I’m working on a big piece involving the RFK and JFK assassinations. I don’t know if I will have it finished today. What’s on your mind? Anything that occurred in your lifetimes?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Gateway to the Now yesterday. After soaking my mindfulness in politics for one solid year and doing a hit of Gateway to the Now, I think I might be able to play tamborine for the Beatles. It was like trying acid. I have to say try because I only did it once. Was thinking about doing it again today
Eckhart Tolle MaryB, not the acid….haven’t been able to find any.
I’ve always thought of the 60s assassinations as parts of a larger whole.
There were a total of five: Medgar Evers on June 12, 1963; JFK on November 22, 1963; Malcolm X on February 21, 1965; MLK on April 4, 1968; and Bobby on June 6, 1968.
If you stop and think about this for a minute, it’s as if the American left lost all of its most charismatic and effective leaders in one fell swoop. If such a pattern of assassinations had occurred in, say, Argentina or Angola, analysts would have said that these killings appear to be part of a larger campaign to decapitate an opposition party. In fact, this is just what the Operation Phoenix boys were doing during that same period in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. Is it such a stretch to think that they may have employed such tactics against the American left? I certainly don’t think so.
Perhaps in another hundred years we’ll be able to look back on this awful period with a more critical historical perspective.
Looking forward to reading your piece, Boo. I assume you’re reflecting on the new information about Bobby that was released today.
I went to an “undoing racism” seminar years ago where part of the presentation addressed the question, “where are the African American male role models and leaders?” They gave us a list of the African American men who, in the 60’s were:
I know that no one in that room EVER asked that question again.
I may have a job on 12/1. If I do, ASAP I will contribute to this cause. Thanks to all here that have worked in various ways for this cause. And to the Booman and StephenD, a special thanks during this week of Thanksgiving.
I just suffered through listening to the moron ralph reed on NPR. I may never recover. What a whiney jerk.