That’s always good. I need more time to sleep, but alas, there is no time for such an activity until December 14 (that’s when my semester officially ends).
From that Daily Kos thread a long time ago…what’s your pitch on why giving up on romance is a bad idea?
<groan> not this again? I thought it was funny on the Orange thread that people jumped in and told me basically to stop harassing you about romance. Like that would stop me. Ha! 😉
Does the fact that you’re asking mean you’re rethinking your position?
Well, here’s the deal. I’m extremely busy right now (academics, bank job, and launching a new blog). The female population at Penn does not impress me. Frankly, I don’t have enough time to get to know anyone all that well.
And in the past, whenever I’ve been attracted to someone, the time spent interacting with them just sends the rest of my life to hell. And then it ends badly, too. I don’t have much incentive to really go after a relationship, ya know?
I DO know. And I’m not telling you to “go after”romance. I just worry when you make statements that sound like you would slam the door in romance’s face if she found you despite your best efforts at hiding.
And I find it hard to believe that there not a single member of the “female population at Penn” has a chance of impressing you. Who do you think you are anyway?
But at this point you might as well just forget about it until next semester.
Next semester won’t be any easier…5 classes + hopefully a new job at the bank (as Chief Operating Officer) + recruiting for summer internships…outlook does not look good.
As for slamming the door in romance’s face, there has never been a single female that has sought me out. Or perhaps I assidiously avoid it. Beats me.
I’m over here — I was feeling marginal over there.
Ya know … I usually tell my guy friends that they NEED to think a little more about what they are looking for before they jump into relationships. You maybe need to think a little less. 🙂
If I may interrupt, it’s worth the time “lost.” You’d be surprised how little you miss all the things you now think are important when a relationship clicks.
I’m too serious for my own good. When everyone in your Japanese class looks at you when asked who is the ‘serious student’ in class, that can’t be a good sign. In Japanese class!
and older women would just tell you to lighten up instead of taking you seriously because you are serious. Your peers wouldn’t do that.
… I’m telling you, I don’t think you should let kidspeak’s research go to waste. Those all look like interesting women who would be good to know just as PEOPLE. Even if you were never anything other than friendly acquaintances.
I don’t even know who they are! There are 10,000 undergrads here at Penn, along with roughly the same number of grad students. I can’t just pick faces out of a crowd! 🙂
When I walk around, I usually don’t notice the people around me. There have been many a time when I’ve blown straight past one of my friends, and they either stop me at the time or let me know later that I didn’t notice them.
I’ll let you in on a secret. Lawyers engage in two kinds of arguments. Important ones — that they want/need to win. And all the rest. The joy of less-important arguments is that you don’t have to win by making a point or convincing the other person — you win by staying in the game. You may argue as though your life depended on it — but it’s not the strength of your arguments that matters. It’s just outlasting the other person.
I’m glad I could provide some enlightenment for you — it will be helpful when they make you a FP’er over there.
Anyway … yes, I’m prepared for this argument to go on for months. Until you give up because romance has found you or you leave school for your summer internship.
You better not say there’s anything wrong with older women. Otherwise a world wide alarm would go out and just about every woman on this blog would be out to chop your head off. 🙁
Night, folks. It’s nearly 3 a.m. And I’m taking Kidspeak with me. BTW, Psi, you sure ID’ed those MBA women quickly. If I didn’t know better, I’d suspect you’d already been checking them out.
hey, go look in recent comments and tell me if you think that spammer is posting something in another language. Yeah, yeah, I know you only know Japanese and not ALL other languages, but do it anyway. 🙂
Yeah, it’s a Chinese/Japanese character. The character, 好, is pronounced ‘su’ in Japanese and is part of the word that makes up ‘liked’, or the adverbial phrase of ‘to like’. 🙂
You are around enough. Well actually I would love you to be around all the time. However, whether you can get back to full time or not doesn’t matter. You already have a very taxing job and I wouldn’t want you to feel that way about the cafe too.
it doesn’t really matter to me if I stay one or not. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to sneak in and drink all the beer and egg the place just because I’ve basically quit 🙂
And if I’m around I don’t mind opening an occasional new cafe.
