Thanksgiving 1980. I’m pregnant but don’t know it yet. I make a turkey for me and my new husband. The smell makes me puke. I eat some and puke.
Then I find out I’m pregnant but we aren’t telling anyone yet and at Christmas both my mother and my ex m-i-l serve turkey which has me silently gagging for days and pretending to eat it while putting in it a napkin on my lap. I still don’t really like turkey anymore.
Well then you and Andi should have what ever you want for Thanksgiving. I haven’t talked to NDD lately, but I think lutefisk stuffed chitlins would be a nice sub.
Hope yours is happy. I do miss the big family dinners and catching up with everyone. Dinner for 34 (minus me and one other sister and our families) is at my little sister’s house back home.
It’s turning out to be our smallest ever Thanksgiving. But I’m spending it with my favorite people so that’s okay. Just wish Owen and his wife were here.
I was telling my younger sister (who will be at t’day) that our niece (in from NY) called to say that she and my nephew and his wife (in from TX) wanted to come over on Saturday morning because I get “cheated because nobody ever comes over to your house” and my sister said “but that was the plan.” It’s nice to be understood. 😉
Yep both FMom and I are staying home because of colds. In our family it’s not like we don’t see each other all the time, but it is fun to get together for any holiday. But I’ve already let them know to bring lot and lots of leftovers. 🙂
Do you think southerners celebrate Thanksgiving harder than midwesterners? I get the feeling there’s a lot of social pressure in the south to go to big gatherings? Or maybe I’m wrong.
I’m expecting lots of left overs. I’m thinking of calling out to the farmhouse and tell them to stop eating and to start packing the food up and bring it here. 🙂
I did have a piece of left over pre Thanksgiving pizza this morning. No better way to start the holiday. 🙂
Actually the whole appitite thing is out of whack, so I’m hoping the left overs will keep for awhile. Anyway, Xmas is coming up soon and that’s another big eating time at my house. I’ll get one in for sure. 🙂
This is just a note in case CabinGirl pops in — CG: my illness finally gave me the chance to listen to that mix CD you made for me while I’m here prepping dinner, and I love it! I was too sick to go to my housemate’s family’s dinner, and I was feeling really depressed about being here by myself, but this is making me feel not-alone and has put a smile on my face. Priceless. So today I’m most thankful for you, CabinGirl. 🙂
Thanks, Andi. The first forced-alone holiday was kinda nice, I have to admit, I liked just sitting around in my underwear and not having to deal with anyone else, but after years of this shit, it gets old. :} I hope you have a great visit with your family.
Hi everyone, I was up early this morning as usual and decided to make apple dumplings, usually use premade dough but this time I had to make it from scratch and then discovered I had no rolling pin, so I did the muffin pan and sortof pressed out each round, what a time consuming thing that turned out to be but now they are in the oven and cooking.
I am still in recovery from our late night cafe last night, hi Maryb.
that’s true but I don’t have a wine bottle either, I did use a glass sideways to help with the spreading.
I did have a great time last night, lots of writing, writing…
I am thankful for Bootrib especially for a place to go to talk on nights like the last one…lol or :).
Hello all,
hoping you all have a peaceful day today. I hope Olivia, Indy and Family man get to feeling better soon, and that Second Nature’s mil is alright.
Me, This is the first time in 11 years or so that I’m cooking on T-day. My wife and youngest daughter are in Maryland (1 outta 2 ain’t bad!) for the week and it’s just me, my son, and my oldest daughter…and raggedy Uncle :o) But that’s cool, he helped with the stuffing. I aready finished the pies, courtesy of Mrs. Smiff :o) Bird is roasting and the house smells good and feels nice w/the kids hanging with me in the LR. Nice and calm and…close, the way I like it :o)
Hi Super, and Olivia too. I like to see a man cooking. I am waiting for my son to come and deep fry some turkeys, he thinks he will do 3 but we will see.
I’m hoping he didn’t have a late night.
Then all I have to do is make the green bean cassarole and off to daughters where we will all gather…this year we have a new member, baby mathew who is 4 mo. old so that should make it a lot of fun with all of us cooing over the babe.
Could you resist this?
Mine is the smallest ever, super. Just me and 3 of the 4 kids. Lots of good food though, and handsome young men cleaning out my garage. What could be better?
