I found a Thanksgiving card one year that purported to show an interview with the world’s only living Pilgrim, who proceeded to inform the interviewer that, in spite of what he might have heard, the Pilgrims actually had pizza for Thanksgiving. The reporter ran right out to broadcast the news, and of course the Pilgrim was a turkey in a Pilgrim suit.
There are a lot of pictures on the Web of turkeys holding signs saying “Happy Thanksgiving” and the like. Me, if I was a turkey I would think this was in poor taste.
Hi FM, are you slacking today? I tried to get my wife to get caught up in the slack by letting me order Chinese takeout for dinner, but it didn’t work. Further effort would have been too much work.
Well, sort of. I don’t go in to work but I have some stuff I ought to do before I go back on Monday, and there’s a lot of stuff around the house to get done.
Well here are the apple dumplings, fresh out of the oven, and I couldn’t resist putting baby mathew’s pic here for this cafe. Ususally my family eats them with milk and I have none and then son called and is on his way with some MILK> Yeah, I am soooooo hungry!
My wish for today is that you are all well and happy and that you can get some rest to continue the good fight.
Of late when I’m up and/or out at sunrise and sunset I say, thinking of the political prisoners here (like the SHAC 7) and abroad, and those who are imprisoned by their own delusions (most of us):
May you/we see the next sunrise/set in freedom
May we all see the next sunrise/set in liberation
I’ve been doing a lot of lurking lately. Too much school work to grade. I have a nice long weekend. Congrats on your blog. When is the next round of voting
We were supposed to be on our way to Brooklyn now, but Madame boran forgot to turn the oven on when she was baking the corn pudding. Another half hour or so. Happy T-day to all!
You kidding? I’ve got those on. I was just noticing the other day while watching tv that looking through the regular part of the lense everything was blurred. When I raised my head to look through the bi-focal part, the images on the tv where clear. I think I need new glasses.
Hi Olivia!!!! Thank you!!!!! Yes, it is great to be back among the living again. Health wise things have turned around and now it seems the financial is getting there. I am still waiting to see if the new owners ask me to move. I hate not knowing if I have a home for more than a month.
Well, try to keep thoughts positive until we have reason to believe otherwise (a wise man once told me that). Good to hear that things are on an upswing w/ health and finances!
LOL!!! Well, the last time I went to a restuarant by myself on a holiday the waitress made me feel so pathetic about being alone I swore I would never do it again. LOL
I used to feel that way, but I got over going somewhere by myself. You should have told the waitress it was so sad to eat a holiday meal by yourself, you should get it free. 🙂
Well I figure if she can still loose her temper and get mad, then she’s doing OK. When she doesn’t get mad and loose her temper, that’s when I’ll worry.
Anyway, we don’t do it that often and let her know afterwards. What great kids we are. 🙂
Great Picture and even better when you click for the larger image. LOL That has been mine and the Diva Dog’s life for so much of this month I feel like a lsug. The only good thing about being sick is I lost over 15 lbs.
Nap was too short. I’m still waiting on the family to drop of leftovers, and FMom and I decided to have the last of the Thanksgiving pizza. They’ll get and earfull from me when they get here. 🙂
Well, that seems about right — considering you’re recovering from a pretty rugged infection (I hope)!
No, there aren’t any wild turkeys here on Miami Beach, far as I know — though the turkey buzzards are definitely here. Immense flocks perch at the top of the new stream-lined high-rises & float lazily about the upper stories — creating quite a dramatic visual. One wonders what they find to eat, considering their natural function.
When I lived in Northern California (near Lake Shasta) I once counted 45 turkeys in just one flock on our property. They loved acorns and we had hundreds of mature oak trees on 75 rolling acres.
And for those of you who might be wondering – no, turkeys are not native to California, but were introduced many years ago (around 1900, I think) as a game bird.
Wow! That’s a pretty amazing number, in my experience. Most I’ve ever seen is about 20 — winding through a narrow forest path in ones & twos (so there might’ve been more I didn’t catch from my post).
They’re quite incredible to see, really — they seem almost prehistoric.
It appears the guest of honor is plucked and cooked. Now it’s time to eat!
It appears the guest of honor is plucked and cooked
This seems pretty dubious hospitality to me.
Never said it was a good thing to be guest of honor on Thanksgiving. 🙂
I found a Thanksgiving card one year that purported to show an interview with the world’s only living Pilgrim, who proceeded to inform the interviewer that, in spite of what he might have heard, the Pilgrims actually had pizza for Thanksgiving. The reporter ran right out to broadcast the news, and of course the Pilgrim was a turkey in a Pilgrim suit.
There are a lot of pictures on the Web of turkeys holding signs saying “Happy Thanksgiving” and the like. Me, if I was a turkey I would think this was in poor taste.
