There is genocide happening now. If we raised 10% of what we raised to change the regime here, we can end it
Donate Now! Save Darfur
The same tools we used to get our nation to step back from the brink of fascism can stop genocide.
Where were you during Rawanda? Where are you now? Is this fight not as important as any?
Here are three general places to give:
- iAbolish has been in Darfur as long as any organization. Stop the enslavement:
- Save Darfur is an association of nearly 200 religious groups to stop the slaughter:
3. Save the Children in Darfur
Here are five specific ways to help:
- Write an editorial for your local paper
- Find out when the tour of Darfur photos is touring your area, and support it
3. Give money
4. Help the ill, Doctors without Bordors
5. Help the hungry
We have the power to stop genocide. Let’s do it.
I posted this on Kos, and sadly, not only did no one care someone commented that none cares. Gosh, these dead people are even blacker than the ones in NOLA.
Why does big orange make me crazy and why do I go there?
Thank you for keeping this issue front and center. We must act now, though we should have done something sooner. We have no troops to help keep the peace in Darfur because they are in Iraq waging a war of aggression….sigh.
And btw, I don’t give a damn if they are black yellow pink or freakin purple with green polka dots, they are my brothers and sisters on this very fragile planet. Anyone alive who doesn’t embrace that is brain-dead while walking.
As for THE orange place, it’s to be expected… sigh.
Thanks for your entry, redwagon.
Sadly, as long as the Sudanese government rejects a UN force, there will be no effective intervention. And the big powers have little true interest in establishing sanctions. The Chinese are deeply entrenched, so no resolution of consequence will pass the Security Council.
Annan awaits Sudan letter on hybrid UN force for Darfur; UN aid chief warns of `abyss’