Hey, folks — just stoppin’ by to send holiday blessings out to my dear pond-mates (present, in transit or otherwise occupied).
Hope y’all have a wonderful day today.
I’m just about to step out into a cool breeze & a bit of sunshine to help kick out my very own lingering infection.
As for celebration, I’m savin’ mine until I see snow!
Take care of yourselves today, o brothers & sisters — especially those of us who aren’t at our most chipper.
You glotta pluck before we can eat. Who wants to volunteer.
I hate plucking (kosher chickens still have pinfeathers) but fortunately I also don’t like turkey so I’ll pass. 🙂
Don’t like turkey. Oh the shame. 🙂
Thanksgiving 1980. I’m pregnant but don’t know it yet. I make a turkey for me and my new husband. The smell makes me puke. I eat some and puke.
Then I find out I’m pregnant but we aren’t telling anyone yet and at Christmas both my mother and my ex m-i-l serve turkey which has me silently gagging for days and pretending to eat it while putting in it a napkin on my lap. I still don’t really like turkey anymore.
Well then you and Andi should have what ever you want for Thanksgiving. I haven’t talked to NDD lately, but I think lutefisk stuffed chitlins would be a nice sub.
Calvin Trillin years ago started a campaign to have Spaghetti Carbonara replace turkey as the traditional Thanksgiving meal — the man is a genius.
Hey I think NDD and I have a good idea. You’ve just got to try one and then you’re hooked. 🙂
At our gatherings Turkey is there but plays second fiddle to the side dishes.
I’m glad you had no calls last night. So it’s just you and the kids today?
Yep. Sure cuts down on the stress. 🙂
Hope yours is happy. I do miss the big family dinners and catching up with everyone. Dinner for 34 (minus me and one other sister and our families) is at my little sister’s house back home.
Mmm, it smells good here. curly has just baked a buttermilk cornbread.
I’ve painted one wall in her living room.
I hope some deep and dramatic color.
How’s your m-i-l this morning?
No phone calls overnight, so that’s good.
That is good. I hope everything turn out fine.
Definitely a no-news-good-news situation.
How are you enjoying your kid-full house?
It’s turning out to be our smallest ever Thanksgiving. But I’m spending it with my favorite people so that’s okay. Just wish Owen and his wife were here.
You mean you didn’t put the guilt trip on them?
Smallest but fanciest.
I was telling my younger sister (who will be at t’day) that our niece (in from NY) called to say that she and my nephew and his wife (in from TX) wanted to come over on Saturday morning because I get “cheated because nobody ever comes over to your house” and my sister said “but that was the plan.” It’s nice to be understood. 😉
Maybe one day they will all surpirse you and show up and you all can eat and watch re-runs of the Gilmore Girls. 🙂
Niece, nephew/wife, older sister/husband, sister’s ex-husband, and our mom are all coming.
But everybody knows better than to ever even think about a surprise visit.
I see you’ve got them trained nicely. 🙂
Not really.
It’s called Gossamer Blue, quite light.
Kitchen is Greenbriar Beige.
ask I’m trying to picture the mingling of the aroma of buttermilk cornbread and paint vapors. 🙂
I figured someone would get that image…
But the paint is close to odorless.
Leave it to me. 🙂
Glad it almost odorless so you can get to whole cooking experience.
I wish I was one of those TV chefs who gets to make stuff and someone else comes along after her and cleans up. I’d probably cook more 🙂
So, food is made, kitchen is cleaned and shower is taken, I can goof off for a while.
What did you make Mary?
2 pumpkin pies and cranberry relish for today.
Did I read that you’re missing the celebration at the farm?
That sounds good.
Yep both FMom and I are staying home because of colds. In our family it’s not like we don’t see each other all the time, but it is fun to get together for any holiday. But I’ve already let them know to bring lot and lots of leftovers. 🙂
Do you think southerners celebrate Thanksgiving harder than midwesterners? I get the feeling there’s a lot of social pressure in the south to go to big gatherings? Or maybe I’m wrong.
I don’t know. In my family if you can get home for Thanksgiving and Christmas you do. It’s sort of like an unspoken rule.
I think you might be right, but with the way people move around now of day, the close knit southern communities might celebrate it more.
and had a walk but no shower yet.
