I’m not sure. It does feel different than a year or two ago, but then, I’m comfortable here now, and I wasn’t then. Watching you, and Shirl and others helped a lot. I think of the cafe as a kind of “way station”, and maybe that is Booman’s role, also. So many have gone on to develop their own blogs, or to adding to them, it seems.
But the whole nature of the b’sphere is changing, I think. Especially after this past election. Who knows what will happen?
It’s in the email, another chuckle from me, what fun tonight, I’m glad you guys were around….
Well, I guess there are no guys and I should say gals, or are there.
Where’s that damn hooka, where is manee.
Gee I want to comment on every comment in between chuckles. Odd juxtaposition isn’t it…I am just too lazy to go and get another pic.or even change the title. So why did I post diary, I wonder.
Oh BTW, to use the way back machine, let me welcome you to the site…I’ve read some of your diaries and find them quite interesting…
If I were a blogger and I was blogging, like Boston Joe said recently, I would have commented, but actually couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say.
Woosh, there seems to be my confession.
Yes you are right, I got that picture from a native american site, and I think it may have some symbolism, or may be for the beholder to supply.
Here’s another fromt he same site, this is the purifying ceremony.
You know it’s really lucky the cafe is just us guys/gals, here I go again, but I think it is possible you might have offended someone, it’s so hard to know anymore what is safe, nes’tpa….so there’s my french, perfect no doubt….lol goes without saying.
I can recall a time when someone got slammed for calling Kansans dumb or somthing, and that started a whole line of what people were offended at, well the list grew, more fights broke out about the new subjects and it went on for days and days, just like in Iraq I think some still hang on to things said in those threads. seems like thousands of years, yes?
are you two on dueling computers, are you in the same room?
May I say that you two have been charming company tonight, it is grand to spend time with you and all the others as well.
What time zone are you in.
I used to do the internet chat rooms with my ex less than three feet away. We used to joke that we talked more on line to one another than in RL. It’s fun. I’m really glad you joined our community too.
Just for the record, I’ve really enjoyed your comments and contributions to the site. I’m even more psyched to see you contibuting to our more mundane features. Welcome and I hope you stick around.
Kidspeak, I am going to answer you here, yoohoo…we moved.
WEll I wish I could have known you were lurking and I would have reached out and grabbed you for sure.
I was so into it at the time, but I lost my heart for it when I had a big fight and felt that I’d put too much into this whole blogging thing and lost my way…it became so personal, like you were in a room fighting with someone and all the rest were crowded around watching. Isn’t it funny how that is, how even tho we are invisible, we aren’t in some instrinsic way…this whole experience has made me think a lot about how we relate to people and how we judge them. Essense of that is judging by words, very interesting, dilemma for this century.
It does get personal. I was very angry at an nasty comment directed to me elsewhere on the blog. If Kidspeak hadn’t been here for me to vent to and to strongly suggest I reconsider my initial response, it would have gotten uglier real fast. But that’s also what’s makes this community valuable. People care about what is being said.
Having been in at least three big fights on the site, I learned and tried to exercise this method, I would start every reply, esp.to a nasty comment, with thank you for your comment (often I would add thoughtful)….and then go on to attempt to persuade one thing or another….this worked quite well most of the time, but there was alway to come the situation where I lost it and let fly with a reaction I usually would later regret. That’s that personal thing.
One thing good though, the fighting partners and I in each case not only mended the fences but became friends and in one case dear friend. Funny enough, guess who gave me the best advice to reach out to those I was having problems with in email, and that was Armando on DK in my first months there.
Oh I am sure of that, I must have been the only one, but there I was a neophyte, sent him and email, never thinking for one minute he would respond and them wham, there it was, the email with the little nugget of truth. I took his advice, wrote the “offender” and we quite reconciled our differences, even tho we did not agree.
Such is life. Filled with all these little pecadillos.
You must have seen some big fights here over the years. You know that at times the fights can become personal. Let them go. Do not take them personally. It really is OK to disagree with someone. Words are just words and most of us can accept that we do or do not agree on some points.