Well it all comes down to whatever works best for you. I will say, I’ll miss those speed of light cafes we used to have on Saturdays. But I guess a little Mary is better than no Mary. 🙂
so do you think that spammer is saying something in another language? I can’t tell if those are just random characters or if they are characters from an asian language.
I don’t recognize them as anything, but I’m no expert on Asian languages. I don’t see the point of what they are doing, but that doesn’t mean it’s harmless.
You closed just as I was posting to the Scotland thread in the previous cafe, so here’s a repeat
Re: Greetings, late night crowd!
Don’t know if you’re still up or not, but Scotland is a very special place for Gooserock and me. We went there on our honemoon and again 3 years later and sadly haven’t been back since. We’ve been married 24 years. I also have Scots ancestry.
Here’s a photo of the Gare Loch in Scotland near Northwest of Glasgow, courtesy of Gooserock.
“It does not require many words to speak the truth.” …Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
by Puget4 (Puget4 at yahoo dot com) on Sat Nov 18th, 2006 at 11:10:24 PM PST
[ Parent | Reply to This ]
We are not Scots, but are Americans of Scottish descent. With Gooserock being a Scottish accordian player, our wedding reception was somewhat like a Scottish ceilidh. We had lots of help from our native Scots friends and Americans all participating with their “party pieces”. Gooserock and I played a little in our folk band that evening.
Here are a few of us doing a Scottish Country Dance, Montgomery’s Rant. (A rant means a dance.) Gooserock is swinging me in the center.
Everyone chips in at such an event and does a little of this or a little of that, brings some food, decorates the cake. A friend did an Irish stepdance and there was some story telling and sing-along.
The Christmas fruit cakes that everyone passes around…well they end up as Scottish wedding cakes. At least that’s what ours was. A very traditional three layer fruitcake, aged in brandy soaked rags for 6 weeks, then iced in hard English icing. My two little nieces presented me with small decorated horseshoes (another tradition) which had been brought over by friends just for our wedding.
It was a very special event for us as we were/are very much in love (I can get mushy at this time of night). We wanted everyone who came to have just as much fun as we were having. I think it worked well. We have many, many fond memories.
Our Tartans? No and No. But I did make my dress. I had made it to go to Scottish country dance Tartan Balls when we were dating. It seemed most appropriate to wear it for our wedding.
That’s a GREAT picture. Now I really want to go back! I love all the lochs and the white sheep against the green hills (I try to forget that my ancestors were probably cleared for the ancestors of those sheep).
BTW — I saw your answer on the Totos the other day — thanks for the family update!
We were driving down the road and he yelled to stop the car. He jumped out and snapped this photo. Later, when I saw it I thought, Gee, and I’m supposed to be the photographer. 🙂
We’ve always wanted to go back, but haven’t made it yet.
I was in Scotland and I took a nap in a field. I awoke with a sheep nuzzling my hair. I was surrounded by sheep. I leapt up and starting running. I ran about 100 yards, the sheep following close behind. Then I suddenly realized I was running from sheep. Sheep. I was running from sheep. I stop turn around and yelled, “Shoo!” (We had always has cats.) The killer sheep turned tail and ran. I ducked my head and hurried away before any Scots saw me.
When we were in Scotland we would harass the lambs. If we were driving on those really, really narrow roads we would wait until we came right up on a lamb and then we would blow the horn. Did you know that lambs jump straight up in the air when they are frightened? hee hee
I need to go as well, as I have much work I need to do in the morning (planning to wake up and watch Webb and Tester on Meet the Timmeh). And I outlasted FM, which is really my only reason for staying up this late. 😛
Mary, we’ll continue our discussion sometime in the near future. 🙂
Fresh tables, fresh drinks, fresh staff …
Ha! I’m first! Neener neener neener 😛
Damn, I’m never first.