And did you plan some charades?
doesn’t it? What time do you have to leave?
No — thanks for reminding me. I’m looking at my books now.
We’re leaving about 2 or so. Except for needing to help my mom with her medicare d stuff, it should be a nice day.
I think The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse should make a good charade item. 🙂
Where’s kansas? She likes this book too. And I saw she popped in last night to see my confession about how nervous I was when I met her.
How about ‘Short History of Tractors in Ukranian’ — I bet that would be tricky (and it was a really good novel, too).
I was nervous about meeting you. (Do you think that will make kansas show up?)
somebody used it when we did Mother’s day charades. It was a good one though.
I was nervous about meeting you too. It’s why I had to stop at every rest stop 🙂
Songs. Fat Bottom Girls, You Make the Rockin’ World Go Round.
ooh good!
Hope you’re all enjoying your day!
happy feeling better day or is it still too soon?
Hi Olivia.
Are you feeling better?
Hi Olivia. Feeling better?
Nope … I’m home again from work.
How are you feeling FM?
I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Have you been to the doctor?
I’ve got a 110 fever and can barely see to type, but Andi said she would make fun of me if I didn’t show up today. 🙂
No I’m feeling better than I did, but a long way from feeling good.
Have you been to the doctor?
Yep I went and saw her 2 days ago. The cold settled into my chest and turned into bronchitis. So I’m on antibiotics, inhaler and someother stuff.
What about you, seen a doctor yet?
Yikes, sounds lousy, I hope you get to feeling better soonest, Family Man.
Thanks Indy. I hope you have a good day today.
But, good that you went to see her.
No, I haven’t … it’s a cold here. The first days I lost my voice and had a sore throat, but now it’s stuffed nose, coughing, h/a, etc.
Sorry to read you’ll be missing your Thanksgiving … are you going to make something for the two of you or do you expect the leftovers this evening?
Well I hope it doesn’t get worse for you.
I’m expecting lots of left overs. I’m thinking of calling out to the farmhouse and tell them to stop eating and to start packing the food up and bring it here. 🙂
I did have a piece of left over pre Thanksgiving pizza this morning. No better way to start the holiday. 🙂
You get all the goodies w/out the work … although being sick isn’t really a good trade-off. I was just thinking, can you even taste anything?
Mmmmm … yeah, cold pizza is a good thing. 🙂
Olivia you forget who you’re talking to. I always get the goodies w/out the work. I’ll go into the kitchen from time to time and supervise. 🙂
Nope can’t taste anything, but it’s the thought that counts.
Yeah, I guess that means smell too … Kind of a bummer time to be out on both smell and taste! LOL
Actually the whole appitite thing is out of whack, so I’m hoping the left overs will keep for awhile. Anyway, Xmas is coming up soon and that’s another big eating time at my house. I’ll get one in for sure. 🙂
As long as no one else is around to eat ’em … 😉
But don’t forget to share some turkey w/ George — Does George get treats like that?
Yep. He’ll sit and stare and me and whine until I share. George will eat pretty much anything. He even likes green bean casserole.
George is hardcore … 🙂
His favorite is Italian and seedless grapes. 🙂
I can just picture him dantily taking a seedless grape between his teeth … 🙂
sorry to hear that.
This is just a note in case CabinGirl pops in — CG: my illness finally gave me the chance to listen to that mix CD you made for me while I’m here prepping dinner, and I love it! I was too sick to go to my housemate’s family’s dinner, and I was feeling really depressed about being here by myself, but this is making me feel not-alone and has put a smile on my face. Priceless. So today I’m most thankful for you, CabinGirl. 🙂
PS. Hi to everyone, and Happy Gobble-Gobble!
Sorry you are spending the day alone and very glad that CG’s mix CD cheered you up.
Thanks, Andi. The first forced-alone holiday was kinda nice, I have to admit, I liked just sitting around in my underwear and not having to deal with anyone else, but after years of this shit, it gets old. :} I hope you have a great visit with your family.
Sorry you couldn’t go to the family dinner 🙁
But you can visit with us for a while. What are you prepping?
Small dinner; just some roasted brussel sprouts, a turkey breast with veggies, and later there will be mashed potatoes and gravy.
