I’m hoping that everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  Our’s was quite…I take this time to think about those who were not at our table.  And also to think about others who have empty places to.

I think back to Vietnam, and those that never made it home.  Friends I grew up with that never got a chance to grow old, who died…not fighting for some abstract believe of freedom…but for each other. Children they never got to see grow into fine aduts with children of their own.  Grandchildren they never got to hold…to spoil.

Then I look at those in Iraq and Afganistan today.  Those that have died…as in wars past, and those that I’m sure are yet to come.  These people to, dying before their time, leaving children behind that they will never see grow into adults.  

I guess if I had one wish for this Thanksgiving it would be this.  Just once, to have a leader that would think about the empty places around tables, all over this nation, that their war causes.  The children most of all.