Yeah…me neither. Damn thing lags just at the moment when I have victory within grasp!
we could all troll rate froggybottom and make him disappear.
except for Froggybottom …
Quiet! FM in disguise does not count! 😛
OK <she says as she hides her froggybottom costume>
It was YOU! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Alright…so what’s up? 🙂
Not much. I still have lots of excess energy left over from the election. I used it to clean house today — but it wasn’t as fulfilling as canvassing.
That’s always good. I need more time to sleep, but alas, there is no time for such an activity until December 14 (that’s when my semester officially ends).
From that Daily Kos thread a long time ago…what’s your pitch on why giving up on romance is a bad idea?
<groan> not this again? I thought it was funny on the Orange thread that people jumped in and told me basically to stop harassing you about romance. Like that would stop me. Ha! 😉
Does the fact that you’re asking mean you’re rethinking your position?
Well, here’s the deal. I’m extremely busy right now (academics, bank job, and launching a new blog). The female population at Penn does not impress me. Frankly, I don’t have enough time to get to know anyone all that well.
And in the past, whenever I’ve been attracted to someone, the time spent interacting with them just sends the rest of my life to hell. And then it ends badly, too. I don’t have much incentive to really go after a relationship, ya know?
I DO know. And I’m not telling you to “go after”romance. I just worry when you make statements that sound like you would slam the door in romance’s face if she found you despite your best efforts at hiding.
And I find it hard to believe that there not a single member of the “female population at Penn” has a chance of impressing you. Who do you think you are anyway?
But at this point you might as well just forget about it until next semester.
Next semester won’t be any easier…5 classes + hopefully a new job at the bank (as Chief Operating Officer) + recruiting for summer internships…outlook does not look good.
As for slamming the door in romance’s face, there has never been a single female that has sought me out. Or perhaps I assidiously avoid it. Beats me.
I think you need to add an elective. Learn the Texas two step. You’ll be irresistible.
You’ll never be less busy than you are now. I’m just sayin that you should be open to possibilities.
What Mary said. 🙂
I’m not a person who really goes for the ‘open to possibilities’ route.
Yes I’ve picked up on the fact that you THINK you’re like that. But you’re open to possibilities on career things. And on political things.
Work and politics is completely separated, at least in my mind, from my (non-existent) personal life.
integration of the parts of your life is the key grasshopper
That’s probably why one of the aspects I’d look for in a female companion would be a somewhat rabid interest in politics. 🙂
Along with a whole host of other qualities…
I’m over here — I was feeling marginal over there.
Ya know … I usually tell my guy friends that they NEED to think a little more about what they are looking for before they jump into relationships. You maybe need to think a little less. 🙂
If I may interrupt, it’s worth the time “lost.” You’d be surprised how little you miss all the things you now think are important when a relationship clicks.
at last … backup 🙂
But check with me first, OK? If you meet my ex-wife, run like hell.
I miss enough little things as it is now, and I’m not even in a relationship! The last thing I need to do is lose more focus on the details.
She found these three Wharton business school students for you to consider.
The woman with glasses has been a field organizer for Democratic campaigns. One may be married. You should ask about that.

I think those are all MBA students. I’m just an undergrad…not saying there’s anything wrong with older women… 😛
I think you are serious enough that you would do well to get to know women slightly older than you.
I’m too serious for my own good. When everyone in your Japanese class looks at you when asked who is the ‘serious student’ in class, that can’t be a good sign. In Japanese class!
and older women would just tell you to lighten up instead of taking you seriously because you are serious. Your peers wouldn’t do that.
… I’m telling you, I don’t think you should let kidspeak’s research go to waste. Those all look like interesting women who would be good to know just as PEOPLE. Even if you were never anything other than friendly acquaintances.
I don’t even know who they are! There are 10,000 undergrads here at Penn, along with roughly the same number of grad students. I can’t just pick faces out of a crowd! 🙂
If kidspeak could find them online — I’m sure you can find them in real life. And think what fun you’ll have looking for them 🙂
When I walk around, I usually don’t notice the people around me. There have been many a time when I’ve blown straight past one of my friends, and they either stop me at the time or let me know later that I didn’t notice them.