Did you plot something challenging for charades?
see above.
Although I’m also thinking Oryx and Crake would be a killer.
I’d lose my ass at that.
yeah … an evil grin is on my face right now.
Sending virtual hugs and warm fuzzies! (A good thing in this case, so you don’t get my germs. 😉
Samething Olivia said Indy.
I’d risk it for a real hug from you, Miss O. 😉
I would too for one from you … but hopefully we’ll both be feeling great when we get the opportunity! 🙂
I gotta go do a few things and then it’s over the river and through the woods to my sister’s house.
Enjoy Andi.
you too!
Hi everyone, I was up early this morning as usual and decided to make apple dumplings, usually use premade dough but this time I had to make it from scratch and then discovered I had no rolling pin, so I did the muffin pan and sortof pressed out each round, what a time consuming thing that turned out to be but now they are in the oven and cooking.
I am still in recovery from our late night cafe last night, hi Maryb.
Me too 🙂
A wine bottle can work for a rolling pin.
that’s true but I don’t have a wine bottle either, I did use a glass sideways to help with the spreading.
I did have a great time last night, lots of writing, writing…
I am thankful for Bootrib especially for a place to go to talk on nights like the last one…lol or :).
me too
I think I need a nap though before my out of town company starts to arrive.
Hi Diane
Those apple dumplings sound wonderful.
Hi FM, I will be glad to share the dumplings when they are out of the oven, get your plates ready.
You better get ready, I’m a pig when it comes to apple dumplings. Hope you baked enough. 🙂
You’ve been busy! Bet it smells good … 🙂
Yes they do smell good, well everyone get ready, here they come, maybe I will take a pic and post it.
Hi Olivia, good to read you!:)
please post a photo … since FM and I can’t taste or smell, seeing it be very fulfilling! 🙂
You too Diane, it’s been a long time!
Hello all,
hoping you all have a peaceful day today. I hope Olivia, Indy and Family man get to feeling better soon, and that Second Nature’s mil is alright.
Me, This is the first time in 11 years or so that I’m cooking on T-day. My wife and youngest daughter are in Maryland (1 outta 2 ain’t bad!) for the week and it’s just me, my son, and my oldest daughter…and raggedy Uncle :o) But that’s cool, he helped with the stuffing. I aready finished the pies, courtesy of Mrs. Smiff :o) Bird is roasting and the house smells good and feels nice w/the kids hanging with me in the LR. Nice and calm and…close, the way I like it :o)
You all be careful out there today….
Happy T-day to you and your loved ones. 🙂
Hi Super. Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you have a most wonderful one.
Happy thanksgiving super.
Hi Super, and Olivia too. I like to see a man cooking. I am waiting for my son to come and deep fry some turkeys, he thinks he will do 3 but we will see.

I’m hoping he didn’t have a late night.
Then all I have to do is make the green bean cassarole and off to daughters where we will all gather…this year we have a new member, baby mathew who is 4 mo. old so that should make it a lot of fun with all of us cooing over the babe.
Could you resist this?
He’s as cute as can be Diane.
What a cutie-patootie! Mathew has those squeezable, kissable cheeks … 🙂
I’m diggin the Eddie Munster hairline in the front! LOL
Babies are the greatest little squeezables ever devised for grownup’s pleasure :o)
He looks like a Thanksgiving turkey! There is nothing sweeter than a plump little baby to squeeze.
Mine is the smallest ever, super. Just me and 3 of the 4 kids. Lots of good food though, and handsome young men cleaning out my garage. What could be better?
Hey, folks — just stoppin’ by to send holiday blessings out to my dear pond-mates (present, in transit or otherwise occupied).
Hope y’all have a wonderful day today.
I’m just about to step out into a cool breeze & a bit of sunshine to help kick out my very own lingering infection.
As for celebration, I’m savin’ mine until I see snow!
Take care of yourselves today, o brothers & sisters — especially those of us who aren’t at our most chipper.
Hello WW. Enjoy and I hope you feel better.
Certainly wish you the same, FM!! Thank you.
Hope you get feeling better soon!
Thank you, Miss O. Couldn’t step out without wishing you the very same. Enjoy the day as best you can!
I think I’ll open up a new cafe.
Back in a minute.