Hi Omir. Happy Thanksgiving.
Hi FM, are you slacking today? I tried to get my wife to get caught up in the slack by letting me order Chinese takeout for dinner, but it didn’t work. Further effort would have been too much work.
Yep I’m slacking as best as possible. Too bad about the Chinese take out. I could do with a little of that myself. Hope you’re off work tomorrow.
Well, sort of. I don’t go in to work but I have some stuff I ought to do before I go back on Monday, and there’s a lot of stuff around the house to get done.
Well here are the apple dumplings, fresh out of the oven, and I couldn’t resist putting baby mathew’s pic here for this cafe. Ususally my family eats them with milk and I have none and then son called and is on his way with some MILK> Yeah, I am soooooo hungry!
Ya hoo Diane. Fresh apple dumplings and a cutie baby to boot. Who could ask for more.
for his cute little apple dumpling cheeks.
Enjoy your day!
Both look delicious.
What a cute baby and the dumplings look great!!!!! Happy Turkey Day!!!!
Well I feel a nap coming on. So everyone stuff yourself and have a good time.
Back in a little while.
My wish for today is that you are all well and happy and that you can get some rest to continue the good fight.
Of late when I’m up and/or out at sunrise and sunset I say, thinking of the political prisoners here (like the SHAC 7) and abroad, and those who are imprisoned by their own delusions (most of us):
May you/we see the next sunrise/set in freedom
May we all see the next sunrise/set in liberation
Good to hear from you … and I like your saying. Freedom and liberation.
I hope that all are doing well. We are taking a well-deserved rest after attending the parade in Detroit. We had a blast.
We’ll have our feast tomorrow, kind of a combination Thanksgiving and hubby’s b-day.
Haven’t seen you in awhile. How’s everyone doing?
I’ve been doing a lot of lurking lately. Too much school work to grade. I have a nice long weekend. Congrats on your blog. When is the next round of voting
Round 2 voting starts this Saturday.
Enjoy your long w/e … Is it warm there today? We finally have sun and it’s 8C.
I’ll be sure to vote.
We’ve got great weather here! It’s sunny and around 50. Sorry, I still don’t know how to say the temperature in Canadian!
I’m glad it’s nice, we’ve got just a little work to do outside.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I now need to return to studying.
No, Thanksgiving at home.
I have an ungodly amount of work to do.
Don’t forget to take a bit of a breather!
I second that.
Happy Tday Psi!!!
We were supposed to be on our way to Brooklyn now, but Madame boran forgot to turn the oven on when she was baking the corn pudding. Another half hour or so. Happy T-day to all!
To you, Madame b2 and b2boy. 🙂
Thanks and congratulations again!
to you and the family!
Happy Turkey Day Folks!!!! Just woke up from a great nap and later I will go get fast food for Thanksgiving day meal. LOL
I thought you were over forty too, rf. Have mercy on me – I can’t read that small type! 🙂
Click on the image for a larger version. LOL
Hey, no fair – it didn’t work the first time! 😛
I have heard that one before. LOL & yes I am way past 40.
For those too old to read small print or click on an image…
Thank you. Now if I get out my magnifying glass I might be able to see what it says. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!!! or at least put on your bifocals.
You kidding? I’ve got those on. I was just noticing the other day while watching tv that looking through the regular part of the lense everything was blurred. When I raised my head to look through the bi-focal part, the images on the tv where clear. I think I need new glasses.
You and me both. I will be doing all that type of thing in the new year or maybe the end of december
New glasses are on the list, but a lot of other stuff has to be done first.
I have to find a denist and a new regular doctor. I dread doing all of it but want to get it done before co-pays go up. LOL
Very smart.
I wonder what kind of stuffing they use? Or if it comes prestuffed, it’s probably made of of Big Macs, beer and Snickers.
That sounds good enough for a real turkey stuffing.
LOL I can see the snickers and hamburger stuffing recipe now. LOL
Long pig for Thanksgiving. Yum, yum!
I haven’t seen you in so long … Glad to hear that you are feeling better and I’m listening to your podcast right now. You sound great! 🙂
Hi Olivia!!!! Thank you!!!!! Yes, it is great to be back among the living again. Health wise things have turned around and now it seems the financial is getting there. I am still waiting to see if the new owners ask me to move. I hate not knowing if I have a home for more than a month.
Well, try to keep thoughts positive until we have reason to believe otherwise (a wise man once told me that). Good to hear that things are on an upswing w/ health and finances!
Thanks!!! I am trying to keep a good frame of mind but there is some other stuff behind the worry that I will not bother you with. LOL
I hope it works out. Have you started looking for other places in the meantime?