So … maybe there ARE girls out there looking interested in you and you are blowing right past them without a second look.
Well, I usually don’t anticipate randomly starting a chat with someone while going to and from class. 🙂
Mary, you can keep arguing with me, but it’s going to be difficult for you to win this one. 🙂
I’ll let you in on a secret. Lawyers engage in two kinds of arguments. Important ones — that they want/need to win. And all the rest. The joy of less-important arguments is that you don’t have to win by making a point or convincing the other person — you win by staying in the game. You may argue as though your life depended on it — but it’s not the strength of your arguments that matters. It’s just outlasting the other person.
You never DID understand that about Armando.
Good point about Armando. I never thought about him in that light. 😛
I’m over here.
I’m glad I could provide some enlightenment for you — it will be helpful when they make you a FP’er over there.
Anyway … yes, I’m prepared for this argument to go on for months. Until you give up because romance has found you or you leave school for your summer internship.
You better not say there’s anything wrong with older women. Otherwise a world wide alarm would go out and just about every woman on this blog would be out to chop your head off. 🙁
Good call, FM. Good call. 😀
Night, folks. It’s nearly 3 a.m. And I’m taking Kidspeak with me. BTW, Psi, you sure ID’ed those MBA women quickly. If I didn’t know better, I’d suspect you’d already been checking them out.
Nah, I just have a good knack for being able to distinguish between the undergrads and the MBAs here. 🙂
Hey I’ve tapped danced in this cafe enough trying to stay out of trouble. Always glad to lend a hand.
Notice Mary saying as she hides her costume. HAH!
I was thinking of turning in my costume and keys to the cafe anyway.
I just saw this and don’t you even entertain that thought. We need you.
I’m never around anyway.
But FM is a slacker. He won’t have the energy to do it all the time! 😛
hey, go look in recent comments and tell me if you think that spammer is posting something in another language. Yeah, yeah, I know you only know Japanese and not ALL other languages, but do it anyway. 🙂
Yeah, it’s a Chinese/Japanese character. The character, 好, is pronounced ‘su’ in Japanese and is part of the word that makes up ‘liked’, or the adverbial phrase of ‘to like’. 🙂
So he likes us …?
I kinda feel like I’m the intermediary between a meeting between humans and aliens…hehe. 😛
We at least know he likes spamming the same character over and over. 🙂
You are around enough. Well actually I would love you to be around all the time. However, whether you can get back to full time or not doesn’t matter. You already have a very taxing job and I wouldn’t want you to feel that way about the cafe too.
it doesn’t really matter to me if I stay one or not. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to sneak in and drink all the beer and egg the place just because I’ve basically quit 🙂
And if I’m around I don’t mind opening an occasional new cafe.
Well it all comes down to whatever works best for you. I will say, I’ll miss those speed of light cafes we used to have on Saturdays. But I guess a little Mary is better than no Mary. 🙂
The Diebold folks always rig it so Froggybottom wins. I think froggybottom is a troll.
wonder if froggybottom ever HAS been troll rated.
Wonder if anyone would even notice if froggybottom turned up in hidden comments 🙂
Now children, it doesn’t matter who is first……..
It always matters! 😛
I wanna be first! Psi’s always first!~ you like Psi better!
You’re going to have to learn to play nice. 🙂
Your just too much of an over achiever. 😛
As a slacker, you should know the value of being first…
…to getting the best spot on the couch. 😛
As a slacker I know the value of planning. If I plan right then I get the spot on the couch.
If I don’t plan right, then I have to put out to much effort to get the spot on the couch. 😛
A true slack-master can empty his mind, follow his wah, and effortlessly find best napping zone on any sofa.
On any sofa or a rock, just as long as they are a slack master.
It’s not my fault I can’t tpye worth adam.
what’s adam worth?
so do you think that spammer is saying something in another language? I can’t tell if those are just random characters or if they are characters from an asian language.
I don’t recognize them as anything, but I’m no expert on Asian languages. I don’t see the point of what they are doing, but that doesn’t mean it’s harmless.
