I had my Scooby Doo moment for the day when President Bush, speaking in Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi, said there were lessons to be learned from the
divisive Vietnam war:

tend to want there to be instant success in the world, and the task in
Iraq is going to take awhile . . .We’ll succeed unless we quit.

in God’s name is he talking about?  I realize W missed the last
few months of his time with the Air National Guard during the Vietnam
War, but I had not realized, until now, that he completely ignored what
happened in Vietnam.  Mr. President.  We fought in Vietnam
for more than twelve years.  More than two million U.S. soldiers
fought there.  Almost 57,000 American soldiers died and several
hundred thousand were wounded.  We trained hundreds of thousands
of South Vietnamese troops, we killed almost one million North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong, we dropped more explosives on Vietnam then we
used during World War II, and we defolitated significant portions of
Vietnam’s rain forest. 

And what did we achieve in the end?  The United States fled the
South Vietnamese capital, Saigon, to escape the invading North
Vietnamese Army.  North Vietnam “freed” the South from yankee
imperialists and set about “reeducating” the South Vietnamese. 
News flash George.  WE LOST!