I would probably have a totally different opinion of Armando if I hadn’t spent so many years among lawyers. I’ve learned over the years that some of them are like dogs with a bone — they’ll pick away at it until there’s nothing left and don’t get in their way or they’ll take your hand off. When they or Armando are in the midst of that type of argument, I just walk away and don’t take it personally. But most of them are OK people once you get them away from their bone.
And I have trouble with just the words. I love words. But my word is with emotion, really (my research). Expressions of face, voice, body – all those things that words along don’t convey. I see this especially in flaming. Two people who know each other well can argue fiercely and not get hurt if they are face to face, but on-line, we don’t know we’ve gone too far, and mostly it takes longer to know someone.
It is frustrating to see people who I really like go tooth and claw at other people, and not let up. It is very hard to take – I can see how it is very discouraging.
And people have different styles of communicating. Some people are really good at calm analytical debate. Other people communicate by appealing to the emotions. When you can’t see each other it’s hard to judge what the other person is really thinking.
That made me think of our Socal meetup and how most everyone was exactly as I expected them to be except for Shirl, the one I had the most contact with…that was another big shocker. In that case I think it was talking to her so much and picturing her, which formed into a concrete picture after a time which didn;t jive with the actual Shirl. If I had only known her from her words it may have been different, I don’t know.
What were your experiences at your meetups.
I was so busy trying not to throw up from nervousness that I was just happy they were nice to me 🙂
That’s actually somewhat true. I get mini panic attacks when I think about meeting new people. The first bootribber I met was kansas and I remember feeling sick to my stomach as I walked into the hotel lobby and tried to find her. As usual, I was fine once we started talking.
I’ve improved. I used to simply not be able to meet new people at least 50% of the time. I’d just back out. Or not show up. The idea of being seated next to someone I didn’t know at a wedding reception — horror.
Now I force myself to show up at least 99% of the time. I allow myself that occasional slip for when things are really bad. I show up, but feel really sick first 🙂
If it helps any, I get that too. I went to the So-Cal meet-up and was terrified that everyone would hate me. Turns out, we were all older women wanting to change the world (except for ManEgee, who is even sexier in person).
Really, I’m not sure what I was worried about, guess mostly about not having my special sleeping arrangements, not my preferred food, actually being away from home. Don’t like to do that anymore.
Also I was worried about surviving it, you can’t believe what it takes for us old folks to galavant around.
Sure, I said I was going to bed, but here i still am…lol….I am a little wild and crazy tonight.
I could live with the change in schedule, but I felt old and fat and ugly. Meeting y’all made me realize how stupis and shallow my fears were. It also made me realize that Boomantibune is not just a bunch of kids talking crack. :>)
Well, if Kidspeak isn’t gone, I’m going to encourage her to post a story. I love a story and I love to share stories. I think we all have stories and sharing them is good for the soul.
When I was a kid, holidays were way too much pressure and often bring back bad memories. So one year at Christmas, my mom and dad started fighting. They went to their bedroom so as to not hurt us kids, but we all knew what was going on. So, the four of us went to their room and entered and began singing “Silent Night”. They were speachless and Christmas was saved. :>)
Ok, not the best story, but I’m just trying to get the storytelling flowing! :>)
That’s a nice story. Whenever people ask me for a story my mind goes completely blank. Actually whenever anybody asks me a direct question my mind goes blank.
Such pressure! This is reminding me of being a freshman in college, and placing into an advanced composition and conversation class in Spanish. The other 7 students were seniors, some Spanish majors. First, day, the prof said each of us had to deliver a short speech about some very familiar, ordinary topic – homespun, even (he smiled at me).
OK. I decided to talk about my cat, who I was missing intensely.
I was last, fortunately. The other 7 topics, by the other 7 students? I remember only the first 3 or so:
A short comparison of Nietzche and Stalinist philosophy.
Existentialist roots in Platonic thought.
Japanese No drama as a model of cultural transmission.