What Mary said. 🙂
You closed just as I was posting to the Scotland thread in the previous cafe, so here’s a repeat
Re: Greetings, late night crowd!
Don’t know if you’re still up or not, but Scotland is a very special place for Gooserock and me. We went there on our honemoon and again 3 years later and sadly haven’t been back since. We’ve been married 24 years. I also have Scots ancestry.
Here’s a photo of the Gare Loch in Scotland near Northwest of Glasgow, courtesy of Gooserock.
“It does not require many words to speak the truth.” …Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
by Puget4 (Puget4 at yahoo dot com) on Sat Nov 18th, 2006 at 11:10:24 PM PST
[ Parent | Reply to This ]
Say hello all you westerners
Hi Puget. Beautiful picture. I had a chance to go to a Scottish Wedding before I left Europe. I couldn’t go, but have always wished I had.
Yes, FM, you missed a rare opportunity.
We are not Scots, but are Americans of Scottish descent. With Gooserock being a Scottish accordian player, our wedding reception was somewhat like a Scottish ceilidh. We had lots of help from our native Scots friends and Americans all participating with their “party pieces”. Gooserock and I played a little in our folk band that evening.
Here are a few of us doing a Scottish Country Dance, Montgomery’s Rant. (A rant means a dance.) Gooserock is swinging me in the center.
Everyone chips in at such an event and does a little of this or a little of that, brings some food, decorates the cake. A friend did an Irish stepdance and there was some story telling and sing-along.
The Christmas fruit cakes that everyone passes around…well they end up as Scottish wedding cakes. At least that’s what ours was. A very traditional three layer fruitcake, aged in brandy soaked rags for 6 weeks, then iced in hard English icing. My two little nieces presented me with small decorated horseshoes (another tradition) which had been brought over by friends just for our wedding.
It was a very special event for us as we were/are very much in love (I can get mushy at this time of night). We wanted everyone who came to have just as much fun as we were having. I think it worked well. We have many, many fond memories.
oh that’s so romantic. Thanks for sharing the picture. Is that Gooserock’s clan tartan? And yours on your sash?
Our Tartans? No and No. But I did make my dress. I had made it to go to Scottish country dance Tartan Balls when we were dating. It seemed most appropriate to wear it for our wedding.
I think they are lovely. I love weddings that are very personal to the bride and groom.
I’ll see you later — I need to make myself get some sleep.
That’s a GREAT picture. Now I really want to go back! I love all the lochs and the white sheep against the green hills (I try to forget that my ancestors were probably cleared for the ancestors of those sheep).
BTW — I saw your answer on the Totos the other day — thanks for the family update!
We were driving down the road and he yelled to stop the car. He jumped out and snapped this photo. Later, when I saw it I thought, Gee, and I’m supposed to be the photographer. 🙂
We’ve always wanted to go back, but haven’t made it yet.
I was in Scotland and I took a nap in a field. I awoke with a sheep nuzzling my hair. I was surrounded by sheep. I leapt up and starting running. I ran about 100 yards, the sheep following close behind. Then I suddenly realized I was running from sheep. Sheep. I was running from sheep. I stop turn around and yelled, “Shoo!” (We had always has cats.) The killer sheep turned tail and ran. I ducked my head and hurried away before any Scots saw me.
and they were following you BECAUSE they were … sheep!
That’s a hilarious story.
Did I mention I was a 19 year old city kid at the time?
When we were in Scotland we would harass the lambs. If we were driving on those really, really narrow roads we would wait until we came right up on a lamb and then we would blow the horn. Did you know that lambs jump straight up in the air when they are frightened? hee hee
Oh Mary not you. A serial harasser. Those poor lambs. 🙂
I’m starting to doze off in my chair, so it’s time for me to hit the bed.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
I need to go as well, as I have much work I need to do in the morning (planning to wake up and watch Webb and Tester on Meet the Timmeh). And I outlasted FM, which is really my only reason for staying up this late. 😛
Mary, we’ll continue our discussion sometime in the near future. 🙂
I’m off too