That’s a good idea, but just to get their goat, I’d find a new and better place and not worry about it all.
Then again, the way I hate to move, I would be there until they were pulling me out. 🙂
I am already looking, but things are a little tight right now so I will have to wait.
I know how that is.
Food is here!!!!!! Ya Hoo!!!!
Back later.
Enjoy the food!!!!!
Dammit it was a neighbor who has a vehicle that looks like my brothers. Arggggggggg!
now that sucks … LOL
I almost have half a mind to drive out to the farm house and cough all over everybody. That would show em. 🙂
They are waiting till after their naps.
Hey that’s my gig. I figure they should be here pretty soon.
So what fast food Thanksgiving delight did you have?
I am going to Jack in the Box later.
A culinary delight I can see. 🙂
LOL!!! Well, the last time I went to a restuarant by myself on a holiday the waitress made me feel so pathetic about being alone I swore I would never do it again. LOL
I used to feel that way, but I got over going somewhere by myself. You should have told the waitress it was so sad to eat a holiday meal by yourself, you should get it free. 🙂
maybe you should call them w/ a gentle reminder … 🙂
Nah with my family that would make them take longer. One of those, lets see how mad we can get them, things. 🙂
Patience, that’s what I need.
Okay … that’s not nice … Poor FMom!
Oh we all do it to FMom all the time. Gets her blood circulating. 🙂
That’s a strange custom you have … 😛
Well I figure if she can still loose her temper and get mad, then she’s doing OK. When she doesn’t get mad and loose her temper, that’s when I’ll worry.
Anyway, we don’t do it that often and let her know afterwards. What great kids we are. 🙂
LOL You must have the binoculars trained on the highway.
Nope where my computer is, there’s a window that looks out on the front yard and street. I can usually see who’s coming into the neighborhood.
I had this vision of you on a big old farm place miles from the road. LOL
Nope we’re close into town (pop 4000). We’re in a neighborhood about 2 miles from town. The farmhouse is about 10 miles from town and out in no where.
If I lived miles off the road do you think I would have ever worried about the lawn. 🙂
and the girl were practicing their post-holiday dinner tryptophan crash last night. I think it’s coming along nicely.
Great Picture and even better when you click for the larger image. LOL That has been mine and the Diva Dog’s life for so much of this month I feel like a lsug. The only good thing about being sick is I lost over 15 lbs.
Don’t worry, I found it. :/
I’m still waiting for the leftovers to get here. I hope to be that way in the next hour or two.
I thought that WAS your life. Minus the snuggly fleece pjs.
Well it is, but I’m usually full too. 😛
Refinish I just got though listening to you Thanksgiving Podcast. Thank you. You know this place wouldn’t be the same without you around. 🙂
How was your nap?
Nap was too short. I’m still waiting on the family to drop of leftovers, and FMom and I decided to have the last of the Thanksgiving pizza. They’ll get and earfull from me when they get here. 🙂
Won’t they still be eating?
Probably, but they should be thinking of us, not them. 🙂
You are welcome!!! I just wanted everyone to know how much this place seems like home and how important the froggies are to me.
I feel the same way. 🙂
I’ll be back in just a minute and then I’ll open a Happy Hour.
Further reason to give thanks: many, many turkeys will never see the inside of an oven.
In return, they’ll feritilize your flowers & entertain the cats.
Where’d you find these beauties? And how’s your day going?
Found ’em outside my window up north, as usual!
It’s been a fine day here, Miss O — thanks for asking.
How’s by you?
Things are good here. Can’t say I’ve done a whole heck of a lot though. 🙂
Well, that seems about right — considering you’re recovering from a pretty rugged infection (I hope)!
No, there aren’t any wild turkeys here on Miami Beach, far as I know — though the turkey buzzards are definitely here. Immense flocks perch at the top of the new stream-lined high-rises & float lazily about the upper stories — creating quite a dramatic visual. One wonders what they find to eat, considering their natural function.
we call them TVs
What do you call TV’s you watch? 😛
Yep, the very same. I like the acronym!
When I lived in Northern California (near Lake Shasta) I once counted 45 turkeys in just one flock on our property. They loved acorns and we had hundreds of mature oak trees on 75 rolling acres.
And for those of you who might be wondering – no, turkeys are not native to California, but were introduced many years ago (around 1900, I think) as a game bird.
Wow! That’s a pretty amazing number, in my experience. Most I’ve ever seen is about 20 — winding through a narrow forest path in ones & twos (so there might’ve been more I didn’t catch from my post).
They’re quite incredible to see, really — they seem almost prehistoric.
OK this cafe closed, you know how to get to the new one.
Then what? 😛
We frolic throughout the night. 🙂