha! I’m young, but not that young. More like the kind of young where you stay up too late for your own good. 😛
At loose ends because there’s no campaign going? No mid-terms?
I vaguely remember those days. 🙂
Haven’t talked to you in awhile Psi. Are classes almost done for the holidays?
Hi FM. I just got home. I’m sorry you’re not sleeping well but I’m happy you’re awake.
Hi Mary. I’m glad you dropped in. With this time change it seems like I’m up at all times of the night. I’ll probably level out just before the next time change occurs. 🙂
Have you been having an exciting weekend?
I remember when you were a regular late nighter …
Where’s ej with his kegs? Poor guy might be crying into his beer tonight though and wiping his eyes with his Michigan flag 😉
I see Tracy was here — I hope she isn’t gone yet.
Judging from the timestamps of her comments, I’d say that she is.
That’s too bad, I haven’t seen her in ages. I’ve missed her.
That was so long ago when I was a late nighter. Yeah poor ej. If he will just stop drinking long enough to brink in those kegs……
Yeah I saw Tracy was here and didn’t get a chance to say hi. Hope she pops back in.
ej hasn’t done any heavy duty keg hauling in the cafe in ages. I think you and I are going to have to haul our own kegs.
How far is Laurel Mississippi from you?
I think it’s about two and a half hours. Why?
Change that. I just looked it up and it’s 1 hour and 40 minutes.
I was talking to some friends this week about another friend who moved to Laurel about 15 years ago and we’ve never heard from her since. I realized I didn’t know where it was and I’ve been meaning to look on a map for it. I’m not sure why I thought of it right now except that you’re in the south and I just wondered where you were in relation.
Yeah it’s not to far from Hattiesburg and on the route to New Orleans. I’m sure when ej made his trip to NO that he went through Laurel. It’s not a big town, but much bigger than where I live.
I just looked on Mapquest. It’s closer to Jackson than I thought.
I think it’s a little closer to Meridian which is the largest city near me.
Meridian does look closer. (I’ve always wondered how Meridian got it’s name.)
I’m not sure about the name. I do know it was a hub area for the railroad before the civil war and that it just keeps growing now.
A few facts:
Sela Ward the actress is from there. She’s really trying to get the arts going in the town.
Jimmy Rogers (the folk singer) was from there and the city has a yearly Jimmy Rogers festival.
Taking a glance at the above comments, all I can say is that Jewish men don’t usually build fires (Firestarter is useful when they do but why bother when there’s central heating?) but my socks are actually in the hamper.
Hi Boran.
I agree. Why bother when you have central air/heat. 🙂
Hay FM. Howz it goin’?
You’ll never guess, but the lawn got done yesterday. No I didn’t do it, but all the same it’s done for awhile.
What about you? Is it starting to slow down to where you don’t have to bring home work on the weekend?
Well, at least the leaves are slowing here. 😉
That’s what I like. Always look on the bright side. 🙂
Hey b2, socks in the hamper? I knew you were perfect 🙂
What’s up in NY? Will you have the day after Thanksgiving off?
Can you tell my wife that I’m perfect. 😉
I will be off, how about you?
I’ll tell her if you want, but she MIGHT think its a little strange that a total stranger is writing to her about you.
Yeah I’m off. I’m going to have a house full of people starting Wednesday. I love Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday.
So I guess that my invitation is in the mail?
Invitation? You have an OPEN invitation — you, Madame Boran and Boran2 boy. Anytime you want to come to St. Louis. Just let me know.
Great! We’ll be there Wednesday evening.
Excellent! Thanksgiving day will be very laid back — you’ll have to meet LOTS of my family but they’re all really friendly. Much friendlier than me. I hope you like charades — because it’s a tradition on Thanksgiving to play charades. What time do you think you’ll get here? And do I need to pick you up from the airport?
Oh sorry, I’m no good at charades. And I’m phobic of new people. Maybe next year. 😉
Oh that’s sad 🙁
Charades does always seem to make people think twice about coming to my family events. That’s why I sometimes don’t tell people about them until they’re already there 🙂
I think that it might be more impressive if you flew in to tell her.
True. Especially if I come unexpectedly and just show up on the doorstep one day, out of the blue. I can just picture it …
Hi, Boran, MaryB, FM.
Not everyone has called it a night yet. Or has the meteor shower brought people out?
That’s tonight? Thanks Kidspeak. A little later I’ll go out and look.
Yes, I’m a little bummed about it. It’s 1) too cold, and 2) too cloudy here to see it.
What did I expect, anyway, living in a rustbelt city?
You have a point. I haven’t been outside, but it will depend on the cold on how many I get to see. 🙂
Anybody else beside Kidspeak still up?
Hi Teach. I’m still here.
What’s keeping you up tonight?
Went to bed way to early. I actually fell asleep in my chair. Now if that’s not the height of slackdom. To lazy to get into bed. 🙂
I’ve done that too. Tonight I’ve been up writing again.
Yeah I just saw. I’ll have to wait until the morning when I can focus beter to read it.
Jesus, I just realized how pathetic that sounded, like a plug for my diary.
Hey, is it safe to get caught between Psi and LaGirl yet?
I wouldn’t say it’s pathetic or a plug. You are a good writer and I’m glad when you let us know when you’ve posted something new.
Didn’ know there were differences between Psi and LaGirl. I guess on this we’ll both have to see.
You know, I been thinking a lot about BooMan’s question about increasing readership. I’ve been poking around a bit more widely than I usually do. It’s difficult to find a distinguishing feature to develop.
What was the question?
He wanted any ideas to increase readership.
I read your diary this morning & thought it was great. I could picture every image your writing evoked. I was going to compliment you this morning, but when I went to the comments on your diary, I got way too upset to do so. Some of the horrors in the comments have been bothering me all day. I had just got it out of my mind a while ago, but seeing you here I had to thank you for a good laugh this morning. It`s not that it was funny, but how you made it all real.
Thanks, Knucklehead. Don’t worry about the comments. It’s over.
I mixed up the comments on my diary with a exchange I comments I had on another post. The comments on my diary were powerful. I mostly sat back and listened to the conversation between others.
I fell asleep yesterday & woke up on the couch with a slight warm pressure on my eye. I was on my side & still half asleep. I opened my other eye & saw a birds tail. I finally figured out that a little bird my wife rescued in July & who still lives in the house with us & 7 other birds, had nestled into my eye socket & went to sleep like I was a nest.
I couldn`t bring myself to wake her, so I just went back to sleep.
I bird nested on your eye and you slept through it? You at truly at one with nature, Knucklehead.
A bird …..? You are ….
Or very intouch with his total slackdom.
I will never reach that stage of enlightenment, oh my masters.
Total slackdom is within all of use grasshopper. You just have to reach for it. 🙂
If I reach for anything it will be the bird. Or the cat that has leapt on my face to kill the bird.
Very good idea. An eyeball is worth more than a nap. 🙂
Here she is trying to get some of my daily vegetable juice.