Mercifully, the class was over just before it was my turn. I dropped the class on my way out of the building.
Not quite. But I did try out for the college musical that term, and made the cast. Loved it. Stayed out very late every night – almost this late! Skipped too many classes, ended up on sco pro. Parents very angry!
Oh well, I wouldn’t be doing what I am today if I’d been a good girl then.
Well Ya’ll I just noticed the time and am feeling it too, so I think I will meander off to bed, have a good night all and I will see you on the morrow…
Maybe even I will do a diary!!!! Yeah that’s what I always say!
but it is 3:30am today, and I’ve been up grading papers since way early yesterday. Good-night, and I hope all of you have a good day in the (rest of the ) morning and onward.
We must do this again, and I am serious! G’Night, you all.
I’ll bet everyone here $50.00 that Maryb posts before I do, she’s that fast.
So how’s about this cafe, what do you think, does it need a rehab.
I’m not sure. It does feel different than a year or two ago, but then, I’m comfortable here now, and I wasn’t then. Watching you, and Shirl and others helped a lot. I think of the cafe as a kind of “way station”, and maybe that is Booman’s role, also. So many have gone on to develop their own blogs, or to adding to them, it seems.
But the whole nature of the b’sphere is changing, I think. Especially after this past election. Who knows what will happen?
Ha! Where’s my %50 ?
It’s in the email, another chuckle from me, what fun tonight, I’m glad you guys were around….
Well, I guess there are no guys and I should say gals, or are there.
Where’s that damn hooka, where is manee.
“I’m a guy,” he said, in very butch voice.
You know I knew that, but then for some reason I thought you had said goodnight….see it’s all about the H@#$%^ maybe I should have a drink?
I would title the diary “true nighttime confessions,” and I would post a more provocative reproduction.
Gee I want to comment on every comment in between chuckles. Odd juxtaposition isn’t it…I am just too lazy to go and get another pic.or even change the title. So why did I post diary, I wonder.
Oh BTW, to use the way back machine, let me welcome you to the site…I’ve read some of your diaries and find them quite interesting…
If I were a blogger and I was blogging, like Boston Joe said recently, I would have commented, but actually couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say.
Woosh, there seems to be my confession.
I just looked at that picture. Are those squirrels pulling them? Squirrels? Or am I wrong?
They’re just filling in while the rabbit is resting.
Yes you are right, I got that picture from a native american site, and I think it may have some symbolism, or may be for the beholder to supply.

Here’s another fromt he same site, this is the purifying ceremony.
I do hope this not disrepectful, as I would never wish to offend, but I thought it was crap game.
You know it’s really lucky the cafe is just us guys/gals, here I go again, but I think it is possible you might have offended someone, it’s so hard to know anymore what is safe, nes’tpa….so there’s my french, perfect no doubt….lol goes without saying.
I propose declaring the Cafes “No Taking Offense Zones.”
Cafe Motto: We’re all friends here, so lighten up.
If you’re bothered by someone, either tell them, then get on with it, or just move to another table, err, thread. What’d ya think?
I can recall a time when someone got slammed for calling Kansans dumb or somthing, and that started a whole line of what people were offended at, well the list grew, more fights broke out about the new subjects and it went on for days and days, just like in Iraq I think some still hang on to things said in those threads. seems like thousands of years, yes?
My late mother was from Kansas and she was a saint.
I see my spouse’s evil twin is here tonight.
are you two on dueling computers, are you in the same room?
May I say that you two have been charming company tonight, it is grand to spend time with you and all the others as well.
What time zone are you in.
She’s six feet to my right on her own computer.
I used to do the internet chat rooms with my ex less than three feet away. We used to joke that we talked more on line to one another than in RL. It’s fun. I’m really glad you joined our community too.
Thanks. Its been fun, but man, it’s late. Have a good Thanksgiving, all and sundry!
Just to be very clear, Diane, Teach’s mom is 1) from Philly, and 2) alive and well.
She’s not a saint either, but KS is too polite to say that.
