photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
most of us don’t have to work.
Good morning, Andi.
Most of us don’t have to work (?). I wish! In what world is that?
You have to work on thanksgiving?
Isn’t tomorrow Wednesday? I’m a little slow this morning, but it’s two days to Thanksgiving, right?
Umm, so Tuesday is the day before Wednesday which is the day before Thurday.
Never mind, it wasn’t worth it.
Go teach some kids stuff. 🙂
I got it.
: )
but discretion being the better part of valor (or whatever), I’ll just stick to my regular good morning from here on.
I thought you were talking about the day before the day before – which in my estimation is today?
and just have a good short week instead.
I was at a John Edwards book signing, well actually volunteering at it, in Raleigh last night. Got to actually speak with Elizabeth, she really is “so nice”, as you always hear people say.
Also, I got my mom, a former NC gal, a personalized copy of his book for Christmas. So, all in all, a great evening.
I hope Edwards throws his hat in for 08.
just a head’s up; todays the final day to vote for Olivia and Catnip in the Canadian Blog Awards, Round 1….
click the maple leaf…you know what to do…:{)
Done & done. Thanks for the reminder!
voted for o but don’t know the name of catnip’s blog
I think it’s “Liberal Catnip”.
Good afternoon all. Since there’s no one here, I’ll just scarf up all the coffee and pastries. :::eating:::
they’re all yours — besides it’s lunch time.
It’s always time for coffee. 😉
All of this talk of Thankgiving and food has me lusting for a “Tofurky” – which is, unfortunately, not yet available in Oz. Most Australians have yet to figure out that vegetarians exist. Even amongst the “greenies” Aussies are mostly hearty meat eaters.
If you like mutton, Oz is the place for you.
but based on your pictures of the hiking opportunities, it’s still probably a place for me.
I recently read some hiking gurus “top ten” list, and two of his favorites were in Austraila, and one of those was in Tasmania. Everyone here who treks considers the Cradle Mountain Overland Track to be their defining experience.
If I ever get fit enough, we may spend the big bucks and go on one of the treks where porters carry all the food etc., and all you have to carry is your clothes (and in my case, camera, of course – and frankly, who needs to carry clothes other than clean underwear and socks).
My o my — yet another mindblowing image from our very own Purveyor of Wondrousness!
Do hope you’ve kicked that infection, Miss O.
Also hope our that all my froggy-flippered friends find themselves in fine, feasting fettle.
but yesterday olivia said her voice which had been almost gone was better but had an octave or two lower — so I’m now visualizing her as the Canadian Lauren Bacall.
Alas, you’ve made it even more tempting to ask for Miss O’s shutter-finger in marriage ..
let’s hope not — who knows what would happen if you made the already irresistible even more so.
I’d just aim north according to plan & then overshoot considerably.
::Bacall-like voice:: … Hello there ww and Andi! 😉
Cause I got indy to blush yesterday and it would be great if I could go 2 for 2 (hmmm, hidden meanings?)
2 for 2 … you are good! ;P
You gave me a serious case of the warm fuzzies.
or did you go to work today?
stayed home again
Still making yourself lots of twinings?
it’s been 5 days … I haven’t been out of the house in 5 days lol
to make you happy to go to work.
Of course, other going with the dogs to walk in the woods, that’s a normal week for me.
Fie & fiddle dee dee! Frankly, I should probably preview my posts pre-post (particularly pre-percolation).
Sure, now that I’ve written about Fox/O’Reilly/OJ Simpson, Fox pulls the plug on the whole deal. They were probably just waiting for me to post it.
I bow before your maginificent powers, b2!
If only. 😉
We spotted two Tiger Orchids in our bush a few days ago. When I went back the next day to photograph them, one was already gone (presumably eaten). Here’s the survivor.
The blossoms are small, less than the width of a quarter.
It looks like a giraffe!
It does, doesn’t it.
As evidenced by their names, Tasmanian orchids seem to mimic all sorts of things, like: Swan Greenhood Orchid, Hare’s Ears Orchid, Spider Orchid, Duckbill Orchid,and Flying Ducks Orchid, just too name a few.
I hereby add Giraffe-head orchid to the list.
It’s blowing a gale here in NC, and I dare say I saw icelike bits hitting my windshield this morning. I better go scoop up every gallon of milk and loaf of bread from the store shelves.
Giraffe orchid should be added to the list of names.
We have a few wild orchids around here but they aren’t really very photogenic.