The cat on my lap is twitching.
Are you sure it`s the cat.

Here`s a bearded pussy.
Now I gonna dream about birds nesting in my eye socket and spectral cats hunting them.
No birds nest in my other cats` socket.

Now my dream is a nightmare.
Last one so you guys can sleep well. This is me teaching “Iris” a rescued hummingbird how to fly. She stayed with us for months & now is a free flyer that comes to my wife`s whistle. My hand is at the bottom of the pic. Goodnight all.

I’m here. Why aren’t you out looking for shooting stars?
I’ve got the same weather problems as Kidspeak. Which makes sense since she’s six feet to my right.
here’s one for you and kidspeak
What a treat! Thanks, mb. All I have to offer is a new diary I wrote tonight. I’ve been having a great deal of fun writing lately. I hope this one is posted in the right place.
Will you cross post it anywhere? I generally don’t make substantive comments here, but I try to comment on Tribber’s diaries that are cross posted to Orange.
It definitely doesn’t belong there. It’s more satire, than politics.
I understand.
One of my favorite authors is Dorothy Dunnett who wrote historical fiction set in Scotland. I loved her books so I was delighted when I discovered I had a Scots ancestor. My dad and I spent a wonderful day tramping around the battlefield at Culloden lookeing at the clan markers.
I was in Scotland in 1978. I was 19, traveling alone and staying with my aunt Kate. Frankly, the trip was wasted on me, as I was so out of sorts.
It’s definitely a place that I want to return to someday. I felt really comfortable there. But next time I’d like to go up the west coast and see the islands and even get to Orkney if I can.
It’s funny how you can visit some countries and feel completely comfortable and then visit others that you THINK you’ll connect to and feel … nothing. I unexpectedly loved Scotland. I thought I’d love Ireland. But I could take it or leave it.
Don’t know if you’re still up or not, but Scotland is a very special place for Gooserock and me. We went there on our honemoon and again 3 years later and sadly haven’t been back since. We’ve been married 24 years. I also have Scots ancestry.
Here’s a photo of the Gare Loch in Scotland near Northwest of Glasgow, courtesy of Gooserock.

It reminds me of funny story. I was in Scotland and I took a nap in a field. I awoke with a sheep nuzzling my hair. I was surrounded by sheep. I leapt up and starting running. I ran about 100 yards, the sheep following close behind. Then I suddenly realized I was running from sheep. Sheep. I was running from sheep. I stop turn around and yelled, “Shoo!” (We had always has cats.) The killer sheep turned tail and ran. I ducked my head and hurried away before any Scots saw me.
There’s a meteor shower? It’s cloudy here (and I’m in the city) so I doubt I’ll see anything. I’m usually in the north woods for the August Perseids — and it’s quite a show. If you see a “shooting star” make a wish for me OK?
Me, too. Love to be camping well up north for the Perseids. These are the Leonids, apparently tonight and some tomorrow night. I am going to look in a bit, but from what the weather radar shows, I don’t think we’ll see much, if anything.
If I do, I will make a wish for you, however.
Good to see you, in any case.It’s been a few days.
Good to see you too. I’m trying to go back to my limited blogging during the week schedule. We’ll see how well it works.
Good night all! It’s late here in NY, see you tomorrow.
Alright, I’m back…just watched a TV show I haven’t seen in a long time. Gotta get back to studying now…
but … but … but … I’M here. You don’t want to study.
Heh. 😛
So, what’s up?
whew. I thought my personality might be losing it’s magnetism.
I saw that you’re organizing a blogging project. Did you get a lot of volunteers?
Hey, Mary and FM, looks like someone is messing with the blog. Check recent comments.
I saw that. But all s/he is posting is symbols. Wonder what s/he’s up to.
I saw that too, but have no idea what’s going on.
I just saw how many comments we have. I’ll go and open a 24/7 lounge.
Do you want me to open a late night cafe?
Sure if you want to. Hint, hint. 🙂
Psi, wait! How you doing?
Glad that the semester is over. But more worried about the upcoming semester, mainly with regards to recruiting for internships.
How about yourself?
Been keeping busy with school and writing. What kind of internship are looking for?
24/7 lounge is now open.