Just for the record, I’ve really enjoyed your comments and contributions to the site. I’m even more psyched to see you contibuting to our more mundane features. Welcome and I hope you stick around.
Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments. I also enjoy the site, and I look forward having more fun in the future.
Kidspeak, I am going to answer you here, yoohoo…we moved.
WEll I wish I could have known you were lurking and I would have reached out and grabbed you for sure.
I was so into it at the time, but I lost my heart for it when I had a big fight and felt that I’d put too much into this whole blogging thing and lost my way…it became so personal, like you were in a room fighting with someone and all the rest were crowded around watching. Isn’t it funny how that is, how even tho we are invisible, we aren’t in some instrinsic way…this whole experience has made me think a lot about how we relate to people and how we judge them. Essense of that is judging by words, very interesting, dilemma for this century.
It does get personal. I was very angry at an nasty comment directed to me elsewhere on the blog. If Kidspeak hadn’t been here for me to vent to and to strongly suggest I reconsider my initial response, it would have gotten uglier real fast. But that’s also what’s makes this community valuable. People care about what is being said.
Having been in at least three big fights on the site, I learned and tried to exercise this method, I would start every reply, esp.to a nasty comment, with thank you for your comment (often I would add thoughtful)….and then go on to attempt to persuade one thing or another….this worked quite well most of the time, but there was alway to come the situation where I lost it and let fly with a reaction I usually would later regret. That’s that personal thing.
One thing good though, the fighting partners and I in each case not only mended the fences but became friends and in one case dear friend. Funny enough, guess who gave me the best advice to reach out to those I was having problems with in email, and that was Armando on DK in my first months there.
That was NOT my experience with Mr. A!
Oh I am sure of that, I must have been the only one, but there I was a neophyte, sent him and email, never thinking for one minute he would respond and them wham, there it was, the email with the little nugget of truth. I took his advice, wrote the “offender” and we quite reconciled our differences, even tho we did not agree.
Such is life. Filled with all these little pecadillos.
You must have seen some big fights here over the years. You know that at times the fights can become personal. Let them go. Do not take them personally. It really is OK to disagree with someone. Words are just words and most of us can accept that we do or do not agree on some points.
I would probably have a totally different opinion of Armando if I hadn’t spent so many years among lawyers. I’ve learned over the years that some of them are like dogs with a bone — they’ll pick away at it until there’s nothing left and don’t get in their way or they’ll take your hand off. When they or Armando are in the midst of that type of argument, I just walk away and don’t take it personally. But most of them are OK people once you get them away from their bone.
And I have trouble with just the words. I love words. But my word is with emotion, really (my research). Expressions of face, voice, body – all those things that words along don’t convey. I see this especially in flaming. Two people who know each other well can argue fiercely and not get hurt if they are face to face, but on-line, we don’t know we’ve gone too far, and mostly it takes longer to know someone.
It is frustrating to see people who I really like go tooth and claw at other people, and not let up. It is very hard to take – I can see how it is very discouraging.
And people have different styles of communicating. Some people are really good at calm analytical debate. Other people communicate by appealing to the emotions. When you can’t see each other it’s hard to judge what the other person is really thinking.
That made me think of our Socal meetup and how most everyone was exactly as I expected them to be except for Shirl, the one I had the most contact with…that was another big shocker. In that case I think it was talking to her so much and picturing her, which formed into a concrete picture after a time which didn;t jive with the actual Shirl. If I had only known her from her words it may have been different, I don’t know.
What were your experiences at your meetups.
I was so busy trying not to throw up from nervousness that I was just happy they were nice to me 🙂
That’s actually somewhat true. I get mini panic attacks when I think about meeting new people. The first bootribber I met was kansas and I remember feeling sick to my stomach as I walked into the hotel lobby and tried to find her. As usual, I was fine once we started talking.
I used to have this exact response. It’s pretty much gone at this point, however.
I’ve improved. I used to simply not be able to meet new people at least 50% of the time. I’d just back out. Or not show up. The idea of being seated next to someone I didn’t know at a wedding reception — horror.