Giraffe Orchid it is. Unfortunately this one was a bit chewed on, and past it’s prime – so it didn’t make a very good photo.
Most of the other orchid on our place are the fairly plain ones. In fact, it’s easy to miss them if you don’t know when and where to look, and what to look for. I’m afraid that we won’t see the Musk Orchid and Black-striped Greenhood Orchid at all this year. Even some of the trees are starting to look stressed from the lack of water, and we are barely into Spring. If we don’t get some serious rain soon, it’s gonna be a bad year for flora and fauna, and humans of course.
I’ve sent a telepathic request to the World Orgasm folks to include thoughts of rain for you in their plans. I forsee millions of people, in ones and twos, (with the odd threes or more), screamimg out,”Oh God! Oh God! Let in Rain over Tasmania! Faster! Harder! Torrents of rain! Yes! Yes! Rain! Rain! Rain! Ra-a-a-a-a-a-i-i-i-nnnn. oh, yea.”
I really think this will work.
are the gof4 different sexes?
Yes. One of each.
Good, that helps me visualize the scene at your house on 12/21.
You want to visualize fixed cats incest? Not that there’s anything wrong it. I googled “fixed cat incest” and got 260,000 hits. And that was just from Rush Limbaugh’s home computer.
I got fixed in 1977 and it sure never stopped me (but the thought of cat sex involving Limbaugh just might).
It hasn’t stopped our huge male from getting lovey with his aunts, Zena and Leo. They usually respond by whopping him upside the head and chasing him in his hideout. I heat that’s how most of Rush’s dates turn out as well.
Hey, andy, I told my FIP that tomorrow was Thanksgiving and she sent home a flyer saying that the school would be closed tomorrow through Friday for the holiday. Thanks for the idea!
thank yourself for your reading comprehension problems 😛
I was so sleepy this morning I’m not surprised I misread anything this morning.
morning talk should be limited to simple declarative sentences.
So are the kids are hopped up about T’day?
Nah, they like the days off, but they don’t understand holidays were they don’t get presents. Or at least many presents. I told them the Thanksgiving story and then the drew pictures of what the were thankful for. Several drew the typical house, flowers, grass, and sky picture. Several drew Gameboys or X-boxes. Most drew their families.
You could always show them The Adams Family Values — I know after I saw it my appreciation of Thanksgiving deepened considerably.
You really want to get me in trouble.
a side benefit. 😉
The real purpose is getting kids exposed to that movie at a young and impressionable age so that they can develop the proper attitudes toward life.
I love cartoons, I mean the ones on paper, not so much animated cartoons. Charles Addams is one of favorites. The show didn’t do too bad a job of capturing the humor, although I tended to slap stick, which is fine, but isn’t Addams. I’d show the movie to children in my family. But I rarely, if ever, show videos at school.
my favorite cartoonist is sidney harris, followed closely by george booth.
Good choices. I like Gahan Wilson, Roz Chast, and Callahan.
Come together right now over me
Only not too much rain at once, or we’ll flood. Could you amend your telepathic message to emphasize a sustained approach?
Will and …. done. I asked for an all day soak, not an East Texas Turd Floater (you know, the kind of rain that floods the outhouses.)
premature pig fetus with ears and fangs LOL
How are you (and your wrists) this evening?
wrists and me are marshaling our resources… thanks for asking…
I’ll keep that one in mind, but I doubt it will take off as the prefered name.
What about the Rorschach orchid?
Too hard to spell. And I have enough trouble with spelling as it is.
I know what you mean. I had to ask Kidspeak.
we can only try
Hello, folks. Anybody have a cup of tea handy while the bar is being cleaned up? I hope FM is feeling better.
Anybody heard from FM? We need to have the pond water tested. People are dropping like flies at the pound. (There’s a frog pond/fly joke in there somewhere, but I can’t seem to put the pieces together.)
“at the pond” — not — “at the pound”
He’s got a cold. I’m guessing we won’t see much of him till Thursday.
Yeah, I was hoping he was feeling better. I seems like a lot of us have been felled by colds and yuk lately. Do you suppose the Repub’s somehow put germs on the Democrat part of the touch screens?
Hi AndiF and Teach313! just thought I’d drop in and say hi…
It’s my only TV night. Right now I’m on a Gilmore Girls commercial break. And then after GG, Veronica Mars.
okay show’s back on. see ya.
Delayed Hello, CG! I was distracted by some work that arrived via e-mail. Must get back to it. I’ll see what’s going on a little later.
24/7 cafe opened.