Good morning, and good night (as we are just getting ready for bed).
There’s only the late night snack for the alpacas and getting some laundry off the line before the night mist settles onto it.
Oh, and Albert’s mid-night feed to keep the anvil chorus (as played on the laundry tub, washing maching, and cermaic food and water dishes) to minimum.
True, true. I spent most of my young life in Central Pennsylvania living in a 100 year old house with cellar, two stories, and an attic. We heated it with one wood burner downstairs.
So, cold is all in the feet of the beholder.
Enjoy the cold weather while you can, soon it will be March and the “novelty” will have grown thin, while the brown slush will have grown wide.
Sheesh, new blood in the cafe and I missed it. And local blood too.
It is indeed what the local weather people call a frigid morning – 41 with a 3mph breeze. That also qualifies as blustery. Everything is relative, don’t you know.
The season of the holidays is fully upon us with the dreaded Thanksgiving pouncing on the willing and unwilling this very week. Already I’m committed to multiple family dinners. Aieee! Flee, flee for your sanity.
Americans are lovely about sharing Thanksgiving. When I lived in Wyoming I spent those holidays house jumping with child in tow and I miss it. I think she does too. Multiple dinner nice, Multiple family dinners though may require Multiple Personality Disorder. If I holiday with family I can only pick one side of my family.
I can see how that would be lovely. I’ll just say that because of divorces and the like Dr.Mc. and I have far more than the average number of parents and dinner obligations and that due to various issues of mental health and conflict in my family during my childhood even one holiday dinner is more than I would prefer to have. I actually like many of the people involved, but even so I would probably be much happier hiding at home for the holidays.
that come what may that you and yours have a really wonderful Thanksgiving. Sorry it’s so stressful. We are far away from everyone now so we are doing our own thing.
some Democratic Pundit on MSNBC just called Kerry the “old face” of the Democratic party. Also said the Joe Biden is not what the Democratic party is looking for because not only was the election a spanking for Bush and cronies but as seen in Pennsylvania some Dems got tossed for being creeps. People said that they don’t want politics as usual and Joe Biden is not that fresh face. Ka Slam, wham, bam.
I’ve been around too long. I’m even used to their various slipperinesses at times. I always make excuses for my Slick Willy. Heck, we take up whole diaries predicting who is going to slick us how this time. If I were twenty something listening to these buttheads with fresh gray matter, I would say to the room, “Why Bother, look at these creeps?”
Biden – slick Joey.
Clinton – carries more baggiage into Iowa than Amtrak.
Kerry – Not. A. Chance.
Obama – Fresh, but too Frosh.
Everyone Else – Long shots except:
Edwards – I grew up in poor, rural America. He plays to poor, rural, America really well. Which is why I am a big fan.
Gore – A/7 in the pocket. Fold ’em, or bet big? What will it be Al?
Good morning, and good night (as we are just getting ready for bed).
There’s only the late night snack for the alpacas and getting some laundry off the line before the night mist settles onto it.
Oh, and Albert’s mid-night feed to keep the anvil chorus (as played on the laundry tub, washing maching, and cermaic food and water dishes) to minimum.
and pleasant (and quiet) dreams.
Good morning everyone!
We’re having a chilly, cloudy, morning here in North Carolina. Brrrrrr.
though unless you have recently moved to NC from — oh say, Marquette Michigan, I’m may not be willing to accept your understanding of chilly.
It’s a toasty 29° here. 😉
True, true. I spent most of my young life in Central Pennsylvania living in a 100 year old house with cellar, two stories, and an attic. We heated it with one wood burner downstairs.
So, cold is all in the feet of the beholder.
Enjoy the cold weather while you can, soon it will be March and the “novelty” will have grown thin, while the brown slush will have grown wide.
Good morning Andi and Rob – good night keres.
Much chillier here in the NY-area as well.
40 right now.
I’m off to get ready for work. See you all this afternoon (busy morning).
Have a good one!
I need an early start today as well.
Hi Ask. Try to not work too hard. It’s Monday, after all, and you need to ease yourself into the work grind.
Sheesh, new blood in the cafe and I missed it. And local blood too.
It is indeed what the local weather people call a frigid morning – 41 with a 3mph breeze. That also qualifies as blustery. Everything is relative, don’t you know.
The season of the holidays is fully upon us with the dreaded Thanksgiving pouncing on the willing and unwilling this very week. Already I’m committed to multiple family dinners. Aieee! Flee, flee for your sanity.
Americans are lovely about sharing Thanksgiving. When I lived in Wyoming I spent those holidays house jumping with child in tow and I miss it. I think she does too. Multiple dinner nice, Multiple family dinners though may require Multiple Personality Disorder. If I holiday with family I can only pick one side of my family.
I can see how that would be lovely. I’ll just say that because of divorces and the like Dr.Mc. and I have far more than the average number of parents and dinner obligations and that due to various issues of mental health and conflict in my family during my childhood even one holiday dinner is more than I would prefer to have. I actually like many of the people involved, but even so I would probably be much happier hiding at home for the holidays.
that come what may that you and yours have a really wonderful Thanksgiving. Sorry it’s so stressful. We are far away from everyone now so we are doing our own thing.
Likewise I hope that you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving Tracy.
some Democratic Pundit on MSNBC just called Kerry the “old face” of the Democratic party. Also said the Joe Biden is not what the Democratic party is looking for because not only was the election a spanking for Bush and cronies but as seen in Pennsylvania some Dems got tossed for being creeps. People said that they don’t want politics as usual and Joe Biden is not that fresh face. Ka Slam, wham, bam.
Yep, I couldn’t agree more. If you want to motivate young people to vote you gotta put Kerry and Biden et al out to pasture.
I’ve been around too long. I’m even used to their various slipperinesses at times. I always make excuses for my Slick Willy. Heck, we take up whole diaries predicting who is going to slick us how this time. If I were twenty something listening to these buttheads with fresh gray matter, I would say to the room, “Why Bother, look at these creeps?”
Biden – slick Joey.
Clinton – carries more baggiage into Iowa than Amtrak.
Kerry – Not. A. Chance.
Obama – Fresh, but too Frosh.
Everyone Else – Long shots except:
Edwards – I grew up in poor, rural America. He plays to poor, rural, America really well. Which is why I am a big fan.
Gore – A/7 in the pocket. Fold ’em, or bet big? What will it be Al?
Time to go to bed. Busy day tomorrow…
Goodness, I’ve been shopping all day and I need a drink. I’ll open the lounge in a few.