Now I force myself to show up at least 99% of the time. I allow myself that occasional slip for when things are really bad. I show up, but feel really sick first 🙂
Yes, everybody has this response upon first meeting me.
If it helps any, I get that too. I went to the So-Cal meet-up and was terrified that everyone would hate me. Turns out, we were all older women wanting to change the world (except for ManEgee, who is even sexier in person).
Really, I’m not sure what I was worried about, guess mostly about not having my special sleeping arrangements, not my preferred food, actually being away from home. Don’t like to do that anymore.
Also I was worried about surviving it, you can’t believe what it takes for us old folks to galavant around.
Sure, I said I was going to bed, but here i still am…lol….I am a little wild and crazy tonight.
I could live with the change in schedule, but I felt old and fat and ugly. Meeting y’all made me realize how stupis and shallow my fears were. It also made me realize that Boomantibune is not just a bunch of kids talking crack. :>)
Well, if Kidspeak isn’t gone, I’m going to encourage her to post a story. I love a story and I love to share stories. I think we all have stories and sharing them is good for the soul.
When I was a kid, holidays were way too much pressure and often bring back bad memories. So one year at Christmas, my mom and dad started fighting. They went to their bedroom so as to not hurt us kids, but we all knew what was going on. So, the four of us went to their room and entered and began singing “Silent Night”. They were speachless and Christmas was saved. :>)
Ok, not the best story, but I’m just trying to get the storytelling flowing! :>)
That’s a nice story. Whenever people ask me for a story my mind goes completely blank. Actually whenever anybody asks me a direct question my mind goes blank.
As I recall, you told us a nice story! Surely you have another one! :>)
I did? Tonight?
Oh no…it was a while ago, maybe last spring, but I may be confusing you with another member. I remember a lake, a cabin and a fire. :>)
whew! I told you my mind goes blank — I couldn’t even know for sure that I HADN’T told you a story tonight!
But we are all ears should you wish to tell a story! :>)
That was Sienfeld. Remember? Kramer & the Cuban cigars?
Silent night/Stille Nacht was what the Germans & British sang on that famous Christmas during WWI.
Well if I hadn’t already told my Transvestive Love Triangle story, I might have something better…c’est la vie. :>)
I hope it’s better than my Transsexual version of the gift of the Magi. I’m not allowed to tell that one anymore.
Such pressure! This is reminding me of being a freshman in college, and placing into an advanced composition and conversation class in Spanish. The other 7 students were seniors, some Spanish majors. First, day, the prof said each of us had to deliver a short speech about some very familiar, ordinary topic – homespun, even (he smiled at me).
OK. I decided to talk about my cat, who I was missing intensely.
I was last, fortunately. The other 7 topics, by the other 7 students? I remember only the first 3 or so:
Mercifully, the class was over just before it was my turn. I dropped the class on my way out of the building.
Those people sound really boring; I hope you signed up for something with people who were more fun 🙂
Not quite. But I did try out for the college musical that term, and made the cast. Loved it. Stayed out very late every night – almost this late! Skipped too many classes, ended up on sco pro. Parents very angry!
Oh well, I wouldn’t be doing what I am today if I’d been a good girl then.
ROFLMAO!!! Oh thank goodness for the bell! Goddess knows I have been saved by the bell myself.
Thanks for the memory.
Well Ya’ll I just noticed the time and am feeling it too, so I think I will meander off to bed, have a good night all and I will see you on the morrow…
Maybe even I will do a diary!!!! Yeah that’s what I always say!
Me too or I’ll never get done tomorrow what needs to be done AND enjoy myself later.
See you everyone!
but it is 3:30am today, and I’ve been up grading papers since way early yesterday. Good-night, and I hope all of you have a good day in the (rest of the ) morning and onward.
We must do this again, and I am serious! G’Night, you all.
Hugs to you and Teach both. Thanks for the laughs. I’m off to bed myself, so hugs to everyone else too.